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3 November 2022

Global health agencies outline plan to support Ugandan government-led response to outbreak of Ebola virus disease

3 November 2022 – Following the declaration of an Ebola outbreak in Uganda on 20 September 2022, the outbreak has now spread to seven districts (Kasanda, Kyegegwa, Bunyangabu and Kagadi districts beyond the original epicenter in Mubende district…

3 November 2022

Gavi sets course to support sustainable vaccine manufacturing in Africa with new action plan in support of the African Union’s 2040 vision

Gavi publishes plan of action to support the development of sustainable vaccine manufacturing in Africa.

28 October 2022

Lower-income countries push to reach more than 85 million children with measles vaccine

Following an alarming global rise in measles cases and outbreaks, lower Income countries are accelerating efforts with support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

New analysis of the state of routine immunisation in lower-income countries underlines impact of COVID-19 pandemic, but signs of recovery are emerging.

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COVAX data brief

Regular snapshot of latest information on key COVAX data points, including shipments, donations, coverage, administration, absorption and delivery support. Published every two weeks.

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COVAX Facility

Gavi is co-leading COVAX, the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. This involves coordinating the COVAX Facility, a global risk-sharing mechanism for pooled procurement and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

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Vaccines are one of the most successful and cost-effective health investments in history with wider benefits that accrue across a lifetime.

Keep informed about the latest topics in global health, including top stories related to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

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Vaccines are one of the most successful and cost-effective health investments in history with wider benefits that accrue across a lifetime.

Keep informed about the latest topics in global health, including top stories related to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

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Top VaccinesWork stories

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2 December 2022

This research gets the world a step closer to a hepatitis C vaccine

Using a Nobel Prize-winning technique called cryo-EM, researchers were able to identify potential areas on the hepatitis C virus that a vaccine could target.

2 December 2022

One dose of HPV vaccine produces a long-lasting immune response, shows study

WHO said this year that just one dose of the vaccine against cervical cancer is protective. Now a study has confirmed that the immune response remains strong ten years post-vaccination.

2 December 2022

A third of babies born to Zika-infected mothers developed abnormalities

An analysis of 13 studies has provided the clearest assessment yet of the risks associated with Zika virus infection during pregnancy.

COVID-19 vaccines

Accurate, evidence-based information about COVID-19 vaccines to provide people with essential facts about the vaccines that will help end this crisis.

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Accurate, evidence-based information about COVID-19 vaccines to provide people with essential facts about the vaccines that will help end this crisis.

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Our impact

Syringe >981 million children immunised
First aid locator >16.2 million future deaths prevented
Transitioned 16 countries transitioned from Gavi support
Billions >185.3 US$ billion in economic benefits for countries (2000–2021)
Children 78% of the world's children reached by routine immunisation

Our mission: save lives and protect people's health

Saving lives and protecting people’s health by increasing equitable and sustainable use of vaccines.

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Saving lives and protecting people’s health by increasing equitable and sustainable use of vaccines.

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Our partners

Gavi draws on the skills of a variety of partners, combining the technical expertise of the development community with the business know-how of the private sector.

Meet the Vaccine Alliance partners

Gavi draws on the skills of a variety of partners, combining the technical expertise of the development community with the business know-how of the private sector.

Meet the Vaccine Alliance partners

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