PSI Coordinator Application (USA & Canada)
Thank you for your interest in becoming a PSI Coordinator!  

Coordinators serve as the bridge between resources and families who need support during perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMAD).  

As a PSI Coordinator, your responsibilities include:
-making contact with callers/texts/emails within 24 hours of them reaching out to you.

-providing callers with at least two resources (when possible).

-maintaining (on your own or collectively with other coordinators and/or state chapter) a resource list for your area.

-logging your contacts.  We use a database called iCarol and provide training and help to use.

Once you have completed this application, PSI will contact your reference and then notify you about next steps.  If you have any questions, please contact PSI's Support Coordinator Manager, Melissa Bentley at  We look forward to supporting you, in your desire to volunteer with the families we serve.  

Thank you so much!  
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