Jun 6, 2022

Aiven Service Level Agreement

Our Service Commitment

Aiven is committed to providing fault-resilient database and messaging services with automatic recovery and self-healing capabilities. Aiven’s automated management software and skilled personnel are monitoring and managing all Cloud Services and will react to system failures, updates, critical security patches, and other anomalies to minimize their impact to the Cloud Services’ availability or performance.

Aiven will provide the Cloud Services with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.99% during a calendar month ("Service Level Objective" or "SLO"). In the event Aiven does not meet the SLO, the Customer will be eligible to receive Service Credits as described below. This Aiven Service Level Agreement ("SLA") states the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Aiven to meet the SLO.


"Critical Bug" means a software bug that could potentially cause severe negative impact on the service, such as customer service data corruption or unavailability of the primary functions of the service.

"Security Update" means a fix to a known security vulnerability that could be used to compromise the service level provided, work around the service access controls or in other way negatively affect the service.

"Downtime" means a period of time when the Cloud Services have no external connectivity.

"Downtime Period" means a period of one or more consecutive minutes of Downtime. Partial minutes or intermittent Downtime for a period of less than one minute will not be counted as any Downtime Periods.

"Monthly Uptime Percentage" means the total number of minutes in a calendar month, minus the aggregate number of minutes of Downtime of all Downtime Periods taking place during the month, divided by the total number of minutes in the month.

"Periodic Maintenance Update" means the maintenance updates applied to the Cloud Service during a maintenance window. Aiven shall inform the Customer of any Periodic Maintenance Updates at least seven (7) days in advance and will use its reasonable efforts to minimize the impact on the Cloud Services. Periodic Maintenance Updates do not typically cause any noticeable impact on the Cloud Services but may sometimes cause a short period of lower service performance or Downtime which shall not exceed 1 hour.

Service Credits

If the Downtime is caused by a failure in Aiven's software or operations, the Cloud Services of Startup, Business and Premium levels are provided with the Service Credits covering thirty (30) times the amount of the Downtime Period that exceeds the amount of the Downtime Period allowed by the SLO. The amount of the Service Credits provided to the Customer for Downtime Periods having taken place during a calendar month may not exceed in aggregate the value of the fees charged from the Customer for the same Cloud Services during the three (3) preceding calendar months.

All Downtime Periods and applicable free Service Credits are calculated by Aiven. If a dispute arises with respect to the amount of the Service Credits to be provided to the Customer, Aiven will make a determination in good faith based on its system logs, monitoring reports, configuration records, and other available information, which Aiven will make available for auditing by the Customer at the Customer’s request.

The Service Credits will be provided in the form of a credit applied to future use of the Cloud Services and will be applied to the use of the Cloud Services taking place within ninety (90) days of the provision of the Service Credit, after which period any unused Service Credits shall expire without any further compensation. The Service Credits may not be transferred or exchanged for cash or other forms of payment.


The Downtime caused by the following events shall not be taken into account when calculating the Monthly Uptime Percentage:

  1. Caused by factors outside of Aiven’s reasonable control, including any force majeure event and hostile actions by third parties such as denial-of-service attacks;
  2. Downtime caused by the use of Beta Services and/or Beta Features;
  3. Periodic Maintenance Updates, which shall not occur more often than once (1) per calendar month;
  4. Critical Bug fixes and Security Updates;
  5. Customer-generated service system load (network requests, client queries, storage usage) that exceed the resource-based capabilities (network traffic, cpu usage, memory usage, disk usage) of the given service plan level; and
  6. Failures or termination of the virtual machines or related services by subcontractors or Subprocessors used by Aiven to implement the Cloud Services.