eCommerce Product Catalog Plugin for WordPress


eCommerce Product Catalog is a beautiful, easy-to-use, 100% responsive, and free product catalog plugin for WordPress eCommerce or a simple product catalog website with a request for a quote functionality.

With eCommerce Product Catalog plugin, you can:

  • Display products anywhere on your WordPress website with or without price and custom parameters
  • Fully customize product display with WordPress Customizer, template files or CSS
  • Organize products into multi-level categories, tags, and multiple product catalogs
  • Filter the products in many different ways to give your customers what they are looking for
  • Add product search and get your products found easily
  • Import & Export your products with a CSV spreadsheet
  • Let your visitors request a quote for all or selected products from the product catalog
  • Enable full WordPress eCommerce functionality at any time to create a shop or online store with or without payments
  • Many, many more features with dozens of compatible free and premium plugins

All with beautiful design and user-friendly functionality for all WordPress eCommerce needs.

Product Catalog Demo

Great product catalog plugin for full eCommerce or simple request a quote WordPress website

eCommerce Product Catalog plugin is a powerful, highly customizable, and simple solution that works with any theme and most of WordPress plugins. It will make your web development even more effective.

Easy-to-use for Beginners & Fully Customizable for Power Users

Expect high-quality code, beautiful design, and detailed documentation, which is an excellent value for skilled professionals and for newbies less experienced in web development.

Product Catalog Documentation

eCommerce Product Catalog is built from the ground at impleCode. The plugin, documentation, and the extensions are in constant development. New features, tweaks, and fixes come regularly.

This e-commerce WordPress plugin is an excellent solution for those who look for an easy way to implement product management to the WordPress website.

Product Catalog Support

eCommerce Product Catalog is supported on WordPress forums, Premium Support, and has documentation publicly available.

Product Catalog Compatibility

This eCommerce store like solution works with any theme and most of WordPress plugins. It is based on custom post types.

Make sure to try our responsive product catalog WordPress theme. The Catalog Me! theme will let you create a great website with simple customizer features.

Product Catalog FEATURES

Read all about eCommerce Product Catalog features on the impleCode website.

Unlimited number of products

Add as many products to the catalog as needed. Your catalog can display 10, 100, 1000, 10 000, 100 000 or more products. The product display will be divided into pages.

There are eCommerce Catalog users with hundreds of thousands of products displayed without any issues on the performance.

SEO Friendly eCommerce Plugin

Give the site a nice boost in search engines with SEO optimized product pages. There are all meta tags and rich snippets included. Also, a product feed is generated by default.

You can also modify them with your custom template or use a third-party SEO plugin for more titles and meta tags optimization.

eCommerce Product Catalog is compatible with all major SEO plugins out of the box! You can create a sitemap and manage meta tags for all WordPress eCommerce pages.

User-Friendly Product categories

Organize your product catalog using categories easily with well-known WordPress categories screen.

If you know how to use WordPress post categories, there will be no learning curve to use them in the product catalog.

You can display as many multi-level product categories as you need! All of them can have an image and a description. You can list Product Categories on the main product listing or with [show_categories] shortcode.

Intuitive Catalog Settings

eCommerce Product Catalog works well out of the box in most cases. However, if you need some adjustments, you can fully customize the product catalog display in settings.

You will be able to:

  • set colors of various product catalog elements on a product page or product display
  • define custom labels, headers, and all product catalog text output
  • choose product display design
  • disable or enable price and set the currency and format

And much, much more… out of the box!

eCommerce Product Catalog Shortcodes

eCommerce Product Catalog comes with a variety of shortcodes so you can show products and display related data anywhere on the website.

Two main shortcodes:

  • [show_products] – to show product catalog products
  • [show_categories] – to display the product categories on the home page or any other WordPress page

See catalog docs to see more shortcodes.

Lightbox Gallery on product image

Yes, we all like the fancy effects! You can display a product image in a lovely lightbox gallery. It comes with the eCommerce Product Catalog plugin out of the box.

