The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org./web/20221208204421/https://thefutureforestcompany.com/

Plant a Tree


Unf*cking the future.

Future Forest logo-02

We exist to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, restore biodiversity and fight climate change. Our mission is to plant enough trees to remove 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by 2030.


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Our Impact


Plant a Tree

Plant a tree or your very own mini forest! When you choose to buy a tree for yourself or a loved one, we send you a certificate plus the details of the exact location and species of your tree.




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Protect Biodiversity

Help us to conserve and restore biodiversity today. With our range of biodiversity subscription plans and one-off gifts, you can contribute towards Ancient Woodland Protection, Wildflower Meadow Planting and Wetland Regeneration in the UK.






Green Business

Become a green business, start growing your company forest today! When you choose to plant trees with The Future Forest Company, you will have the opportunity to visit our sites for annual team visits, including tours of our reforestation and biodiversity projects.



Sign Up



By understanding your needs, we work with you to find the best way for your business to make a positive difference. Whether that’s by working together on one of our biodiversity projects, hosting an employee tree planting event on-site, or supporting our UK reforestation projects, our business partners are making a positive environmental impact.


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Our Partners


Glenaros Estate

The Glenaros Estate is situated on the Isle of Mull. We are planting trees and striving to protect the biodiversity across the 2000 acre estate.


Explore Glenaros



Dumyat is an iconic hill located near to Bridge of Allan, Stirling, Scotland. We hope to plant over 250,000 native trees on the site to help address climate change.


Explore Dumyat


Explore our other sites

We are planting trees, protecting biodiversity and restoring peatland across a number of our UK sites.


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Our response to climate change is the defining moment for the planet with nothing less than our survival at stake. Only if we act boldly and quickly will we avert a disaster that is already unfolding.

Jim Mann