Basic Usage

Block Directory

Go back to the list of Blocks The Block Directory is a new way block editor users discover, test and install new blocks for their […]

Settings sidebar

The Page/Post settings sidebar is used to customize the key aspects of the page/post that is being published. It is part of the WordPress Block Editor on […]

Finding WordPress Help

WordPress help is never hard to find. There are many sites dedicated to helping WordPress users, including this support page and the always-helpful forums. With […]

Block-based Widgets Editor

The Block-based Widgets Editor brings the power of blocks to the Theme Customizer and Appearance > Widgets sections in the WordPress Administration Screens allowing you […]

First Steps with WordPress (Classic Editor)

Note: This page refers to WordPress using the older or Classic Editor. If you are on a new version of WordPress or using the block […]

List View

List View is a new tool to help you navigate between layers of content and nested blocks. It’s currently visible in the Top Toolbar and […]

Writing Posts

Note: In December 2018, WordPress 5.0 launched with a new editor. This article was written for the long-available editing experience in prior WordPress versions, which […]

Block Pattern Directory

The Block Pattern Directory is a resource for content creators who want to find more block patterns to use on their site to save time […]


In WordPress, you can put content on your site as either a Post or a Page. When you’re writing a regular blog entry, you write […]

Media library screen

Media → Library Media consists of the images, video, recordings, and files that you upload and use in your blog. Media is typically uploaded and […]

Comments in WordPress

Comments allow your website’s visitors to have a discussion with you and each other. When you activate comments on a Page or post, WordPress inserts […]

Users Your Profile Screen

Users → Your Profile The Your Profile Screen is accessible from both the main navigation menu under Users and by clicking on your name link […]