However, we realize that this is not a requirement for all the projects, so you can easily disable it in the settings. You can also use any third-party lightbox with some templates adjustment.

Product Attributes & Custom Fields

Many product catalogs require some parameters table for quick comparisons. With eCommerce Product Catalog you can specify as many attributes or custom fields for each product as you need.

You can also easily disable this feature in settings or during the initial configuration.

Product Shipping

Do you need a simple shipping management option? Now you have it! You can specify shipping options for each product, which can have a custom label and price.

If you are setting up a catalog for digital products or handling shipping differently, you can also disable this feature in settings or during the initial configuration.

Color & Size Change

The Catalog Design tab in catalog settings will let you quickly switch the color scheme.

No more hassle when you switch your theme, and the styling does not match anymore!

3 Product Listing Templates

Choose from 3 completely different product listing templates to match your blog, store, portfolio, restaurant menu, or company website needs. You can select one product display template globally and use a different template for each product list or inventory generated with a shortcode.

2 Product Page Templates

eCommerce Product Catalog plugin comes with two completely different product page templates:

  • Simple template – with almost no styling! Great if you want to design it with your own hands.
  • Tabular template – great looking template with fully responsive product tabs

168 currencies available

Choose from 168 different currencies defined out of the box or insert a custom currency.

Customizable Price Formats

Choose from 4 different price formats to suit any currency needs. You can also add any text after the price.

Drag-and-Drop functionality

Highly intuitive interface to manage Product Attributes and Shipping Options.

eCommerce Product Catalog Widgets

eCommerce Product Catalog plugin comes with various WordPress widgets, which you can place in your theme widget areas

  • Product Category Widget – show all product categories in CSS customizable list. The widget also has several customization settings;
  • Product Search Widget – give the users a useful product search function;
  • Product Sort Widget – Change the product listing order;
  • Categories Filter Widget – Filter products display by category;
  • Product Price Filter Widget – Filter product list by price;

Completely Customizable Design

You can use the Customizer CSS feature to modify the catalog styling. We also create a unique docs page when we place useful CSS snippets.

You can also create custom templates for all product catalog output on your blog, portfolio, simple company website, or full-featured eCommerce site. It’s as easy as adding a folder in your theme directory.

Please see the custom templates docs for details.

Ability to Disable the e-commerce functionality

You can easily disable price, shipping, or any other product element. It’s convenient to show the products without a price.

Cross Browser Compatibility

We take care of the compatibility in all major browsers: IE7, IE8, IE9, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera

eCommerce Product Catalog looks excellent on all screen sizes and operating systems.

Product Listing Page

You don’t even have to place any shortcode to start using eCommerce Product Catalog. Just choose a page to display the products, and all of them will appear there with superior styling out of the box.

Product Breadcrumbs

We all know that navigation is critical for complex product catalogs. Now you can use SEO friendly product breadcrumbs.

You can also disable them if it is not useful for your project.

Product Import & export

With eCommerce Product Catalog you can easily import and export an unlimited amount of products to a CSV file.

Responsive Layout

Product listings and product pages are fully responsive unless your theme does not prevent it. In case it does contact us directly, we will help for sure!

Display Products with a Shortcode

Use the shortcode to show products whenever needed on the website. Just paste on any page: [show_products] and watch all products in place of the shortcode.

To show products from just one category, use: [show_products category=”2″] where 2 is category ID (it’s possible to display several categories by inserting comma-separated IDs).

To list products by IDs, use: [show_products product=”5″], where 5 is the product ID.

Product Catalog without Price

Easily disable price from both front-end and back-end by switching one setting.

eCommerce Product Catalog Extensions

This WordPress e-commerce plugin is extensible. The feature-packed extensions are that what makes the eCommerce Product Catalog plugin a more specialized solution. Browse the extensions.

Some extensions examples:

Product Reviews – activate rich reviews for your catalog products.

Product Gallery Advanced – Customize multiple image product gallery and use the product slider. Show product slider anywhere on the website with a slider shortcode.

