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Temporal range: 5.95–0 Ma Late Miocene – present
From top to bottom: tiger, lion, jaguar, leopard, snow leopard
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Feliformia
Family: Felidae
Subfamily: Pantherinae
Genus: Panthera
Oken, 1816
Type species
Felis pardus
(= Panthera pardus)

About 10
  • Jaguarius Severtzov, 1858
  • Leo Frisch, 1775
  • Leonina Greve, 1894
  • Leoninae Wagner, 1841
  • Pardotigris Kretzoi, 1929
  • Pardus Fitzinger, 1868
  • Tigrina Greve, 1894
  • Tigrinae Wagner, 1841
  • Tigris Gray, 1843
  • Tigris Frisch, 1775

Panthera is a genus within the family Felidae that was named and described by Lorenz Oken in 1816 who placed all the spotted cats in this group.[4][5] Reginald Innes Pocock revised the classification of this genus in 1916 as comprising the tiger (P. tigris), lion (P. leo), jaguar (P. onca), and leopard (P. pardus) on the basis of common cranial features.[6] Results of genetic analysis indicate that the snow leopard (formerly Uncia uncia) also belongs to the genus Panthera (P. uncia), a classification that was accepted by IUCN Red List assessors in 2008.[7][8]

The tiger, lion, jaguar and leopard are the only cat species with anatomical structures that enable them to roar; the snow leopard cannot. The primary reason for this was formerly assumed to be the incomplete ossification of the hyoid bone. However, new studies show the ability to roar is due to other morphological features, especially of the larynx.[9]


The word panther derives from classical Latin panthēra, itself from the ancient Greek pánthēr (πάνθηρ).[10]


In Panthera species, the dorsal profile of the skull is flattish or evenly convex. The frontal interorbital area is not noticeably elevated, and the area behind the elevation is less steeply sloped. The basicranial axis is nearly horizontal. The inner chamber of the bullae is large, the outer small. The partition between them is close to the external auditory meatus. The convexly rounded chin is sloping.[11] All Panthera species have an incompletely ossified hyoid bone. A specially adapted larynx with proportionally larger vocal folds is covered in a large fibro-elastic pad. These characteristics enable them to roar. Only the snow leopard cannot roar, as it has shorter vocal folds of 9 mm (0.35 in) that provide a lower resistance to airflow; it was therefore proposed to be retained in the genus Uncia.[12] Panthera species can prusten, which is a short, soft, snorting sound; it is used during contact between friendly individuals. The roar is an especially loud call with a distinctive pattern that depends on the species.[13]


The geographic origin of the Panthera is most likely northern Central Asia. Panthera blytheae, the oldest known Panthera species, is similar in skull features to the snow leopard. The tiger, snow leopard, and clouded leopard genetic lineages dispersed in Southeast Asia during the Miocene.[14] Genetic studies indicate that the pantherine cats diverged from the subfamily Felinae between six and ten million years ago.[7] The genus Neofelis is sister to Panthera.[7][15][16][17] The clouded leopard appears to have diverged about 8.66 million years ago. Panthera diverged from other cat species about 11.3 million years ago and then evolved into the species tiger about 6.55 million years ago, snow leopard about 4.63 million years ago and leopard about 4.35 million years ago. Mitochondrial sequence data from fossils suggest that the American lion (P. atrox) is a sister lineage to P. spelaea that diverged about 0.34 million years ago.[18] The snow leopard is nested within Panthera and is the sister species of the tiger.[19]

Results of a 2016 study based on analysis of biparental nuclear genomes suggest the following relationships of living Panthera species:[20]

The extinct European jaguar (Panthera gombaszogensis), was probably closely related to the modern jaguar. The first fossil remains were excavated in Olivola, in Italy, and date to 1.6 million years ago.[21] Fossil remains found in South Africa that appear to belong within the Panthera lineage date to about 2 to 3.8 million years ago.[22]


