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全球业务解决方案 | Stripe


全球支付正在发生变化。Stripe 可为您提供帮助。

Stripe 为全球的动成长企业提供强大助力,其中包括数十家每年处理数十亿美元支付额的行业领军企业。我们帮助广大公司简化全球扩张流程、优化他们的支付基础设施,方便地增加新的业务模式和收入流。



接受全球客户的付款,支持超过 195 个国家的持卡人。提供数十种支付方式,帮助提高转化率,为您的客户打造更佳体验。让 Stripe 处理每个新国家在监管方面复杂而细腻的差别,从而让自己专注于核心业务。

可供 47 个国家的商家使用

AU 澳大利亚
AT 奥地利
BE 比利时
BR 巴西
BG 保加利亚
CA 加拿大
HR 克罗地亚 仅限邀请
CY 塞浦路斯
CZ 捷克
DK 丹麦
EE 爱沙尼亚
FI 芬兰
FR 法国
DE 德国
GI 直布罗陀 仅限邀请
GR 希腊
HK 香港
HU 匈牙利
IN 印度
ID 印尼 仅限邀请
IE 爱尔兰
IT 意大利
JP 日本
LV 拉脱维亚
LI 列支敦士登
LT 立陶宛
LU 卢森堡
MY 马来西亚
MT 马耳他
MX 墨西哥
NL 荷兰
NZ 新西兰
NO 挪威
PH 菲律宾 仅限邀请
PL 波兰
PT 葡萄牙
RO 罗马尼亚
SG 新加坡
SK 斯洛伐克
SI 斯洛文尼亚
ES 西班牙
SE 瑞典
CH 瑞士
TH 泰国
AE 阿联酋
GB 英国
US 美国





Stripe 可以让您通过单一集成完成资金的收取、储存、管理及全球提现等所有操作。通过强大的机器学习工具提高每笔付款的授权率并降低拒付率,Stripe 可帮助广大商家实现收入的最大化。

Stripe 不断通过 Adaptive Acceptance 提升、增加针对发卡行的验证优化流程。

还会通过诸如机器学习重试等内置功能帮您增加收入;利用 Stripe 的本地信息采集功能,提高接受率,降低费用。


  • MID 分配
  • MCC 分配
  • 本地收单


  • BIN 级格式化
  • 存储证书优化
  • 发卡行数据分享
  • 增收
  • 过度捕获
  • 部分捕获


  • 卡组织令牌
  • 批量银行卡账户更新器
  • 实时银行卡更新器


  • 动态 3DS 验证
  • 动态 $0/1 验证
  • 行业领先的机器学习欺诈保护


  • ISO 消息调整
  • 数据恢复
  • 智能订阅催款

实时 API 状态


全球公司依靠 Stripe 获得行业领先的正常运行时间和优秀表现。我们不断对我们的平台进行更新和提升,每天处理 2 亿多个关键业务 API 请求。


Stripe 企业付款堆栈

我们的平台处理世界各地的付款,旨在帮助您适应各种规则的变化——从 PCI 认证到 SCA-ready 的支付。我们的统一产品包还能帮助您应对欺诈发卡、设置定期重复性账单,甚至利用您的线上堆栈集成店内支付

Credit cards

Accept all major debit and credit cards from customers in every country.


Enable your customers to check out faster with wallet payment methods that digitally store credit and debit cards. Wallets eliminate the need for customers to manually enter their card and billing information, offering a quick and convenient way to pay.
  • 支付宝
  • Apple Pay
  • Click to Pay
  • Google Pay
  • GrabPay
  • Microsoft Pay
  • 微信支付 BETA

Local bank debits

Accept bank debit payments from your customers, a common preference for recurring billing payments.

Local bank transfers

Accept inbound bank transfers and wires. Stripe lets you generate unique virtual account and routing numbers for each customer to automate reconciliation of incoming payments.

Secure tokenization

Utilize credit and debit card tokenization to securely collect card details without sensitive data ever touching your servers.

Card present with Terminal

Accept payments in person using Stripe Terminal. Developer-friendly SDKs let you create a custom checkout that brings our payments platform to your card-present transactions.

Subscription management

Build and scale your recurring revenue business model with subscriptions and invoicing from Stripe Billing.


If you need to bill other businesses, use Stripe to send invoices and request payments from your customers. Customize invoices to match your company branding, add payment terms, and accept card payments, bank transfers, or other local payment methods.

