Tagged “events”

Generating a high voltage site by going static

Mark the date: community meetup Dec. 6

What's that scent?

Mark the date: community meetup Nov. 15

Community Meetings

Listing of past meetings

Manuscript Mondays

Einführung in das digitale Edieren handschriftlicher Quellen

For(e) humanists

Metadata, Forms and more: new forms framework

Beginners Workshop

Git, Editing Workflows


Versioning and Archiving Data: A workshop by Dr. Andreas Wagner

Save the dates

Upcoming events

Open Source Advent

Holiday cheer in the dark hours of the Corona winter

Deployment Scenarios

Setting up TEI Publisher in production environment

Music is in the air

MEI and TEI Publisher

Community Event on Music Encoding

Lightning introduction to the Music Encoding Initiative

«Stay Home Learn TEI Publisher From Scratch»

A 3-part online course through June 2020