Password management system

Updated 2 days ago

Installation of Lychee for the FSFE private/public picturebase

Updated 2 days ago

JavaScript 18 48

Source files of, the official website for the "Public Money, Public Code" campaign

Updated 3 days ago

The FSFE's Community Database and all its related components

Updated 3 days ago

Discourse for the FSFE

Updated 1 week ago

Configure a host to run containers

Updated 1 week ago

A simple docker container to test the reverse proxy

Updated 1 week ago

A small service to preview an XHTML file in the design

Updated 2 weeks ago - Italian translation

Updated 2 weeks ago

FSFE Community Database Frontend - Italian translation

Updated 2 weeks ago

The FOSSmarks website hosted on our systems

Updated 2 weeks ago

FSFE Community Database Backend - Italian translation

Updated 3 weeks ago

Caddy webserver setup to act as a reverse proxy between the container server and its Docker containers

Updated 3 weeks ago

Web-based Mastodon & Pleroma Multi-account client

Updated 3 weeks ago

A tool to send regular reminders, e.g. to the System Hackers to review documentation

Updated 3 weeks ago

The FSFE planet, a blog aggregator of posts from our community

Updated 3 weeks ago

JavaScript 0 2

Website for the Save Code Share campaign

Updated 3 weeks ago

A tool to ask users of a mailman mailing list to reconfirm membership by clicking on a link

Updated 3 weeks ago

Python 1 0

FSFE Community Database Authentication Server

Updated 4 weeks ago

Python 1 3

FSFE Community Database Backend

Updated 4 weeks ago