Quote Form – Add ‘request a quote’ feature to your product pages with a quote button and fully customizable quote form. Perfect for product catalogs or particular products without a price.

Order Form – Get ‘buy now’ orders for your priced products. Boost your eCommerce Product Catalog conversion rate with an innovative, fully customizable order form. This powerful extension allows you to sell individual products by adding an order button to each product page. Best when you need to offer one product at a time.

Shopping Cart – full-featured shopping cart with advanced customization options. Transform your product catalog to a Web Store! High usability measures, product variations, smooth experience, and more!

Upload PDF – Quickly attach multiple PDF files to products and make them available to download on product pages

Product Manufacturers – Manage product manufacturers & brands on a separate screen and easily assign them to products. Show manufacturers or brands catalog on your website.

And many more extensions already available and in constant development. You will never be limited!

WooCommerce Catalog Integration

Now you can also display your WooCommerce store with an excellent eCommerce Product Catalog plugin layout. Use WooCommmerce Catalog Booster to achieve that!

With Quote Form or Quote Cart extension, you will enable a tremendous WooCommerce request for a quote functionality. A WooCommerce quote button was never easier to achieve!

Get involved

Developers can contribute to the source code on the eCommerce Product Catalog GitHub Repository.


  • English – default, always included.
  • Bosnian – Thanks to Faruk
  • Bulgarian – Thanks to Valentina & Koceto
  • Croatian – Thanks to Vedran
  • Dutch – Thanks to Pieter & Chippie & Maas & Tim
  • Finnish – Thanks to Hannu
  • French – Thanks to Denis & James & Antoine
  • German – Thanks to Peter & Toby
  • Greek – Thanks to Giorgos
  • Hebrew – Thanks to Ahrale
  • Hungarian – Thanks to Orsolya
  • Italian – Thanks to Fabio & Pietro
  • Japanese – Thanks to Diginatu
  • Norwegian – Thanks to Oyvind
  • Polish – Thanks to Norbert
  • Romanian – Thanks to Alex
  • Serbian – Thanks to Ogi
  • Spanish – Thanks to Andrew, Norbert, and Josu
  • Turkish – Thanks to Tahir
  • Your translation? – Send it in

International Keywords

catalogo de productos, katalog produktów, wtyczka eCommerce, plugin eCommerce, plugin de comercio electrónico, le catalogue des produits, productcatalogus, produktkatalog, каталог продукции, sklep, boutique, tienda, winkel, Geschäft, магазин

Note: All our plugins are localized/translatable by default, which is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. For translating, we invite you to join this essential impleCode translation project.

Plugin Usage Examples

The following list shows some of the examples of successful eCommerce Product Catalog implementation:

  • Flowers catalog
  • Electronic devices catalog
  • Animals, pets catalog
  • Clothes catalog
  • Shoe catalog
  • Golf accessories catalog
  • Electronic services store
  • Industrial devices catalog
  • Glasses catalog
  • Billiard tables catalog
  • Bread, bakery Catalog
  • People, professions, photographers catalog
  • Chairs catalog

Privacy & GDPR

eCommerce Product Catalog doesn’t use cookies or local storage in the default configuration. A PHPSESSID or _wp_session cookie is only used if you enable Quote Cart or Shopping Cart. This cookie will store the session id (a random string) to make the cart functionality work correctly.


  • Default product catalog archive.
  • Default product page.
  • Plain product page
  • Classic grid product catalog archive.
  • Classic list product catalog archive.
  • Product edit/add screen.
  • Product catalog settings.


This plugin provides 15 blocks.