Mobile SDKs

Use Stripe’s native libraries to collect credit card information without sensitive PCI data ever hitting your servers. The libraries include tools to help you accept all Stripe-supported payment methods, from Alipay to iDEAL.


Allow customers to complete online purchases in-person using vouchers at authorized locations like convenience stores.
  • OXXO
  • Boleto Bancário
  • Konbini

Buy now, pay later

Allow customers to pay in installments over time while you’re paid immediately and in full.
  • Klarna
  • Afterpay/Clearpay
  • Affirm

Intelligent MID and MCC assignment

Automatically assign the optimal Merchant Category Code (MCC) and Merchant ID (MID) for your business to maximize authorization rates.

Real-time card updater

Enable all major card networks—including American Express—to update your customers’ expired or renewed card numbers automatically to reduce failed payments and customer friction.

Auto-ISO optimizations

Run issuer-by-issuer analyses to determine the optimal ISO8583 values to provide in each field to increase acceptance rates.

Adaptive Acceptance

Automatically retry technical declines through alternative connections.

ML-powered fraud management

Identify and prevent fraud with Stripe Radar—a machine-learning fraud solution that’s fully integrated with your payments. Radar uses adaptive algorithms that learn from our global network of millions of users.

135+ currencies

Process charges and display prices in a customer’s preferred currency—more than 135 currency options—to improve sales and help customers avoid conversion costs.

Global acquiring

Maximize acceptance rates, access lower costs for local transactions, and minimize fees for cross-border acquiring through Stripe’s relationships with banks and card networks around the world.

Local routing

Set up multiple Stripe accounts to take advantage of our global acquiring relationships. New countries leverage the exact same API infrastructure.

Card issuing

Create, distribute, and manage virtual and physical cards with Stripe Issuing.

Direct integrations with card networks

Let Stripe optimize routing paths, provide the most granular data, and reduce transaction latency through direct integrations with the card networks. Stripe also automatically tests and runs numerous optimizations for every transaction so you can maximize success rates and revenue.

Dispute remediation

Eliminate manual work related to handling disputes with our end-to-end automated process that works directly with the card networks. Based on the type of dispute and associated network rules, we help submit evidence that gives you the best chance to win.


Get paid out quickly and easily. You can also see historical payouts and manage upcoming payouts and expected deposit dates right from the Dashboard.

Treasury management

Move currencies to and from subsidiaries around the globe, optimizing the complexities of FX flows.

PCI compliance

Stripe is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.

PSD2 and SCA ready

Stripe provides prebuilt and customizable solutions to help you meet SCA requirements while maximizing conversion.

Regional regulatory licenses

Stripe has licenses around the world, including AFSL in Australia, E-Money License in Europe, and MSB registration in Canada, in addition to money transmission licenses across the US.

Safe fraud and TC40 reporting with Radar

Report and refund charges you believe to be fraudulent. Or mark charges "safe" that Stripe blocked as suspected fraud.

Custom reports and insights

Use Stripe Sigma to explore payments data, build custom reports, and get insights right in the Dashboard. Create scheduled reports that are automatically sent to your team, saving resources and time.

Business analytics in the Dashboard

Use our built-in reporting features or create your own reports through the API. We’ve built the most useful reports specifically with financial reporting purposes in mind and generate them automatically for your account.

Financial reporting

Create financial reports directly with Stripe data. Simplify how you reconcile transactions with cash received—every deposit is tagged with a transfer report detailing the exact transactions and fees it contains.

Accounting and tax reporting

Automatically sync your Stripe data with your accounting ledger. Or use Stripe to export information about payments, refunds, and fees. Integrations for tax reporting are also available.

Interchange+ pricing and reporting

Take advantage of transparent Interchange+ pricing with granular reporting on your underlying costs.

Premium Support

Get 24x7 support from our support specialists via email, chat, or phone. We’re here to help with questions or code.

Technical account management

Work with Stripe technical account managers (TAMs) to maintain your current integration, expand to new geographies, support new business models, adopt new products, and deliver ongoing optimizations.

Deployment support

Receive high-touch, guided integration support from experts.

Direct integration to Visa claims management and MasterCom

Eliminate manual work related to handling disputes with our end-to-end automated process that works directly with the card networks. Based on the type of dispute and associated network rules, we help submit evidence that’s most likely to see you win.

Accounting and ERP integrations

Automate reconciliation by synchronizing Stripe data across accounting and ERP systems like QuickBooks and NetSuite.

CRM integrations

Request and accept payments with Stripe using invoices and quotes from CRM tools like Salesforce and HubSpot.

