Below is a list of languages WordPress supports and their translation status of the coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. project. If you are interested in helping them translate WordPress or other related projects, please read the Translator Handbook or contact the translation editorTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor(s) for your language using the “Team” link.

If you’d like to help an inactive team, please see the Inactive Translations page.

See also the current list of CLPTE’s (Cross-LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves.)

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简体中文 / Chinese (China)

Locale Managers (3)

General Translation EditorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (6)

Project Translation Editors (137)

Current Translation Contributors (166)

01, 256bit, 99839, a huang, alberthe, Amos Lee, angelcc31, Anonymous User 20503582, aquaknight, asttear, aurlio, Axton, BearDev translation team (CLPTE), Beijing Tours, Bestony, billhuangwp, Blossom Themes Support, cainchang, cardyang, chang196700, Chriser, Cklim, cloudse, cmhello, CoCoowordpress, cocservice, Conners Hua, cqc3000, Dawa, divalotus, dreixs, Duke Yin, Edison Chen, esther604, EthanEP, evigor, F, Fanc, ff98sha, fh62o, firexp, floryun, Frankie Jarrett, fraudlabspro, FREEZhao, Gio Lodi, gryen7, gytlmj, Haoxian, Hatsune miki, hclo, HHao, himalaya2020, hongjinsu, ichabod2021, ip2location, ivanli2020, jack020, jennyshi776, Jenxi Seow, jerryd221, jessyzhou, Jiehan Zheng, Jimmy Xu, John Darrel, kailoon, kamilet, kidMoja, Lee, lee, LenKi.Mo, lhnanyang, liuxu54898, ljsdwz, louyu, lufffy, luvletter, MailboxValidator, MakeWebBetter, malahk, MASAAKI, mikualpha, millionart, minaduki, mine27, msoayu56, nancyhuihuiyu, natural64, Nikhil G, panduozi, Parcel Panel, Pieter Bos, PP Translation Team (CLPTE), qnnp, Rara Themes Support, Really Simple SSL, refugeindhamma, rexitta, Robert Sim, RyanLong, salesmartly2021, samwang8891, scavin, Sherry, sitekit, sleepm, smile32, Sonic853, Soyu Zom, spypie, suifengtec, suiyilight, Sut, taoguang, Tao Luo, tavimori, themeansar, TheSia, TomS Caprice, Translations by Automattic, trwoobewoo, Tunghsiao Liu, Ultimate Member, vicnip, wangql, wdisk, weibin0227, White Cloud, will01, winhcd, Winlin, Winteliu, WP-Translations, wphtech, WP Royal Translation, WP Swings, WPSwings Translation Team (CLPTE), xkonglong, xuri, xxxycl, yang0920, yangmuyao, Yan Sern, yao3060, ycz22, yeqingwp, yfan, yihuacr802, z069, zeusgeats, zhrichard93, Zlin, zw281804012, 别了莫斯科, 奶爸建站笔记, 快乐的客户, 文派翻译 (WP Chinese Translation), 柳涤尘, 沈唁, 王世阳, 知更鸟, 耗子, 范英龙, 许唯宇, 诗语, and 🌈 Yulinn.

Past Translation Contributors (761)