  • Product Name
  • Related Products
  • Catalog Search
  • Catalog Category Links
  • Show Products
  • Active Filters
  • Catalog Sort
  • Short Description
  • Show Catalog
  • Catalog Category Filter
  • Product Image
  • Show Categories
  • Catalog Size Filter
  • Catalog Price Filter
  • Price Table


Minimum Requirements

  • WordPress 3.5 or greater (The latest version is always recommended)
  • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater (PHP 7.3 or greater is recommended)
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater (MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended)

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of impleCode eCommerce Product Catalog, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type “impleCode” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our product catalog plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking Install Now. After clicking that link you will be asked if you’re sure you want to install the plugin. Click yes and WordPress will automatically complete the installation.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves downloading our product catalog plugin and uploading it to your web-server via your favorite FTP application.

  1. Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
  2. Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin.


Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.

If on the off-chance you do encounter issues with the product catalog pages after an update you simply need to flush the permalinks by going to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and hitting ‘save’. That should return things to normal.


Is it possible to use eCommerce product catalog without eCommerce functionality?

Yes, just leave the product price empty and you will disable eCommerce functionality.

Are there any payment gateways?

By default eCommerce Product Catalog works without online payments.

There are payment gateways available on the extensions page.

Will eCommerce Product Catalog work with my theme?

Yes. eCommerce Product Catalog will work with any theme but in some cases may require some styling to make it match nicely. Please see Theme Integration Guide for help.

Why product image is not working?

If you cannot add product image it means that your theme is not supporting featured image feature. Please see WordPress Codex.

How to change category prefix “All”?

To change category prefix or any other front-end text go to product settings > Front-end labels and change to empty or any value.

Where can I request new features, themes and extensions?

We are available on the support forum and through impleCode website.

Where can I report bugs and contribute to the project?

Bugs can be reported on the support forum.

How to disable AJAX on filter widgets and pagination?

If you prefer page reload instead of AJAX functionality place the following code in your child theme functions.php file:

add_action(‘ic_epc_loaded’, ‘my_epc_mods’);

function my_epc_mods() {
remove_action( ‘enqueue_main_catalog_scripts’, array( ‘ic_catalog_ajax’, ‘enqueue_styles’ ) );

Where can I find impleCode documentation and user guides?

Documentation is available here.

Is this an eCommerce plugin?

Yes, you can select from 4 available modes: web store, inquiry catalog, affiliate catalog or simple catalog to show products.

What’s the difference between eCommerce Product Catalog and classic eCommerce plugin (e.g. store)?

This can be a store but it is not limited to it. It’s main purpose is to present products or services on the website in a convenient and easy to manage way. It’s more lightweight than most of eCommerce Plugins. It’s commonly used for company pages or blogs with product catalogue. It’s easily CSS customizable and has 3 themes for product listings in the default version. It can be configured to work with product quotes (for products without price), order forms (for product with price), payment gateways, PDF specifications and even separate catalogues with separate menus in admin.


16 ខែ​កុម្ភៈ, 2023
Support has always been top notch. Highly recommend this product.
16 ខែ​កុម្ភៈ, 2023
Works great and has alot of features even in the free version. I did end up purchasing a license since I wanted to be able to customize a bit easier.
6 ខែ​កុម្ភៈ, 2023 1 reply
Generally it works fine to me, but there is a few issues I dont know how to manage... sometimes different persons reported to me that after adding product to the cart - it was found empty, no matter which browser are they using. Secondly - no support for payment by card is added (only PayPal), no PayU or Przelewy24 for polish customers.
28 ខែ​កញ្ញា, 2022
super, simple, clair, efficace 🙂
Read all 236 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“eCommerce Product Catalog Plugin for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“eCommerce Product Catalog Plugin for WordPress” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “eCommerce Product Catalog Plugin for WordPress” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


Use EPC Translate Project to add new or fix the existing translations in eCommerce Product Catalog. Use Premium EPC Translation Project for all the extensions.

