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Adrian Roselli (parody) 🗯
One hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is. Not a bird lawyer.
Buffalo, NYadrianroselli.comJoined September 2008

Adrian Roselli (parody) 🗯’s Tweets

I think it is very romantic when your spouse is also your best friend and also your election denial co-conspirator and also your Supreme Court justice. (Did not auto-post from Masto, but Ginny’s problematic actions warranted a manual post here.)
Q: And then you responded just a few minutes later, "Thank you. Needed that, this plus a conversation with my best friend just now. I will try to keep holding on." And you sent that message at a little before 11 p.m. on the 24th. Do you recall who you were referring to when you said you had just had a conversation with your best friend?
A: It looks like it was my husband.
Q: Do you remember what you talked to Justice Thomas about that made you feel better and allowed you to say "keep holding on"?
A: I wish I could remember, but I have no memory of the specifics.
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Question: Do you recall who you were referring to when you said you just had a conversation with your best friend? Answer: It looks like it was my husband
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This is bad and [redacted] is bad: ``` <li> <a href="Foo" aria-controls="FN" aria-expanded="true" aria-live="polite" aria-selected="true"> <span class="ada">Close </span> <span>Foo</span> <span class="ada">Menu</span> <span class="ada"> Expanded</span> </a> </li> ```
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This is bad and [redacted] should feel bad: ``` <ul role="navigation" aria-label="Top menu"> <li><a href="/Foo">Foo</a></li> <li><a href="/Bar">Bar</a></li> </ul> ``` A valid approach: ``` <nav aria-label="Top menu"> <ul> […] </ul> </nav> ```
Granted, `aria-haspopup` announcement is meh (, but at least it is less broken. For genuine links that *must* open in a new window (like a help assist), the correct approach is to put the text into the page itself for all users:
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This is bad and [redacted] should feel bad: ``` <a aria-label="I need help. (Opens a pop up)." tabindex="0" role="link"> I need help </a> ``` For those new to all the risks, here is a less broken approach: ``` <button aria-haspopup="dialog"> I need help </button> ```
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I am not using `:has()` in production anywhere (though I wrote it into my 2020 post on disclosure widgets). Eric Meyer has an example where lack of support does no harm: I have one I had not deployed (see last comment) that I might shove out anyway.
RT That side of #AMP that gets little attention: “If [AMP] had been produced by some kind of elected governing body for search, we’d all be expecting them to be kicked out. But not only is the responsible ‘party’ still there, the specific people who (1/2)
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300 US rabbis: Netanyahu’s government policies “will cause irreparable harm to the Israel-Jewish Diaspora relationship, as they are an affront to the vast majority of American Jews and our values,” and “anathema to the tenets of democracy.”
Day 3 of #BuffaloBlizzard WaPo front-page: “#Buffalo blizzard fuels racial and class divides in polarized city” Gift URL: Corrections: • Buffalo driving ban lifted 9½ hours ago at midnight; • Elmwood Ave, not Street; • 37 county deaths so far.
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Temperatures above freezing. Got car out, hit a store for parents. Eggs, milk, juice, dog food nearly gone. Shopping cart missing wheel, which was fun. Suburban roads good, tho city still has driving ban. Dug folks’ driveway out, so legs achey. #Buffalo #BuffaloBlizzard
When the #Buffalo mayor says “the city’s snow-fighting plan doesn’t address blizzards; it addresses normal snowfall,” and November’s snow showed it cannot even handle that, I am on board with the county taking it away. WaPo gift URL: #BuffaloBlizzard
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But web•dev keeps promoting its ‘Learn HTML’ or ‘Learn Whatever’ courses. Trying to re-create MDN in its own browser-promoting property. Intro stuff maybe not problematic (I want to edit its tables content tho), but probably do not trust it given prior behavior.
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Popped over to Twitter and blocked ~20 promoted tweets — Christian extremists, gun lobbyists, crypto shills, election conspiracists, one anti-Twitter post from 2018, and Mashable (no idea why I had not blocked that one already). What a shit-show, Elon.
Video description, for benefit of Twitter users seeing this cross-post: WCAG Techniques page banner in mobile browser, with W3C WAI logo extending past right edge of viewport causing a horizontal scrollbar. I demonstrate by dragging left and right to show the logo overflow.
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House across street had lovely ivy & plant front yard until newer owner replaced it with golf course grass and got rabid if anyone stepped on it. Brand new owner now has a truck tearing it all up by shoving its plow across it, spinning tires, for room to push driveway snow.
I know this is a demo. DO NOT use this as-is in production though. Toggle `aria-expanded` on the trigger and use an `[aria-expanded=true]` CSS selector. You will also likely need to *add* `aria-hidden` to the container.
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Whoot! I just learned you can use animatable CSS grid rows to transition an element's height from 0 to auto! Toggle a class and see the magic happen. Thx to @chriscoyier for sharing this little gem. 💯 Video alt: Exampe showing an animated height.
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