During the 19th and 20th centuries, various explorers and staff of natural history museums suggested numerous subspecies, or at times called "races", for all Panthera species. The taxonomist Reginald Innes Pocock reviewed skins and skulls in the zoological collection of the Natural History Museum, London, and grouped subspecies described, thus shortening the lists considerably.[23][24][25] Since the mid-1980s, several Panthera species became subjects of genetic research, mostly using blood samples of captive individuals. Study results indicate that many of the lion and leopard subspecies are questionable because of insufficient genetic distinction between them.[26][27] Subsequently, it was proposed to group all African leopard populations to P. p. pardus and retain eight subspecific names for Asian leopard populations.[28]

Based on genetic research, it was suggested to group all living sub-Saharan lion populations into P. l. leo.[29] Results of phylogeographic studies indicate that the Western and Central African lion populations are more closely related to those in India and form a different clade than lion populations in Southern and East Africa; southeastern Ethiopia is an admixture region between North African and East African lion populations.[30][31]

Black panthers do not form a distinct species, but are melanistic specimens of the genus, most often encountered in the leopard and jaguar.[32][33]

Contemporary species[edit]

The following list of the genus Panthera is based on the taxonomic assessment in Mammal Species of the World and reflects the taxonomy revised in 2017 by the Cat Classification Task Force of the Cat Specialist Group:[1][34]

Species Subspecies IUCN Red List status and distribution
Lion P. leo (Linnaeus, 1758)[35]

P. l. leo (Linnaeus, 1758)[35] including:

P. l. melanochaita (Smith, 1842)[37] including:


Lion distribution.png

Jaguar P. onca (Linnaeus, 1758)[35]

Jagwar (cropped).jpg

Monotypic[40][34] NT[41]

Panthera onca distribution.svg

Leopard P. pardus (Linnaeus, 1758)[35]

Indian male leopard (cropped).jpg

African leopard P. p. pardus (Linnaeus, 1758)[35]

Indian leopard P. p. fusca (Meyer, 1794)[42]
Javan leopard P. p. melas (G. Cuvier, 1809)[43]
Arabian leopard P. p. nimr (Hemprich and Ehrenberg), 1833[44]
P. p. tulliana (Valenciennes, 1856),[45] syn. P. p. ciscaucasica (Satunin, 1914),[46] P. p. saxicolor Pocock, 1927[47]
Amur leopard P. p. orientalis (Schlegel, 1857),[48] syn. P. p. japonensis (Gray, 1862)[49]
Indochinese leopard P. p. delacouri Pocock, 1930[50]
Sri Lankan leopard P. p. kotiya Deraniyagala, 1956[51]


Leopard distribution.jpg

Tiger P. tigris (Linnaeus, 1758)[35]

Sher Khan (cropped).jpg

P. t. tigris (Linnaeus, 1758) including:

Sunda Island tiger P. t. sondaica Temminck, 1844)[54] including


Tiger map.svg

Snow leopard P. uncia[34] (Schreber, 1775)[60]

Snow Leopards - Ghost of the Mountains for Ministry of Tourism (MOT) India 9 (cropped).png

Monotypic[34] VU[61]

SnowLeopard distribution.jpg

Extinct species and subspecies[edit]