3.3.10 – 22/03/2023

  • Extensions compatibility update

3.3.9 – 17/03/2023

  • Translations fix
  • Security fix

3.3.8 – 13/03/2023

  • New line character changed in files

3.3.7 – 20/02/2023

  • Privacy checkbox in the Quote Cart mode

3.3.6 – 15/02/2023

  • Checkout form validation improved

3.3.5 – 03/02/2023

  • Security fix

3.3.4 – 02/02/2023

  • New active filters block and widget
  • Now the plain template is the default one if blocks editor is enabled for products
  • Fixed the CSS for the grid on some server configurations
  • Latvian language introduced for some strings thanks to @davidprais

3.3.3 – 02/12/2022

  • Fix tooltip JavaScript error in admin

3.3.2 – 25/11/2022

  • New block hooks for additional settings in future upgrades

3.3.1 – 15/11/2022

  • Fix the new blocks on the widgets screen

3.3.0 – 14/11/2022

  • New product gallery block to display a product image
  • New short description block
  • New product name block
  • New block styling options

3.2.0 – 07/11/2022

  • Dynamically fetch the state list when the country is selected in checkout
  • Number field removed from the inquiry checkout
  • Welcome screen improvements for WordPress 6.1

3.1.0 – 31/10/2022

  • Multiple WordPress blocks added to display the catalog parts
  • WordPress 6.1 compatibility update

3.0.72 – 14/10/2022

  • Filters performance improvements
  • Welcome screen design improvement
  • Security update

3.0.71 – 11/10/2022

  • Fix the price table block dependencies
  • Security update

3.0.70 – 08/10/2022

  • Security update

3.0.69 – 27/09/2022

  • Session handling improvements
  • Price block introduced
  • Fix double add to cart button for free products

3.0.68 – 30/08/2022

  • Support for filtering multiple shortcodes on one page using the filters bar

3.0.67 – 23/08/2022

  • Theme integration improvements

3.0.66 – 16/08/2022

  • Fix the per_row parameter for the show_categories shortcode

3.0.65 – 22/07/2022

  • Stop showing empty list message when unnecessary

3.0.64 – 14/07/2022

  • Improved performance on the front-end and in the admin side
  • Improved size filter

3.0.63 – 07/07/2022

  • Improved filters handling

3.0.62 – 30/06/2022

  • Cart cache support improvements
  • Mutlilingual support improvements

3.0.61 – 24/06/2022

  • Improved product block editor
  • Additional classes for attributes table
  • Order edit screen styling improvements

3.0.60 – 13/06/2022

  • Improved session handling

3.0.59 – 13/05/2022

  • WordPress 6.0 compatibility update

3.0.58 – 28/04/2022

  • Magnifier and lightbox position fixed when body width is applied

3.0.57 – 15/04/2022

  • Session handling improvements

3.0.56 – 08/04/2022

  • Fix the plugin activation notice

3.0.55 – 07/04/2022

  • AJAX filters handling improvements
  • SiteGround CSS and JS optimization compatibility

3.0.54 – 17/03/2022

  • Elementor compatibility update

3.0.53 – 15/03/2022

  • Multiple improvements for event better performance
  • Improved ajax filters handling

3.0.52 – 07/03/2022

  • A new [catalog_filters_bar] shortcode to show the catalog filters bar widget area

3.0.51 – 17/02/2022

  • Improved default product image assignment
  • Attributes sanitization changed to allow links in values

3.0.50 – 11/02/2022

  • Fix page title on search results page for some themes

3.0.49 – 07/02/2022

  • Fix recent price formatting issue when decimal is set to comma

3.0.48 – 04/02/2022

  • The query for uncategorized products fixed
  • Fix the price without decimals

3.0.47 – 26/01/2022

  • Fix styling error in product details when the formatted template is active
  • Ability to filter private products when logged in with the correct capabilities

3.0.46 – 24/01/2022

  • Display more items in related categories section
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9

3.0.45 – 17/01/2022

  • Fix catalog container width for some themes

3.0.44 – 13/01/2022

  • A new option to display only main categories without loose products on main listing page
  • Separate label for free shipping

3.0.43 – 16/12/2021

  • Fix error when adding a new product

3.0.42 – 10/12/2021

  • Fix product duplication issue on some configurations
  • Multiple code adjustments for even better performance