Verified partner program

Extend the impact of your business by leveraging the extensive ecosystem of verified partners.

The Forrester Wave™ for merchant payment providers


福特汽车公司利用 Stripe 改变其电商体验

福特汽车公司与 Stripe 合作,以更快扩展公司的电商能力,为福特和林肯汽车客户提供始终在线的体验。


福特首席执行官 Jim Farley 在 2020 年 10 月接任首席执行官时曾明确表示,他最关注的领域之一便是联网汽车服务。


福特将使用 Connect 来方便客户向当地福特或林肯经销商付款。在福特围绕其产品和服务领域开发电商服务的过程中,Stripe 的平台和服务有望提升电商支付的处理效率,如购车、订车、数字和充电服务。


Stripe 在用户体验方面拥有强大的专业知识,这将有助于为我们的客户提供简单、直观且安全的支付流程。

Marion Harris,福特汽车信贷公司首席执行官

WooCommerce 与 Stripe 合作,3 个月内推向了 17 个新的国家

作为世界上最受欢迎的电商平台之一,WooCommerce 让 WordPress 的商家可以直接通过他们的网站销售和管理订单。


WooCommerce 希望通过自己的综合支付解决方案帮助其商家迅速适应消费者新的消费习惯。


WooCommerce 决定通过集成多个不同的 Stripe 产品来启动一个全新平台,即 WooCommerce Payments,以此来满足商家的任何需要,从非接触式付款、实时获得资金,到利用商业资金维持运营。在短短三个月的时间里,该公司与 Stripe 公司合作,在从加拿大到新西兰和欧洲的 17 个国家推出了 WooCommerce Payments。


我们最初仅仅使用了 Stripe 平台的支付、计费和订阅功能。但我们迅速增加了用于面对面付款的 Stripe Terminal,并计划提供一整套金融科技服务,帮助我们的商家发展他们的业务,包括获取融资等等——不仅在美国,而且在欧洲和其他 WooCommerce 蓬勃发展的地区。为此,我们选择了 Stripe,他们在支付和金融服务方面的选择极其广泛,这让我们可以轻松做到这一点,而且既快速又不妥协。

Brent Shepherd,支付主管

GitHub 与 Stripe 合作,加推捐款计划

微软的 GitHub 是一个代码管理平台,希望寻求一家合作伙伴来帮他们启动 Github Sponsors,以支持开源开发者。


GitHub 想要为全球讲着不同语言的开发人员社区打造一个合规且无缝的入驻体验。入驻后,Sponsors 平台上的每个人都可以为开源贡献者打赏——GitHub 对每位受赞助贡献者最高加码 5,000 美元。


GitHub 用 Stripe 入驻了 34 个国家的开发者,让他们可以在这里接受捐赠。短短两个月,Stripe 便帮 Github 简化了流程,将为期一周的 9 步人工流程改造成完全本地化且只需要 2 分钟的流程。他们还增加了支持的国家和币种,而所有这些的实现完全没有投入额外的工作。


作为 Stripe 的客户,我们相当满意——是他们让我们开发出了像 GitHub Sponsors 这样的新产品,如果没有他们,这几乎不可想象。

Nat Friedman,首席执行官

纳斯达克因强健的安全和可扩展性而选择 Stripe

纳斯达克是一家全球科技公司,他们让进入资本市场的途径变得更加大众化。他们在美国和欧洲拥有并经营着数家证券交易所。纳斯达克因强健的安全和可扩展性而选择 Stripe。




Stripe Payments 助力纳斯达克提供简单、安全的银行卡支付选项,而 Stripe Billing 则为纳斯达克团队提供了一种灵活的方式,可以定期向客户收费,包括接受其他支付方式。在信任 Stripe 领先的安全基础设施的基础上,纳斯达克将继续发展其软件解决方案。


可扩展性和安全性是运行我们的所有解决方案时需考虑的两个重点因素。这就是我们选择 Stripe 的原因。我们认为 Stripe 是最安全的提供商。”

Adena T. Friedman,总裁兼首席执行官




从注册到部署,我们都会与您密切合作,提供 24x7 全天候的电话、邮件和实时聊天支持,为您提供专属的技术账户管理、管理平台内支持以及针对您的业务目标的个性化建议。让我们开始吧。


了解全球 600 位首席执行官是如何开启新的收入流和增长机会的。

Forrester Wave

Stripe 是得分最高的支付提供商——其规模、技术和创新速度得到了广泛认可。