Species and subspecies Fossil records Notes
Panthera blytheae Tibetan Plateau One of the oldest known Panthera species, possibly closely related to the snow leopard[14]
Panthera palaeosinensis Northern China Initially thought to be an ancestral tiger species, but several scientists place it close to the base of the genus Panthera[62]
Panthera zdanskyi Gansu province of northwestern China Possibly a close relative of the tiger[62]
Panthera youngi[63] China, Japan
Panthera atrox North America, dubious remains in South America.[64] P. atrox is thought to have descended from a basal P. spelaea cave lion population isolated south of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, and then established a mitochondrial sister clade circa 200,000 BP.[65] It was sometimes considered a subspecies either under the nomenclature of P. leo[65] or P. spelaea.[66]
Panthera balamoides[67] Mexico
Panthera gombaszoegensis Europe Panthera schreuderi and Panthera toscana are considered junior synonyms of P. gombaszoegensis. It is occasionally classified as a subspecies of P. onca.[68][69]
Panthera leo fossilis[70] Europe
Panthera spelaea Much of Eurasia[71] Originally spelaea was classified as a subspecies of the extant lion P. leo.[72] Results of recent genetic studies indicate that it belongs to a distinct species, namely P. spelaea.[73][74] Other genetic results indicate that the fossilis cave lion also warrants status as a species.[2][3]
Panthera leo sinhaleyus Sri Lanka This lion subspecies was described on the basis of two teeth.[75]
Panthera onca augusta[76] North America May have lived in temperate forests across North America[77]
Panthera onca mesembrina[78] South America May have lived in grasslands in South America, unlike the modern jaguar
Panthera pardus spelaea Europe Closely related to Asiatic leopard subspecies,[79] with at least one study suggesting that it is closely related to the Persian leopard (P. p. tulliana) according to genetic work.[80]
Panthera shawi Laetoli site in Tanzania A leopard-like cat[81]
Panthera tigris acutidens Much of Asia Not closely related to modern tiger subspecies[82]
Panthera tigris soloensis Java, Indonesia Not closely related to modern tiger subspecies[82]
Panthera tigris trinilensis Java, Indonesia Not closely related to modern tiger subspecies[82]

Other, now invalid, species have also been described, such as Panthera crassidens from South Africa, which was later found to be based on a mixture of leopard and cheetah fossils.[83]


Two cladograms proposed for Panthera. The upper one is based on phylogenetic studies by Johnson et al. (2006),[7] and by Werdelin et al. (2010).[84] The lower cladogram is based on a study by Davis et al. (2010)[19] and by Mazák et al. (2011).[62]

The cladogram below follows Mazák, Christiansen and Kitchener (2011).[62]


Neofelis Studienblatt Felis macroscelis Nebelparder (white background).jpg


Snow leopard Stamp-russia2014-save-russian-cats-(snow leopard).png

Panthera palaeosinensis

Jaguar Felis onca - 1818-1842 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - (white background).jpg

†American lion

Panthera spelaea Stamps of Moldova 2010 Panthera leo spelaea (mod).jpg

Lion Felis leo - 1818-1842 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam -(White Background).jpg

Leopard Felis pardus - 1818-1842 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - (white background).jpg

Tiger Stamp-russia2014-save-russian-cats-(tiger).png

Panthera zdanskyi

In 2018, results of a phylogenetic study on living and fossil cats were published. This study was based on the morphological diversity of the mandibles of saber-toothed cats, their speciation and extinction rates. The generated cladogram indicates a different relation of the Panthera species, as shown below:[85]


Panthera palaeosinensis

Panthera blytheae

Snow leopard Stamp-russia2014-save-russian-cats-(snow leopard).png

Panthera zdanskyi

Tiger Stamp-russia2014-save-russian-cats-(tiger).png

†European jaguar

Jaguar Felis onca - 1818-1842 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - (white background).jpg

Leopard Felis pardus - 1818-1842 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - (white background).jpg

Lion Felis leo - 1818-1842 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam -(White Background).jpg

