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Our mission
Our commitments
Managing harmful content
How does YouTube manage harmful content?
Standing up to hate
How does YouTube protect the community from hate and harassment?
Fighting misinformation
How does YouTube combat misinformation?
Curbing extremist content
How does YouTube prevent radicalization?
Supporting political integrity
How does YouTube support civic engagement and election integrity?
Preventing bias
What does YouTube do to prevent bias?
Fostering child safety
How does YouTube help keep kids protected on the platform?
Protecting user data
How does YouTube maintain user privacy?
Safeguarding copyright
How does YouTube protect copyrighted content?
Sharing revenue
How does YouTube make money?
Promoting digital wellbeing
How does YouTube support users’ digital wellbeing?
Responding to COVID-19
How is YouTube supporting users during COVID-19?
Product features
YouTube Search
How our search tool can help you find content you'll love
Recommended videos
How we recommend content we think you'll want to watch
News and information
How we provide context for your search results and videos
Health information
How we provide context for health queries
Monetization for Creators
How Creators earn money on YouTube
YouTube Live
How you can reach your community in real time with Live and Premieres
User settings
Privacy controls
How we protect your information and what you can do to control your privacy
Ad Settings
How our advertising works and how to customize your ad experience
Parental controls
How you can create a family friendly experience
How Autoplay works and how to turn it off
Rules and policies
Policies overview
How our rules and policies help keep our platform safe
Community Guidelines
How we define what we do and don’t allow on YouTube
How we help Creators responsibly manage their content
Monetization policies
How Creators can monetize their content as part of the YouTube Partner Program
Legal removals
How we approach content that violates local law
Progress and impact
Responsibility through the years
How we've been building a more responsible platform over the years
Progress on managing harmful content
How we're enforcing our policies on harmful content by the numbers
Our impact
How creative entrepreneurs are transforming their lives and communities
Culture and trends
How to better understand the next generation of Creators and artists
Advancing sustainability
How we're investing in a carbon-free future
Downloadable summaries
Download shareable summaries of essential content on this website about our responsibility efforts
Advertiser resources
Find resources and quick guides on Brand Safety for advertisers
Brand resources
Access brand resources such as our YouTube logo, color palettes, and permissions form