2jgallery, 5starplus, 1258325122, ???, ????, a422880152, abudu, Abyss.Cong, acirno, acman, adingreen, afkj2020, aidai99, aiy365, akacity, akevin, akw28888, alec1st, alex2serve, Alexander Fuchs, Alexandra, Alex Kirk, alexlii, alexlux, Alim Ahat, aloereed, altairtim, amin150, amo123, amobeta, anby, Andrew dela Serna, Angela, Anonymous User 14790440, Anonymous User 15356385, Anonymous User 16820493, Anthony C., anttoweb, aosta, apollo13themes, appsws, arnaudbroes, arvinma, asiavisionalex, avalonli, awei922, axmax, bagiocn, balovess, baoziii, bbs3223474, bd5dml, bearshang, bearvv, beixiaoyi, bellad, BettyJJ, bgermann, bilibobo, binhonghua, blingwang, Bluchic, blueskyclouds, Bojan Radonic - WPMU DEV Support, bonnieoran, bootingman, borie88, bossion, boyzluv, braccialetto, bretdabaker, brianvu-tp, brianwang, brs, BSR, bundio, byteheartbeat, cafebox, cai_miao, cangtung, canno, carbay, Carson, cc9007, ceciliaaptx, chancat, changchang, Charles Tang, charleswiz, Cheng(Alex) Peng, chenxu, chikwok, chonghua, chongyuan, chongyuan, chriant, chris, chuhongcheng, cj01036, cjwhkl2008hh, cklx, clamis, cnblve, cnuti, codinggirl, coleyfree, Comm100, Comm100, Content Views, ConveyThis, coodoor, craigary, crazysause, crmaddon, CryoutCreations, cwyy, cyyssly, dabledev, DaiDR, dailor, daisymarisfung, Dallas Lu, dandism, Danny, darkz1984, davidng, davidtai780, davywsr, deepinsource, deeptime, define2086, Deprecated, dgfahei, dianjinregister, didi2050, dimpurr, Dion Hulse, distantmemory, djworks55, dlgcy, dntktop, Dominik Schilling, donggua211, douzenan, dprenvip, Dreamcolor, dujin, dukai1011, duongcuong96, dusenyao, dwzrlp, dxsmhf, easwy, eddiewongchina, ehabstar, ehaisong, Elementor, elvinlee, emilyaudela, epichorsetips, ericnth, eriikr, errolsong, Esheep, estroitia, ethan1112, ethroy, etren, eugeneewe, evrmji, Ezral, fancygin, fariliang, farjar, feizanh, fengtalk, Feng Zhai, findwings, fkj, FlameRat, Flector, floattart, floverow, FLYER37, flyingheart, flyingtimes, fomoesc, Frank, frankagos, Frank Bueltge, franklsf, FreedomKnight, fugamusic, fulibaba, futuretechman, ganlv, gaobo, gaoxuewei, gerpayt, gljxhome, godq, gogo555, gogopatrick, goldenoon, gongcg, gsd036, gudzpoz, guiaoanog, guqianke, hack21, hahawill123, haibaopeigou, haidiniunai, Hai Zheng⚡, hajuuk, hakw77, hanfly, Han Zijian, Haochuan, Haokexin, happybass, HappyThemes, harrysummer, harytan14, heekei, heilcliang, hemsingh1, Hew, hexart, Heyuan Zeng, hienning, Hills, hjistc, honee998, hovers, hsk0114, htf6782414, hu2008yinxiang, huangzhuohua, huntclub, hutkyo, hwjfish, hxghak, hxiaoh, hzy005, hzy980512, iambin, iamyae, iaxun, ibugone, icebook, idichoo, ihenry, ihuguowei, iiiryan, ilyg, imleafz, imouto, impopcorner, iner123, ineuron, iPlayWind, irony892768447, iruxu, IvanRF, ivetian, ixiangma, Jackie C., jacklau, jameskzhao, jamestreanor, janetang, Jason, jasonhx, javon, jaymedivh, jeffreyg1228, jemmyzheng, Jenia, Jennifer Qian, jennyqiu, JerryYuan, jexus90, jialin1180, jiangfeizuo, jiaxun_jx, JIGE-HNM, jingzhimincn, jinshiwanjia, Johannes Jülg, John Blackbourn, John Havlik, johnlsmith, johnpoint, johnzhang1999, joinwebstudio, Jonas Kevin, Jonathan Lau, josericardo, jp, jsamesgsfus, julesaus, justbefree, jxtxzzw, jyurineko, jzf1j, kanlidy, kasphysm, kaylolo, kelvinche, Kenneth Zhao, kevlo10, kill33, kimwong, kindect, kkmaster, krabsxie, krmoorhouse, ktun, Kye, Kyle Charlton, kylinwater, Lambert, lancehuang22, Leniy, lenuis, leroyen913, leyifanyi, liang860908, lilunxm12, Linesh Jose, liquorice, lite3, litefeel, littlenobody, liuxiao1998, lixuedong, liyangobj, liyunjian, ljsh093, lldjqm, lmblife456, lmygzscom, lnzhaotian, lokigao, Lomu, lordlyh, loremattei, lotlog, lubobill1990, LuckyWP, lucsirotouka, lukenormal, lupohan44, lxfy, lyjbupt, lyz7805, lzskyline, lzw., Mahesh Waghmare, maie, mali2002, malsony, manyanlong-wp, markiiiiiiiiii, Mark Zhu, marszhang, mart1nface, mastermay, matchbox, Maxime, mazhen, mdzang, mercadouy, mercurysatans, michaeledi, Michael