The Bloom MMHF™ Certification is important for 2 reasons.
Hospitals and Providers seeking to achieve a level of MMHF certification will be considered leaders in the perinatal field.
This is all about doing the right thing.
As an MMHF™ certified facility or provider, understanding the importance of the equalization of mental and physical healthcare you will be part of an elite group of providers creating a new standard of care.
The Bloom MMHF™ evidence-based certification program was created by a team of PMAD experts in their field who have lived experience in building, execution, management and continued growth of successful perinatal programs and centers nationwide.
Hospitals that go through this structured process will be guided in developing well-defined program and policies establishing a roadmap for implementation and ultimate success. This journey will enhance leadership skills, increase project management knowledge, and build competence in your team and staff, which will assist in longterm success of your program. For facilities, this will in turn create cohesion and confidence amongst your providers and build your facilities community reputation.
Self-auditing and non-accredited facilities and providers are not responsible to any overseeing authorities and therefore cannot be required to uphold relevant standards. In contrast, a third party certification provides an external verification of quality and safety based on established standards and holds certificate recipients accountable which will provide a level of comfort and confidence to mothers and families.
Once a facility or provider has been approved to call themselves Maternal Mental Health Friendly, they will be considered a leader in their field that employs the best practices in maternal mental health currently available in the United States.
Begin your journey towards certification by reviewing Bloom’s MMHF™Ten Canons of Care and the Guidelines and Criteria.
The Bloom Foundation
716 Newman Springs Road, #117
Lincroft, NJ 07738
The Bloom Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization