Condensed Matter Physics: Teaching

Lectures in the Winter Term 2022/2023

Bachelor level:

  • Analytical Mechanics (Theoretical Physics 1) - Peter van Dongen
  • Solid State Physics (Experimental Physics 5c) - Jure Demsar
  • Introduction to Advanced Materials - Mathias Kläui, Sebastian Seiffert
  • Seminar on Possible Thesis Subjects - Angela Wittmann, Katrin Amann-Winkel

Master level:

  • Solid State Physics (Experimental Physics 5c) - Jure Demsar
  • Advanced Statistical Physics (Theoretical Physics 6b)- Friederike Schmid
  • Theoretical Quantum Optics and Many-Body Physics (Theoretical Physics 6c) - Peter van Loock
  • Quantum Spintronics - Gerhard Jacob
  • Introduction to Advanced Materials - Mathias Kläui, Sebastian Seiffert
  • Advanced Solid State Physics - Jairo Sinova
  • Crystal Symmetries and Material Properties - Martin Letz


  • Physics for Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists - Hans-Joachim Elmers, Martin Jourdan
  • Physics Laboratory Course for Physicians and Dentists - Hans-Joachim Elmers, Martin Jourdan
  • Accompanying Lecture for the  Laboratory Course for Physicians, Dentists, and Pharmacists   -  Hans-Joachim Elmers, Martin Jourdan
  • Physics for Chemists - Doris Vollmer, Stefan Weber

Further Information and Links

Apart from the basic courses, we offer a number of advanced courses in the areas of condensed matter physics, materials science, soft matter science, magnetism and spin physics, advanced statistical physics, quantum many body theory and simulation methods. In addition, students at the MSc (master of science) level have the opportunity to carry out lab projects or  computer simulation projects in the groups as part of the Advanced lab course. All group leaders also offer projects for bachelor and master theses. Just contact us and ask for details.

For students at the master's level and beyond, the following lectures are offered on a regular basis:

  • Advanced statistical physics (Theory 6b, 9 CP or 6+5 CP, winter term)
    This class builds on the bachelor level class "Theorie 4" (statistical physics and thermodynamics) and provides basic knowledge on topics like phase transitions and nonequilibrium physics.
  • Theoretical quantum optics and many-body physics (Theory 6c, 9 CP)
    This class focusses on nonrelativistic quantum field theory and quantum optics.
  • Theoretical solid state physics (Theory 6d, 9 CP, summer term)
    This class provides basic knowledge on the theory of solid matter.
  • Computer simulations in statistical physics (6 CP, winter term)
    This class is also open for students from computer science (master level) and gives an introduction into the foundations of basic computer simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo simulation and Molecular Dynamics simulations.
  • Advanced solid state physics (6 CP, winter term)
    This class builds on Theory 6d and introduces into advanced topics of solid state theory.

Other regularly offered classes include

  • Modern simulation techniques in condensed matter physics (6 CP, summer term)
  • Theory of soft matter/ Theoretical polymer science (6 CP, summer term )
  • Introduction to Advanced Materials (6 CP, winter term)

Links to teaching sites of groups

Links to teaching sites of faculty members