3.0.41 – 03/11/2021

  • New Product Attributes PRO addon compatibility

3.0.40 – 02/11/2021

  • Performance improvements on search and filters
  • Added div container to wrap all catalog content

3.0.39 – 18/10/2021

  • Performance – use WordPress object cache for some queries

3.0.38 – 12/10/2021

  • Fixed rare error on outdated PHP versions

3.0.37 – 28/09/2021

  • Improved multiligual support (Polylang)

3.0.36 – 15/09/2021

  • Improved optimization for mobile

3.0.35 – 06/09/2021

  • Improved multiligual support

3.0.34 – 13/08/2021

  • Fix catalog blocks on widgets screen

3.0.33 – 12/08/2021

  • Divi Builder compatibility improved
  • Size filter performance improved

3.0.32 – 27/07/2021

  • Fix missing data on individual product page for some configurations

3.0.31 – 23/07/2021

  • Improved Elementor support

3.0.30 – 21/07/2021

  • WordPress 5.8 compatibility update

3.0.29 – 09/07/2021

  • Fix the category description HTML

3.0.28 – 22/06/2021

  • Fix template issues with structured data enabled

3.0.27 – 14/06/2021

  • Attributes sorting improved

3.0.26 – 21/05/2021

  • Improved price summary on the order edit screen
  • Improved tax rounding options

3.0.25 – 10/05/2021

  • Fix the number showing up in header for some configurations

3.0.24 – 10/05/2021

  • Fix catalog blocks selector styling
  • Set duplicated product as draft
  • Automatically fill the user data in checkout if available

3.0.23 – 13/04/2021

  • Fix Elementor compatibility

3.0.22 – 09/04/2021

  • PHP 8 compatiblity

3.0.21 – 22/03/2021

  • Display free shipping options when shippping price set to zero

3.0.20 – 11/03/2021

  • Ability to edit labels for size and weight
  • WordPress compatibility update

3.0.19 – 04/03/2021

  • Checkbox for privacy terms acceptance if WordPress privacy terms page is configured
  • Order history date format according to WordPress settings

3.0.18 – 12/02/2021

  • Security – fixed nonce check

3.0.17 – 09/02/2021

  • Variations selector fixed

3.0.16 – 03/02/2021

  • Ability to enable Gutenberg editor for product description
  • Improved support for non latin characters in catalog slugs
  • Theme breadcrumbs compatibility improvements
  • Product search and product categories blocks added

3.0.15 – 12/01/2021

  • Fix breadcrumbs data attributes

3.0.14 – 22/12/2020

  • Compatibility update

3.0.13 – 09/12/2020

  • Fix the unnecessary popup message on product edit screen in WordPress 5.6

3.0.12 – 09/12/2020

  • Fixed saving zero values on product edit screen
  • Improved page builder and theme support
  • WordPress 5.6 compatibility update

3.0.11 – 26/11/2020

  • Outdated PHP compatibility errors fixed

3.0.10 – 18/11/2020

  • Support for payment gateways in web store mode

3.0.9 – 04/11/2020

  • Multilingual compatibility improvements
  • Product filters fix for certain configurations

3.0.8 – 21/10/2020

  • Better Elementor support
  • Ability to force the category page header display

3.0.7 – 16/10/2020

  • Affiliate button support for products without price

3.0.6 – 13/10/2020

  • Fix eCommerce Product Catalog pagination on some configurations

3.0.5 – 12/10/2020

  • Translation improvements

3.0.4 – 05/10/2020

  • eCommerce Multilingual compatibility improvements

3.0.3 – 28/09/2020

  • improved theme integration to support more themes

3.0.2 – 24/09/2020

  • Minor eCommerce Product Catalog styling adjustments for better theme compatibility

3.0.1 – 10/09/2020

  • Category filter fixed on product search

3.0 – 27/08/2020

  • 3 additional eCommerce Product Catalog catalog modes: shopping cart, quote cart and affiliate button
  • New initial configuration tutorial and screen
  • Navigation bar added on category edit and product edit screens

See changelog for all versions.