Working in the office

Returning back to office after your maternity leave takes some adjustment, as you now have your child's routine to think about, too.

Here's some advice on how to cope, and how to organise family life and childcare.

How can I fit my work around childcare?

There are a range of childcare options that you can choose from. Some of them are:
Talk to other parents before making a decision. This will give you an idea about types of childcare available, and the variety in quality and cost.

Whichever childcare option you go for, it is worth considering booking your childcare for a bit more time than you need. It could help to take the pressure off you.

For example, if you know you should be able to get back by 6pm, arrange for them to finish at 6.30pm. This will give you plenty of time to finish your work for the day, and allow for delays in your commute. It will also give you some time to talk to your child's caretaker about how your child is coping and what activities he has been doing.

How can I keep up with my workload if I can't work for long hours?

  • Show that you are committed to your job, but make it clear that you need to keep to strict working hours. This should give you time to get your work done, and allow you to have enough time with your child after returning from office.
  • Ask to be given as much advance notice as possible if you are required to work for longer hours or take a business trip. This means that you can be prepared with your back-up plans to take care of your child. Also, you can be mentally prepared to being away from your child for a longer period.
  • If you find yourself overloaded with work, try to find a way to prioritise or delegate to a colleague.
  • Try to keep your mind off from the worrying thought of how your child is coping without you while you are working. Try and stay focused on your job. Call your baby's caretaker during the day only if you really need to. Otherwise chances are that you might end up calling exactly when your child is crying, making you worry for the rest of the day.
  • During the first few days after you return to work, you may ask your child's caretaker to call you when your child is sleeping or quietly playing. This way you may feel reassured.

How can I plan for times when I need to work for longer hours?

Sometimes you may have to work later than planned at short notice, so be prepared for this. If you have to work late, call your child's caretaker to let them know. Don't just assume that the caretaker won't mind staying on for an extra hour.

If your child's caretaker can't look after him that late, then have a back-up option ready. Have back-up childcare lined up well in advance, so it's simple to organise when needed.

If you have to work very late occasionally, due to a meeting for example, see if your child's caretaker can fit in with this. If they can't, perhaps arrange for your husband or a family member to take care of your child as a temporary option.

How can I get used to working life again?

Trying to stay focused on your job when you are worried about your child or missing him badly. It will take some time for you to get back into working life. So ease this process by putting a favourite photo of your child on your desk.

You might cry when you part with your child, even if you know that he will be happily playing as soon as you leave. This is natural, so don't feel embarrassed.

Talk to colleagues at work who have young children and who can understand how you are feeling. You will need as much support as you can while you get used to your child being away from you.

You may well feel tired and stressed for the first few weeks as you get used to your new routine. Try to have early nights. If your child wakes in the night take turns with your husband to put him back to sleep again.

Plan your cooking in advance. You could try cooking simple meals during weekdays and leave elaborate meals for weekends.

If you are really hard pressed for time, hire a cook who can come at a time convenient to you. Your cook can also prepare meals for your office tiffin as well as your husband's. This will take some pressure off you in the mornings. You may also need to curtail your social life for a while, just until you are used to being back at work.

Are there any other strategies that would help me cope with the transition?

  • If possible, keep to strict hours at work so that you can get home on time.
  • Use your coffee or lunch break to call home and check on your baby. Save detailed discussions about your child's activities for later, when get back home in the evening.
  • Instruct your child's caretaker to call you or your husband in case of any emergency. Give her a list of emergency numbers that she can keep in a safe and easy to find place.
  • Keep phone numbers of your immediate neighbours and a couple of stay-at-home mums in your neighbourhood. They may be able to help in case of an emergency or if something needs to be handled urgently before you can get back home.
  • Be prepared for some resentment from colleagues who don't have young children and watch you leaving early. Try your best to stay on top of your work and give no cause for criticism.
  • Try not to bring your work home.

How can I keep on top of my workload if I can't work long hours?

You can still show that you are committed to your job, but make it clear you need to keep to strict working hours. This should give you time to get your work done, and allow you to leave promptly to collect your child from childcare.

If you find yourself overloaded with work, you may be able to find a way to prioritise or delegate to a colleague. Or you could talk to your boss and work out how to share out the extra work.

You may also share your thoughts and know how other mothers have dealt with this situation through our community forums.

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Dhivya Valerian
Becoming a mum brought out Dhivya's editorial skills, which she put to use by joining BabyCenter India as a writer.

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