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I'm an old-school nerd, doing what I can to support the people who fight to protect the values that America aspires to: fairness, opportunity and respect.

(I retired from craigslist a few years ago.)

Please follow me on Twitter at @craignewmark.

This is about clearing the way, and providing logistical support, including funding, comms, networking, and safety.

We're punching far above our weight, trying to get results with limited resources.

That means…

  • Promoting trustworthy journalism, including the ethics of news distribution to deny the amplification of disinformation.
  • Protecting voting rights and the election from foreign and domestic interference.
  • Countering Influence Operations that destabilize our country.
  • Securing the Internet and related systems from cybersecurity attacks.
  • Supporting local, community, and ethnic media.
  • Protecting people from online abuse and harassment, particularly journalists.
  • Battling food insecurity, particularly for those affected by the pandemic.
  • Helping veterans and their families.
  • Fighting for teachers.
  • Amplifying and investing in women in tech.

“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.”
— Marshall McLuhan, “Culture Is Our Business”, 1970, p. 66

Learn More Craig Newmark Bio

News Highlights

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Q&A: Craigslist founder talks pigeons and saving democracy

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The founder of Craigslist on giving away his money, whether billionaires should exist, and why so many of our plutocrats lose their minds

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Cragislist founder discusses combating disinformation

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Here's Why Craigslist Still Looks the Same After 25+ Years

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Q&A: Craig Newmark aims to defend democracy via philanthropy

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How Media Can Influence Cybersafety and Open Careers for Women and Girls

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The Road From Craigslist To Cyber Philanthropy – Craig Newmark – RSA22 #4

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‘A nerd’s gotta do what a nerd’s gotta do:’ Why Craig Newmark is funding a cyber civil defense

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Craig Newmark Philanthropies Pledges $50 Million to Cyber Civil Defense

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The Philanthropy 50 (paywalled)

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Craig Newmark interview: Social media's disinformation pandemic is an 'all hands on deck' situation

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Entertainment Media is Changing the Equation for Women and Girls in Tech

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The Interview: Craig Beyond the List

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Craigslist founder Craig Newmark on why he’s donating millions to journalism

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Craig, The Billionaire Behind Craigslist, Is Spending Nearly $200 Million To Save Journalism And End Information Warfare

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Craigslist founder Craig Newmark on his unlikely career as a media mogul and how he's actively giving away his fortune

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Craig From Craigslist Talks Philanthropy, The Election and More

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Craigslist's Craig Newmark: 'Outrage is profitable. Most online outrage is faked for profit'

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Why Craigslist’s founder is funding a new online data privacy initiative

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Craigslist founder puts another $15 million into journalism efforts

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Craigslist founder Craig Newmark says there's a forgotten weapon in the online information war — and he's putting his money where his mouth is

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Why the Craig behind Craigslist gave big bucks to a journalism program

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A Craigslist guide to knowing when you have enough to give away

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Craigslist Founder Gives $20 Million to CUNY Journalism School

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Democracy's Immune System is in Trouble. Here's What We Can Do