Panthera spelaea Stamps of Moldova 2010 Panthera leo spelaea (mod).jpg

†American lion

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d Wozencraft, W. C. (2005). "Genus Panthera". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 546–548. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ a b Sotnikova, M. V.; Foronova, I. V. (2014). "First Asian record of Panthera (Leo) fossilis (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) in the Early Pleistocene of Western Siberia, Russia". Integrative Zoology. 9 (4): 517–530. doi:10.1111/1749-4877.12082. PMID 24382145.
  3. ^ a b Barnett, R.; Mendoza, M. L. Z.; Soares, A. E. R.; Ho, S. Y. W.; Zazula, G.; Yamaguchi, N.; Shapiro, B.; Kirillova, I. V.; Larson, G.; Gilbert, M. T. P. (2016). "Mitogenomics of the Extinct Cave Lion, Panthera spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810), resolve its position within the Panthera cats". Open Quaternary. 2: 4. doi:10.5334/oq.24.
  4. ^ Oken, L. (1816). "1. Art, Panthera". Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 2. Abtheilung. Jena: August Schmid & Comp. p. 1052.
  5. ^ Allen, J. A. (1902). "Mammal names proposed by Oken in his 'Lehrbuch der Zoologie'" (PDF). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 16 (27): 373−379.
  6. ^ Pocock, R. I. (1916). "The Classification and Generic Nomenclature of F. uncia and its Allies". The Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Including Zoology, Botany, and Geology. Series 8. XVIII (105): 314–316. doi:10.1080/00222931608693854.
  7. ^ a b c d Johnson, W.E.; Eizirik, E.; Pecon-Slattery, J.; Murphy, W.J.; Antunes, A.; Teeling, E. & O'Brien, S.J. (2006). "The Late Miocene radiation of modern Felidae: A genetic assessment". Science. 311 (5757): 73–77. Bibcode:2006Sci...311...73J. doi:10.1126/science.1122277. PMID 16400146. S2CID 41672825.
  8. ^ McCarthy, T.; Mallon, D.; Jackson, R.; Zahler, P.; McCarthy, K. (2017). "Panthera uncia". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T22732A50664030. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T22732A50664030.en.
  9. ^ Peters, G.; Hast, M. H. (1994). "Hyoid structure, laryngeal anatomy, and vocalization in felids (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae)" (PDF). Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde. 59 (2): 87−104.
  10. ^ Liddell, H. G. & Scott, R. (1940). "πάνθηρ". A Greek-English Lexicon (Revised and augmented ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  11. ^ Pocock, R. I. (1939). "Panthera". The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Mammalia. – Volume 1. London: Taylor and Francis. pp. 196–239.
  12. ^ Hast, M. H. (1989). "The larynx of roaring and non-roaring cats". Journal of Anatomy. 163: 117–121. ISSN 0021-8782. PMC 1256521. PMID 2606766.
  13. ^ Weissengruber, G. E.; Forstenpointner, G.; Peters, G.; Kübber-Heiss, A.; Fitch, W. T. (2002). "Hyoid apparatus and pharynx in the lion (Panthera leo), jaguar (Panthera onca), tiger (Panthera tigris), cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and the domestic cat (Felis silvestris f. catus)". Journal of Anatomy. 201 (3): 195–209. doi:10.1046/j.1469-7580.2002.00088.x. PMC 1570911. PMID 12363272.
  14. ^ a b Tseng, Z.J.; Wang, X.; Slater, G.J.; Takeuchi, G.T.; Li, Q.; Liu, J. & Xie, G. (2014). "Himalayan fossils of the oldest known pantherine establish ancient origin of big cats". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 281 (1774): 20132686. doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.2686. PMC 3843846. PMID 24225466.
  15. ^ Janczewski, D.N.; Modi, W.S.; Stephens, J.C. & O'Brien, S.J. (1996). "Molecular evolution of mitochondrial 12S RNA and cytochrome b sequences in the pantherine lineage of Felidae". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 12 (4): 690–707. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a040232. PMID 7544865.
  16. ^ Johnson, W. E. & O'Brien, S.J. (1997). "Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Felidae using 16S rRNA and NADH-5 mitochondrial genes". Journal of Molecular Evolution. 44 (S1): S98–S116. Bibcode:1997JMolE..44S..98J. doi:10.1007/PL00000060. PMID 9071018. S2CID 40185850.
