
  • Member Since: December 27th, 2017
  • Location: Dresden
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  • Created a topic, Incorrect Paypal fees or how does WooCommerce calculate Paypal fees?, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I noticed that the paypal fees in WooCommerce …

  • Created a topic, Dashboard widget with selected redirects including the clicks, on the site Forums:
    Hello! Is it possible to add a dashboard widget in a …

  • Posted a reply to Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Nun. Aber wo kann man denn die aktuelle Version herunterladen? Ich habe auf Codemic keine…

  • Posted a reply to Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Welche WooCommerce Erweiterung meinst du genau? WooCommerce selbst ist auf Version 7.0.0 aktuell. WP HTML…

  • Posted a reply to Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Ok. Ja da sind leere Felder und wenn ich diese mit den Shortcodes fülle, erscheinen…

  • Posted a reply to Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Hey Hannes. Anscheinend gibt es noch ein Problem. Lieferzeiten, Zwischensumme, Gesamt, Zahlungsmethode fehlt alles. Kannst…

  • Posted a reply to Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Strg+F5 hat geholfen. War dann ein Cache Problem. Jetzt konnte ich aus den jeweiligen Drop…

  • Posted a reply to Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Hey. Ich habe diese Einstellung nicht ^^

  • Posted a reply to Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Jo. Fehler passieren. Ist menschlich. Ist halt nur dann ein Problem, wenn man da viele…

  • Posted a reply to Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Hey. Versteh mich nicht falsch, aber das ist doch Mist so. Das war vor 2…

  • Created a topic, Templates seit Update weg, on the site Forums:
    Hallo Hannes. Seit dem Update sind die Templates alle…

  • Posted a reply to Templates lassen sich nicht neu anlegen/aktualisieren, on the site Forums:
    Es gab einen kritischen Fehler auf deiner Website. Bitte überprüfe den Posteingang deiner Website-Administrator-E-Mail-Adresse für…

  • Posted a reply to Google Mobile-Friendly Test kicks my website out of the index, on the site Forums:
    I suspect it is due to these two scripts /wp-content/plugins/royal-elementor-addons/assets/js/lib/slick/slick.min.js /wp-content/plugins/royal-elementor-addons/assets/js/lib/particles/particles.js If I disable this…

  • Created a topic, Google Mobile-Friendly Test kicks my website out of the index, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I think your plugin has some bugs that should …

  • Created a topic, Only mobile – Move Gallery under Titel?, on the site Forums:
    Hello, is it possible only in the mobile version to mo…

  • Posted a reply to Amazing plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hi @nasey Can you tell me what this plugin does when I enable unused CSS?…

  • Created a topic, Two features that I am missing, on the site Forums:
    Hello :) I like this plugin. Currently I use ThePlus,…

  • Created a topic, Not ready for me yet, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Basically the plugin seems to be a good thing. Unf…

  • Created a topic, I don’t like how Hummingbird handles assets, on the site Forums:
    Hello. After experimenting with this plugin for some …

  • Posted a reply to Database Cleanup – Warning: Attempt to read property, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Thank you. I am well. And you? Version 3.3.4 Greetings

  • Posted a reply to Youtube videos are NOT blocked before approval, on the site Forums:
    Hi. A request: Is it possible to change the input fields for cookie descriptions (cookie…

  • Posted a reply to Youtube videos are NOT blocked before approval, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Oh, wow. Ok that was the error. Elementor was not activated. But I can…

  • Posted a reply to Youtube videos are NOT blocked before approval, on the site Forums:
    Hi Jarno Yes. Once the standard Elementor video block and once from another plugin. Greetings

  • Created a topic, Database Cleanup – Warning: Attempt to read property, on the site Forums:
    Hello a new problem. On the Database Cleanup page I g…

  • Created a topic, Manual asset optimization breaks my CSS, on the site Forums:
    Hi. I do not understand the manual asset optimization…

  • Created a topic, Youtube videos are NOT blocked before approval, on the site Forums:
    Hello I installed this plugin today, but somehow it d…

  • Created a topic, elementorModules is not defined at elementor-admin-bar.min.js, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I currently have the problem that the console …

  • Created a topic, Echtheit von Bewertungen – Eigene HTML Class zum anzeigen des Textes möglich?, on the site Forums:
    Hallöchen. Aktuell wird für die Ausgabe des Hinweiste…

  • Created a topic, Different margin-top specifications are added per user role, on the site Forums:
    Hello I have a very strange behavior. With the roles …

  • Created a topic, Einige Emails werden nicht mehr versandt, on the site Forums:
    Hallo. Ich habe festgestellt, dass nur noch die Beste…

  • Created a topic, Too many queries, on the site Forums:
    Hello :) Why does Booster have so many queries? jQuer…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t hide the Pay Later button, on the site Forums:
    Hello. Thank you for the quick feedback. Worked wonderfully. Thank you and many greetings

  • Created a topic, Can’t hide the Pay Later button, on the site Forums:
    Hi. I'm using the latest version and in my store it sh…

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce versendet keine Bestellung abgeschlossen Emails, on the site Forums:
    Hallo und Danke. Ich schaue mir das mal alles an. Eine Frage: Warum ist aber…

  • Created a topic, Woocommerce versendet keine Bestellung abgeschlossen Emails, on the site Forums:
    Hallöchen. Mein System versendet keine Bestellung abg…

  • Posted a reply to URL of optimized files as comment in source code, on the site Forums:
    Hello. thank you that helped. Merry Christmas :)

  • Created a topic, URL of optimized files as comment in source code, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I noticed that your plugin places in the sourc…

  • Created a topic, PageSpeed Roboto Font, on the site Forums:
    Hello. Google PageSpeed shows that your plugin loads …

  • Created a topic, Hey Joost van de Vijver, on the site Forums:
    Hey Joost van de Vijver. Why don't you respond to all…

  • Posted a reply to Not working at all, on the site Forums:
    Hey. And why do you give 5 stars for this junk?

  • Posted a reply to Export special characters?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks so much. It works :)

  • Created a topic, Export special characters?, on the site Forums:
    Hello. Thank you for this super plugin. I have a pro…

  • Posted a reply to Undefined array key “” in …, on the site Forums:
    Hi Julian. No thanks. The problem is fixed for now. Sorry for this spam here…

  • Posted a reply to Undefined array key “” in …, on the site Forums:
    Ok. I have the error. PHP 8 is apparently not supported. At least the error…

  • Posted a reply to Undefined array key “” in …, on the site Forums:
    Edit: I have noticed that since the error occurred, I also get an error when…

  • Created a topic, Undefined array key “” in …, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I currently have a problem Warning: Undefined …

  • Created a topic, Different positioning per device, on the site Forums:
    Hello. Super plugin I miss one function. Maybe this i…

  • Posted a reply to priceValidUntil is missing, on the site Forums:
    Hello @laptoptitan Thank you so much! This is an excellent solution :) Best regards and…

  • Posted a reply to There are not all orders displayed in the order overview., on the site Forums:
    Hello I think I know where the problem is. I have changed all the titles…

  • Posted a reply to There are not all orders displayed in the order overview., on the site Forums:
    Hello. Yes Wordpress and WooCommerce are up to date. Here the sys report Greetings ###…