
Hi <<First Name>>,

Thank you for your generous support of GiveWell’s Maximum Impact Fund. After much consideration, we’ve allocated your donations received in the fourth quarter of 2020 to the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF).
Your donations of $<<ManualField1>> are expected to realize the distribution of approximately <<ManualField4>> preventive anti-malarial nets.*
We expect the total of roughly $26.9 million allocated to AMF from the Maximum Impact Fund to save between 5,300 and 8,900 lives by distributing over 5 million anti-malarial nets. Your gift directly contributes to this impact.
AMF has been a GiveWell top charity 11 times, and the gaps these funds will cover in Nigeria and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are among the most cost-effective our research has been able to identify. 
How AMF will use the funds
Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) don’t have an unlimited lifespan; they are subject to wear and tear in the real world. Your donations will allow AMF to decrease the interval between distribution campaigns for LLINs in several states in Nigeria and in DRC. Roughly $21.4 million will go toward a time-sensitive opportunity in several states in Nigeria, and $5.5 million will support efforts in DRC. You can read our full write-up on LLIN programs here, and more about AMF here.

$26.8 million from MIF will go toward AMF funding gaps in Nigeria (79.9%) and DRC (20.1%)

Nigeria and DRC bear a disproportionate burden of the global malaria threat, with children under 5 at particular risk.
According to the latest WHO World Malaria Report (November 2020), there were 229 million cases of malaria in 2019 and an estimated 409,000 deaths. Two countries accounted for a third of malaria deaths worldwide: Nigeria (23%) and DRC (11%). Children under 5 years of age are the most vulnerable group affected by malaria; in 2019 they accounted for 67% (274,000) of all malaria deaths worldwide.
For individual donors, the Maximum Impact Fund continues to be our top recommendation.
We believe AMF and Malaria Consortium have similarly cost-effective funding gaps, and for donors who prefer to select a charity themselves, we recommend a 50/50 split between the two. Our top recommendation, though, remains GiveWell’s Maximum Impact Fund, which we allocate roughly quarterly based on continuous research that identifies the most cost-effective and timely funding gaps at the time.
Our current assumption is that GiveWell is likely to be able to continue increasing money moved to charities in the future. Given that, for each allocation decision we try to maximize cost-effectiveness of GiveWell-directed giving over time. We do this by:

  • funding opportunities above the cost-effectiveness threshold we expect to apply over the next couple of years;
  • not missing out on timely opportunities;
  • among opportunities that are not yet time-sensitive, favoring opportunities that are more certain (i.e., that we're less likely to change our mind about before the next time we make this decision).

You can look forward to some additional context around this decision on our website. Until then, thank you once again for your continuing support of effective giving!
The GiveWell team

*To calculate your impact, we estimate the cost of a net at approximately $5; it costs between $3,000 and $5,000 to save a life.
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