  17. ^ Yu, L. & Zhang, Y.P. (2005). "Phylogenetic studies of pantherine cats (Felidae) based on multiple genes, with novel application of nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 to carnivores". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 35 (2): 483–495. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.01.017. PMID 15804417.
  18. ^ Barnett, R.; Shapiro, B.; Barnes, I.; Ho, S.Y.W.; Burger, J.; Yamaguchi, N.; Higham, T.F.G.; Wheeler, H.T.; Rosendahl, W.; Sher, A.V.; Sotnikova, M.; Kuznetsova, T.; Baryshnikov, G.F.; Martin, L.D.; Harington, C.R.; Burns, J.A. & Cooper, A. (2009). "Phylogeography of lions (Panthera leo ssp.) reveals three distinct taxa and a late Pleistocene reduction in genetic diversity" (PDF). Molecular Ecology. 18 (8): 1668–1677. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04134.x. PMID 19302360. S2CID 46716748.
  19. ^ a b Davis, B.W.; Li, G.; Murphy, W.J. (2010). "Supermatrix and species tree methods resolve phylogenetic relationships within the big cats, Panthera (Carnivora: Felidae)". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 56 (1): 64–76. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.01.036. PMID 20138224.
  20. ^ Li, G.; Davis, B. W.; Eizirik, E. & Murphy, W. J. (2016). "Phylogenomic evidence for ancient hybridization in the genomes of living cats (Felidae)". Genome Research. 26 (1): 1–11. doi:10.1101/gr.186668.114. PMC 4691742. PMID 26518481.
  21. ^ Hemmer, H.; Kahlke, R.D. & Vekua, A.K. (2001). "The Jaguar – Panthera onca gombaszoegensis (Kretzoi, 1938) (Carnivora: Felidae) in the late lower Pleistocene of Akhalkalaki (south Georgia; Transcaucasia) and its evolutionary and ecological significance". Geobios. 34 (4): 475–486. doi:10.1016/s0016-6995(01)80011-5.
  22. ^ Turner, A. (1987). "New fossil carnivore remains from the Sterkfontein hominid site (Mammalia: Carnivora)". Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 34 (15): 319–347.
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  26. ^ O'Brien, S. J.; Martenson, J. S.; Packer, C.; Herbst, L.; de Vos, V.; Joslin, P.; Ott-Joslin, J.; Wildt, D. E. & Bush, M. (1987). "Biochemical genetic variation in geographic isolates of African and Asiatic lions" (PDF). National Geographic Research. 3 (1): 114–124. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 May 2013.
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  28. ^ Uphyrkina, O.; Johnson, W. E.; Quigley, H. B.; Miquelle, D. G.; Marker, L.; Bush, M. E.; O'Brien, S. J. (2001). "Phylogenetics, genome diversity and origin of modern leopard, Panthera pardus". Molecular Ecology. 10 (11): 2617–2633. doi:10.1046/j.0962-1083.2001.01350.x. PMID 11883877. S2CID 304770.
  29. ^ Dubach, J.; Patterson, B. D.; Briggs, M. B.; Venzke, K.; Flamand, J.; Stander, P.; Scheepers, L.; Kays, R. W. (2005). "Molecular genetic variation across the southern and eastern geographic ranges of the African lion, Panthera leo". Conservation Genetics. 6 (1): 15–24. doi:10.1007/s10592-004-7729-6. S2CID 30414547.
  30. ^ Bertola, L. D.; Van Hooft, W. F.; Vrieling, K.; Uit De Weerd, D. R.; York, D. S.; Bauer, H.; Prins, H. H. T.; Funston, P. J.; Udo De Haes, H. A.; Leirs, H.; Van Haeringen, W. A.; Sogbohossou, E.; Tumenta, P. N.; De Iongh, H. H. (2011). "Genetic diversity, evolutionary history and implications for conservation of the lion (Panthera leo) in West and Central Africa" (PDF). Journal of Biogeography. 38 (7): 1356–1367. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02500.x. S2CID 82728679. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 June 2019. Retrieved 17 January 2017.
  31. ^ Bertola, L. D., Jongbloed, H., Van Der Gaag, K. J., De Knijff, P., Yamaguchi, N., Hooghiemstra, H., Bauer, H., Henschel, P., White, P. A., Driscoll, C. A. and Tende, T. (2016). "Phylogeographic patterns in Africa and High Resolution Delineation of genetic clades in the Lion (Panthera leo)". Scientific Reports. 6: 30807. Bibcode:2016NatSR...630807B. doi:10.1038/srep30807. PMC 4973251. PMID 27488946.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
