Plugin Detective – Troubleshooting Conflicts


Plugin Detective helps you troubleshoot issues on your site quickly and easily to find the cause of a problem. Once the culprit is found, the problem plugin can be quickly deactivated. You can even fix your site when it has the white screen of death (fatal error). You’ll want to have Plugin Detective installed, so if your site crashes from a conflict or bad plugin update, you can get it back up and running quickly!

We’ve all been there – something’s broken on your site. You’ve looked around the web for advice about what to do and have stumbled across the typical wisdom – deactivate all your plugins and then re-activate them one-by-one, checking your site for the problem after each reactivation.


Sure, it works. But who has time for that?

Find Plugin Conflicts with Detective Otto Bot

Detective Otto Bot walks you through solving your case one step at a time, all from one single screen.

Just open up a case and tell Detective Otto where you’re seeing the problem. If there are any plugins that are required for your site to run correctly, tell Otto about those too.

Then Otto will interrogate the suspects and keep track of clues, checking in with you from time to time. All you need to do is answer “Yes, it’s fixed” or “No, it’s still broken” each time. Otto does the rest and finds the culprit in just minutes.

Best of all – Plugin Detective can work even if you’re just seeing the White Screen of Death on your site or if all you can see are PHP errors. See the FAQ’s for how to access plugin detective and log into WordPress even if you can’t get to your login screen.

Once Otto has identified the culprit, you can quickly deactivate the troublesome plugin and go about your day.

Who Can Use This Troubleshooting Tool?

Plugin Detective is a tool that requires no coding experience or technical knowledge to use. For that reason, Plugin Detective is the ideal troubleshooting and conflict-checking tool for:

  • Any WordPress website owner
  • Developers and technical support engineers
  • Plugin and theme owners and their support teams

Debug Tool Features

  • Strategically activate and deactivate plugins on your site to help you find the plugin causing trouble
  • Open Plugin Detective for troubleshooting on any page on your site – both in the backend and the frontend!
  • Choose any subset of your active plugins as the baseline for your testing

Loved by Plugin Support Teams

The Simply Schedule Appointments and Draw Attention support teams love to share this conflict-checking tool with their customers.
Plugin Detective makes it easy for their clients to debug performance issues and figure out plugin conflicts in a jiffy!


  • Troubleshoot link on the admin bar
  • Welcome screen
  • Seeing the problem on Otto's screen
  • Marking the key witnesses (required plugins)
  • Testing Otto's screen to see if the problem is still there
  • Culprit found! Option to disable the problem plugin


Manual Installation

  1. Upload the entire /plugin-detective directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate Plugin Detective through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


How do I use Plugin Detective?

Install Plugin Detective. Then from the WordPress admin, you’ll find Plugin Detective under the Tools menu.

Alternatively, you’ll find a Troubleshoot link added to your admin bar. Click this link on any page, admin or front end, to troubleshoot an issue you’re seeing on that page.

I just see errors or a white screen. Can I still use Plugin Detective to troubleshoot what’s gone wrong?

As long as you can still access your hosting account, you can install Plugin Detective via FTP. We’ve included instructions for Manual Installation on the Installation tab.

Once Plugin Detective is installed, head to You’ll be asked to log in with your WordPress username and password just to make sure you have the right permissions and then Detective Otto Bot will step you through troubleshooting just like always.

How does Detective Otto figure out which plugin is breaking my site?

Detective Otto learns from you. While interrogating the different suspects, Otto will check in with you to see if the issue is still happening on your site or not. You just need to answer “Fixed” or “Broken” after Otto makes a change.

Each of your answers provides Otto another clue that he is able to use to narrow down the list of plugins to find just the one that’s causing the problem.

What if it’s not easy to see what’s broken?

There’s no time limit on the clues for Otto. Some issues are more complex than others. You can use the embedded screen Otto provides you to step through several steps to see if the issue appears, or you can even open your site in a new window and step through whatever steps it takes to replicate the problem you’re having. Once you have the answer – minutes or even hours later – you can tell Otto either “Yes, it’s fixed” or “No, it’s still broken”.

Is this faster than me troubleshooting my plugins manually?

Yes, it’s much faster. Robots can be really fast at figuring out puzzles like these, and Detective Otto Bot is no exception. Rather than disabling your plugins one-by-one, Otto can disable groups of plugins, and use your answers to quickly narrow the scope of his investigation using binary search (a fancy robot term for saving you time).

I told Detective Otto that the problem was fixed, so why is he still interrogating suspects?

Likely Otto was interrogating a group of suspects at the time. The clue that the problem was fixed only narrows it down to the suspect being in that group. Give Otto a couple more rounds of interrogation, and he’ll find the exact plugin that’s causing your problem.

Does Plugin Detective work on multisite installs?

No, we don’t support multisite yet. We wanted to get Plugin Detective out there for people to use as soon as possible, but there’s a good amount of work to do before it will support multisite. As you may know, multisite can get a bit complicated.

