Tsamba Lalikulu

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
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This page is a translated version of the page Main Page and the translation is 100% complete.


Mwalandiridwa ku Meta-Wiki, malo omalowetsa anthu padziko lonse kwa Project Wikimedia Foundation ndi mapulojekiti ena, kuchokera ku mgwirizanowu ndi zolemba zokonzekera ndi kusanthula.

Wikis ina yowunikira kwambiri monga Wikimedia Outreach ndizopadera zomwe zimachokera ku Meta-Wiki. Zokambirana zina zimagwirizananso pa Wikimedia mndandanda wamakalata (makamaka wikimedia-l, ndi WikimediaAnnounce yomwe imakhala yochepa kwambiri), njira za IRC zowonjezera, wikis aliyense wa Wikimedia othandizira, ndi malo ena.

Zochitika zamakono

Febuwale 2023

OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg February 23: Conversation with Trustees hosted by Community Affairs Committee @ 19:00-20:30 UTC.
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg February 15: Conversation hour with Maggie Dennis on Community Resilience & Sustainability @ 19:00 UTC.
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg February 10: Conversations about the Wikimedia Enterprise finance report & product update @ 19:00 UTC
OOjs UI icon articleCheck-ltr-progressive.svg February 10–February 24: The Community Wishlist Survey 2023 voting phase
OOjs UI icon articleCheck-ltr-progressive.svg February 5–February 26: 2023 Steward elections voting is running until 26 February 2023, 21:00 (UTC)

Januwale 2023

Wikivoyage-Logo-v3-icon.svg January 16 – February 20: Wikivoyage 10 contest
Am'mudzi ndi kulankhulana
Wikimedia Foundation, Meta-Wiki, ndi ntchito zake
The Wikimedia Foundation is the overarching non-profit foundation that owns the Wikimedia servers along with the domain names, logos and trademarks of all Wikimedia projects and MediaWiki. Meta-Wiki is the coordination wiki for the various Wikimedia wikis.
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