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  33. ^ Eizirik, E.; Yuhki, N.; Johnson, W. E.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Hannah, S. S.; O'Brien, S. J. (2003). "Molecular Genetics and Evolution of Melanism in the Cat Family". Current Biology. 13 (5): 448–453. doi:10.1016/S0960-9822(03)00128-3. PMID 12620197. S2CID 19021807.
  34. ^ a b c d Kitchener, A. C.; Breitenmoser-Würsten, C.; Eizirik, E.; Gentry, A.; Werdelin, L.; Wilting, A.; Yamaguchi, N.; Abramov, A. V.; Christiansen, P.; Driscoll, C.; Duckworth, J. W.; Johnson, W.; Luo, S.-J.; Meijaard, E.; O’Donoghue, P.; Sanderson, J.; Seymour, K.; Bruford, M.; Groves, C.; Hoffmann, M.; Nowell, K.; Timmons, Z.; Tobe, S. (2017). "A revised taxonomy of the Felidae: The final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group" (PDF). Cat News (Special Issue 11): 66−75.
  35. ^ a b c d e f Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Felis". Caroli Linnæi Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Vol. Tomus I (decima, reformata ed.). Holmiae: Laurentius Salvius. pp. 41−42.
  36. ^ Meyer, J. N. (1826). Dissertatio inauguralis anatomico-medica de genere felium (Doctoral thesis). Vienna: University of Vienna.
  37. ^ Smith, C. H. (1842). "Black maned lion Leo melanochaitus". In Jardine, W. (ed.). The Naturalist's Library. Vol. 15 Mammalia. London: Chatto and Windus. p. Plate X, 177.
  38. ^ Mazak, V. (1975). "Notes on the Black-maned Lion of the Cape, Panthera leo melanochaita (Ch. H. Smith, 1842) and a Revised List of the Preserved Specimens". Verhandelingen Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (64): 1–44.
  39. ^ Bauer, H.; Packer, C.; Funston, P. F.; Henschel, P. & Nowell, K. (2016). "Panthera leo". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T15951A115130419.
  40. ^ Larson, S. E. (1997). "Taxonomic re-evaluation of the jaguar". Zoo Biology. 16 (2): 107–120. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1997)16:2<107::AID-ZOO2>3.0.CO;2-E.
  41. ^ Quigley, H.; Foster, R.; Petracca, L.; Payan, E.; Salom, R. & Harmsen, B. (2017). "Panthera onca". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T15953A123791436.
  42. ^ Meyer, F. A. A. (1794). "Über de la Metheries schwarzen Panther". Zoologische Annalen. Erster Band. Weimar: Im Verlage des Industrie-Comptoirs. pp. 394–396.
  43. ^ Cuvier, G. (1809). "Recherches sur les espėces vivantes de grands chats, pour servir de preuves et d'éclaircissement au chapitre sur les carnassiers fossils". Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Tome XIV: 136–164.
  44. ^ Hemprich, W.; Ehrenberg, C. G. (1830). "Felis, pardus?, nimr". In Dr. C. G. Ehrenberg (ed.). Symbolae Physicae, seu Icones et Descriptiones Mammalium quae ex Itinere per Africam Borealem et Asiam Occidentalem Friderici Guilelmi Hemprich et Christiani Godofredi Ehrenberg. Decas Secunda. Zoologica I. Mammalia II. Berolini: Officina Academica. pp. Plate 17.
  45. ^ Valenciennes, A. (1856). "Sur une nouvelles espèce de Panthère tué par M. Tchihatcheff à Ninfi, village situé à huit lieues est de Smyrne". Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. 42: 1035–1039.
  46. ^ Satunin, K. A. (1914). Opredelitel' mlekopitayushchikh Rossiiskoi Imperii [Guide to the mammals of the Russian Empire]. Tiflis: Tipographia Kantzelyarii Namestnichestva.
  47. ^ Pocock, R. I. (1927). "Description of two subspecies of leopards". Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Series 9. 20 (116): 213–214. doi:10.1080/00222932708655586.
  48. ^ Schlegel, H. (1857). "Felis orientalis". Handleiding Tot de Beoefening der Dierkunde, Ie Deel. Breda: Boekdrukkerij van Nys. p. 23.
  49. ^ Gray, J. E. (1862). "Description of some new species of Mammalia". Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of London. 30: 261−263, plate XXXIII. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1862.tb06524.x.
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