With a single install, it’s easy to determine which plugins are active and manipulate them. With a multisite, there are network-activated plugins and plugins at the site level. And theoretically Plugin Detective could be run the whole network, or just looking at a single site. And there are permission differences between a network admin and a site admin. So it will take some work for us to support all that. We want to see how much interest there is in supporting multisite, and get some feedback from multisite users to understand what would be most useful for them and how they’d use it.

If you’re reading this, you likely want to use Plugin Detective to troubleshoot multisite installs. Please send us an email ( to let us know you’re interested and answer a few questions to help us build this the right way:

Would this just be a tool for you (the network admin)? Or would you want your site admins to be able to run it (and I assume they could only test their site-activated plugins, not disable any that you’ve network-activated?)


8 de diciembre de 2022 1 reply
As recommended, I set up a staging site and ran the plugin. It tells me "getting your site" for more than one hour already. I don't think it is doing anything because my server load is not a tiny bit higher than usual. How can I give more than zero stars for nothing? An error message or a progress bar would be the minimum that I expected.
11 de septiembre de 2022
This worked like a charm. Please continue supporting and developping this plugin. Thanks a lot, tried everything for an hour and you did it in two minutes!
23 de julio de 2022
This plugin is a massive timesaver. You can have a site with 100 plugins and identify the problematic plugin in a matter of a minute or two. Thank you for creating this !
24 de mayo de 2022
This plugin's description claims that it has NO EFFECT on how the site will appear to visitors — guess what? That’s a complete lie. It disabled my theme, deleted my main menu, deleted my homepage sections, and made widgets completely disappear. I don’t even know what I can touch at this point because I don’t know yet how it did its damage. This is a disaster. Don’t trust this plugin. UPDATE: No, this really isn’t freaking funny. I can’t get my theme to come back. The site is stuck in troubleshooting mode, even when it claims to be out of troubleshooting mode, I come back to the plugin detective’s setting page and I see that the site is still in trouble shooting mode. WTF did your plugin do to my site? Honestly, what am I supposed to do? My theme thinks it’s a fresh install. I’ve been fine tuning this site FOR YEARS. I have clients who expect to see their ads in the places I promised them. The ONE reason I gave Plugin Detective a try was that it promised to not affect viewer experience. Not only did it fail on that count, but I LITERALLY DON’T KNOW if there’s some magic setting I have to revert or if I really have to start with a fresh freaking install of my theme and site that MY USERS WON’T RECOGNIZE and CAN’T NAVIGATE. I’m afraid that if I start trying to rebuild from scratch, I might make things worse due to reasons I can’t predict. UPDATE II Finally out of troubleshooting mode, but the site is still a disaster. Somebody needs to take this plugin out back and shoot it.
2 de mayo de 2022
Le plugin qui m'aura le plus aider pour des test sur mon site, il te détecte tout les plugins et procède par éliminations jusqu'à ce que le bug ne soit plus présent et te trouve le plugin coupable. Je recommande fortement !


4 de abril de 2022 1 reply
403 error
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Registro de cambios


  • Fixed for WP 6.1 compatibility


  • Fixed for WP 5.9 compatibility


  • Fixed for WP 5.8 compatibility


  • Fixed for WP 5.5 compatibility


  • Fixed fatal error with WP 5.2 and some themes


  • Fixed warning on PHP 7.3


  • Fixed compatibility with servers running older than PHP5.5


  • Fixed issue on some sites where there are redirects or irregularities with vs


  • Added internationalized strings for future translation


  • Improved support for HTTPS/HTTP issues on some sites


  • Improved support for installs with wp-config.php outside of webroot


  • Added support for sites that use wp-config-local.php
  • Added support for Pantheon hosting config
  • Added support for Pagely (wp-config-hosting.php file)


  • Added warnings for multisite
  • Improved searching for ABSPATH


  • Fixed for sites with wp-content/ in a different location (make sure to define WP_CONTENT_URL and WP_CONTENT_DIR in wp-config.php)
  • Fixed for sites with wp-content/ in a new location
  • Added warning for iThemes Security users who need to adjust settings in order to use Plugin Detective
  • Improved handling of https/http connections and mixed content warnings
  • Added support for wp-content/plugin-detective-config.php (it will load before the Plugin Detective Troubleshooting app, so any required constants can also be defined there)


  • Improved handling of unusual location for wp-config.php file


  • Fixed issue with WordPress installs located in subdirectories
  • Improved handling of unusual formatting in wp-config.php file


  • Fixed issue with “back to WP” button in upper-left corner reactivating the plugin you just deactivated in the final step after the culprit is identified


  • Fixed issue with unusual define() syntax in some wp-config.php files


  • Fixed issue with required plugins not staying active during all tests


  • Fixed issues with older PHP environments


  • First release