Supporting High-Risk Mothers and Their Families

Pregnancy News

Action Alert

  ACTION ALERT RE: Proposed Withdrawal of 17P/Makena/Progesterone We are posting to make you aware of a troubling development involving the FDA and pregnant women at high risk for preterm birth, and where your help is urgently needed. Recently the FDA proposed withdrawal of 17P (including the branded [...] Read More

When Your Pregnancy is High Risk

Candace Hurley, founder Sidelines, an international nonprofit aimed at supporting women and families through a high-risk pregnancy, says women should be armed with an arsenal of questions before they go to their first appointment. Click for the full article!Read More

Sidelines National High Risk Pregnancy Support...

Don't forget you can support Sidelines while shopping at Amazon! Now when you shop at, your purchases will support Sidelines National Support Network! You can stay up to date with more news like this by checking out our Facebook page! For direct access to this particular news item click [...] Read More

SSD Benefits for a Premature Baby

  How a Premature Baby Can Qualify for SSD Benefits Rachel Gaffney Outreach Specialist   It’s not unusual for a premature baby to have significant health problems caused by the early birth. One of the parents of a premature baby may need to quit their job entirely in order to be at the hospital or [...] Read More

Bed Rest and the Art of Doing Nothing

  by Leslie Contreras Schwartz for the Huffington Post I am entering my sixth week of bed rest at 30 weeks pregnant, and I am often surprised by the reaction I get from the people I tell. "Oh, you poor thing!" a woman might say. "I was on bed rest for two days and I wanted to go crazy." The reason [...] Read More

High-Risk Moms: Our Common Bond By Catherine Halpern

High-Risk Moms: Our Common Bond By Catherine Halpern

My high-risk pregnancy was certainly a challenge. But because of my experience I connect to people on a much deeper level and I know what matters...

Recommended Reading

Sidelines has compiled a list of excellent books all available on Amazon. Shop and bookmark Amazon here, and your shopping will venefit Sidelines...

Who we are

Who we are

Sidelines is a non-profit organization providing support for women and their families experiencing complicated pregnancies and premature births.

We believe that families can cope more successfully with a high-risk pregnancy with appropriate medical intervention, education, and a strong support system. When you find yourself on the sidelines, we're here to help.

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