Torbert, michaelyanzh, miclin, mijianhui, mikesuntt, millycn, mindaji, minglong, minliny, minmemory, miraclesofmiracles, mlbteeptrak, mmldigital, mocbeer, Moedog, moeyou, mohaelder169, morriscao, mosser, motherofdragons, movingtea, mr4000, MrDerekFTW, msgjp, msthink, MyThemeShop, n3yang, nakasi, namereliable, nanpuyue, Naoko Takano, naruho, natsoftware, Nazmul Hassan, ncdar2019, nciyuan123, nealhan, nealzhang, nerioy, newbii, Niall Kennedy, niaoer, nickleefly, nicolasluoang, nikolu, noahdavid, noonepart, novksoft, ntzimu, ocean, ohjinkela, ohvangie, oisinoconnor1, okw95, opsarno, Otshelnik-Fm, owenkent, pakwai122, palmoduledev, Panda Theme, Panni_007, Papin Schipper, papu, Patrick Robrecht, peascloud, pengchao, pessoalzy, peterpei, Petya Raykovska, photonlili, pierreyam, pimgeek, piuifu, pizzaliu, pluwen, postmagthemes, probertson, pzheng2016, q1649508134, qdhlbt, qiaofan, qingfengpo, qinmu, qiqi20020612, Qiushan, qiuzhang, qq261339483, qq397832506, qw7891212, QwqOffice, qzlqz, qzxxcom, ra1lgun, Rachel, racsopark, raichuppp, rainlgtao, rainslide, rainstarer, Raisinli, Rami Yushuvaev, ramonopoly, readline, redstone1024, Regina, reikochyou, Remkus de Vries, RJDream, Robotxm, Rocco Aliberti, Rogier Lankhorst, rolor, Rongbin FAN, rshyys, RyanXin, ryerh, Sad Pencil, Sajedeh Gooklani, sakasakaka21, Sam, samduan, sanheng, sarahyang0326, schatzcat, seanyinyin, Sebastian Soo, securecow, Sekander Badsha, sendhil, senkawu, senryxie, sevenlin, shaolada, shawnhong, shawnyang, sherwinzxw, shigukj, shingoxray, shzeng, silverks, sirapa, skimm3r918, skinaze, Slava Abakumov, slifei, slobber, slonergan, songtianyi, soslhg, sotary, soubuyer, southp, sparanoia, spellbinder103, ssswind, stanly520, stargatedhd, stephaneg, steve3d, stevenchenmy, stevenjoezhang, stevensu, Streamline, strongindeed, suncrimson, sunnybin, sunrunchen, superkou, supersbluesky, supzhou, Suzuksu, sweetfan144, syao.ran, syfz, taigt, talentisewp, tana64, tanapok, Tang Rufus, tangzi9211, tanze1233, taoyou, Tauble, teatall, Terry L., tgw365, thechinese, theforever, TheZihanGu, Thomas, tiaria, timelover, tingozhu, Tinko, tinsn, tlanyan, TobiasBg, tobiwalden, tojoevan, tom0, toneywu, tonyzhao, totoro625, Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh, transiword, Translations by GoDaddy, Translations by Google, Translations by Semper Plugins, tsalick, ttaowang, TTVPS, Tudor, tulanmach, Twentig, Twitter Translations Team, tysonchiu, Tyson Tan, Ugyen Dorji, Unnamed, urimy, UserWay, uzanief, Van Abel, Varun Sharma, vcrack, vencent7, vennetong, venster, Ventulus, vfans, Victor Albala, VictorIn, vpseeker, w824973313, waikitz, walkmanwe, walterhzl, wangtz0607, wangweida, wangwengang, wangzai, wanwan03, wanweiwang, way2enjoy, waybq, waynez777,, WDD, Weather Atlas, webrndexperts, weiweistudio, weixiao, wen2012, wentianbu, wesly1182, westup, whan1234, whitesparrowstudio, whypha, William Chong, windflower, windspirit031, wiscreet, wj77998, Wolfit, wongpk, WordPress Fans, wordprssr, wp2xanadu, wpdevelop, wphrmanager, wporg2020, wppangpython, WSH90, wtonychen, wucp, wuhaobill, wututu, wuya999, wwc142, wwxn, wzhi1997, xday2000, xenonl, xfy9326, xianzhi, xiaochuan, xiaofaye, xiaofeng736, Xiaoge Zhong, xiaojunspace, xiaoyangdkj, xiejianjuen, xieyuan, Xingchao Zhang, Xingchao Zhang, xinyu3ru, xiongmaoi, xiyuemu, xnces, xslidian, xuzhijian17, xylonliu, yang0729, yangai, Yang Chen, yangjingwen, yangtang,, yangweilim, yansir, yanyunyong, yeetan, yellowfisher, yeszao, yewzy, yiduqiyi, yifanz, yingjie, yingxiongwudi, yinrenjieone, ymit, Yoast, Yoav Farhi, Yogesh Londhe, youngpage, yoursc, yth123456, yuant614, yuanzwf, yucn, YuJie Liu, yukuiomi, Yulone, YunQi, yu zhicheng, yzhh, yzlucky, yzqiang, yzwboy, yzxk, z5864703, zarichub, zcong, ze3kr, zenfero, zenghx, zengxiaoluan, zeocax, zhangbq, zhangqi02, Zhiwei Xu, Zhiyan Duan, zhoudj, Zhousiru, Zhu Mengyao, zipspeed, ziseshiya, zkl2333, zombiezlk, ztjy, zuola, zwillhill, zxc88645, zxm159789, zyhdbh, zyz75002, 一服客网站工作室, 云落, 千羽, 告老还童, 唛鬼, 大主, 小火, 小陆斑比, 戚威生, 最爱你是谁, 枕荷听雨, 狼豪, 王金阁, 秦朝往事, 赵彤刚, 轻松一试, 里予甲鸟甲鸟, and 阿辽.

Note: Is this a language that you speak? Join the WordPress translation team for Chinese (China)!