114th United States Congress

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114th United States Congress
113th ←
→ 115th
U.S. Capitol - March 28, 2016 (25666928564).jpg

January 3, 2015 – January 3, 2017
Members100 senators
435 representatives
6 non-voting delegates
Senate MajorityRepublican
Senate PresidentJoe Biden (D)
House MajorityRepublican
House SpeakerJohn Boehner (R)
(until October 29, 2015)
Paul Ryan (R)
(from October 29, 2015)
1st: January 6, 2015 – December 18, 2015
2nd: January 4, 2016 – January 3, 2017
House of Representatives Member Pin for the 114th U.S. Congress

The 114th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States of America federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2015, to January 3, 2017, during the final two years of Barack Obama's presidency. The seats in the House were apportioned based on the 2010 United States Census.[1][2][3]

The 2014 elections gave the Republicans control of the Senate and the House for the first time since the 109th Congress. With 248 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the Senate, this Congress began with the largest Republican majority since the 71st Congress of 1929–1931. As of 2022, this is the most recent session of Congress in which Republicans and Democrats held any seats in New Hampshire and Nebraska, respectively, the last in which Republicans held a Senate seat in Illinois, and the last where no U.S. Senators were sworn in during the middle of the two-year Congress.

Major events[edit]

President Barack Obama gave the State of the Union Address on January 20, 2015
Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress on March 3, 2015
Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, and Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew defended the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on July 23, 2015
Pope Francis addressed Congress September 24, 2015.

Major legislation[edit]




Party summary[edit]

Resignations and new members are discussed in the "Changes in membership" section, below.


Final Senate Membership
     44 Democrats
     54 Republicans

     2 Independents, caucusing with Democrats
Affiliation Party
(Shading indicates majority caucus)
Total Vacant
Democratic Independent
(caucusing with
End of previous Congress 53 2 45 100 0
Begin (January 3, 2015) 44 2 54 100 0
Final voting share 46.0% 54.0%  
Beginning of the next Congress 46 2 52 100 0

House of Representatives[edit]

Final House Membership
     187 Democrats
     246 Republicans

     2 Vacant
(Shading indicates majority caucus)
Total Vacant
Democratic Independent Republican
End of previous Congress 201 0 234 435 0
Begin (January 3, 2015) 188 0 247 435 0
January 5, 2015[a] 246 434 1
February 6, 2015[b] 245 433 2
March 31, 2015[c] 244 432 3
May 5, 2015[a] 245 433 2
June 2, 2015[b] 246 434 1
September 10, 2015[c] 247 435 0
October 31, 2015[d] 246 434 1
June 7, 2016[d] 247 435 0
June 23, 2016[e] 187 434 1
July 20, 2016[f] 186 433 2
September 6, 2016[g] 246 432 3
November 8, 2016 [e][f][g] 188 247 435 0
December 4, 2016 [h] 187 434 1
December 31, 2016 [i] 246 433 2
Final voting share 43.2% 0.0% 56.8%
Non-voting members 4 1 1 6 0
Beginning of the next Congress 194 0 241 435 0
114th U.S. Congress House of Representatives Member Pin


Section contents: Senate: Majority (R), Minority (D)House: Majority (R), Minority (D)


Senate President
Senate President pro tempore

Majority (Republican) leadership[edit]

Minority (Democratic) leadership[edit]

House of Representatives[edit]

House Speaker
John Boehner
John Boehner (R), until October 29, 2015
Paul Ryan
Paul Ryan (R), from October 29, 2015

Majority (Republican) leadership[edit]

Minority (Democratic) leadership[edit]



Senators are listed by state and then by Senate classes, In this Congress, Class 3 meant their term ended with this Congress, requiring re-election in 2016; Class 1 meant their term began in the last Congress, requiring re-election in 2018; and Class 2 meant their term began in this Congress, requiring re-election in 2020.

House of Representatives[edit]

Changes in membership[edit]


There were no changes in Senate membership during this Congress.

House of Representatives[edit]

House changes
District Vacated by Reason for change Successor Date of successor's
formal installation[n]
New York 11th Michael Grimm
Incumbent resigned January 5, 2015, following a guilty plea on one count of felony tax evasion.[27]
A special election was held May 5, 2015.[28]
Dan Donovan
May 12, 2015
Mississippi 1st Alan Nunnelee
Incumbent died February 6, 2015.[29]
A special election runoff was held June 2, 2015.[30][31]
Trent Kelly
June 9, 2015
Illinois 18th Aaron Schock
Incumbent resigned March 31, 2015, following a spending scandal.[32][33]
A special election was held September 10, 2015.
Darin LaHood
September 17, 2015
Ohio 8th John Boehner
Incumbent resigned October 31, 2015.[34]
A special election was held June 7, 2016.
Warren Davidson
June 9, 2016[35]
Pennsylvania 2nd Chaka Fattah
Incumbent resigned June 23, 2016, following a conviction of corruption charges.[36]
A special election was held November 8, 2016.[37]
Dwight Evans
November 14, 2016
Hawaii 1st Mark Takai
Incumbent died July 20, 2016.[38]
A special election was held November 8, 2016.[39]
Colleen Hanabusa
November 14, 2016
Kentucky 1st Ed Whitfield
Incumbent resigned September 6, 2016, following an ethics investigation.[40]
A special election was held November 8, 2016.[41]
James Comer
November 14, 2016
California 44th Janice Hahn
Incumbent resigned December 4, 2016, to become a member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.[42]
No special election was held and the seat remained vacant until the next Congress. Hahn did not run for re-election in 2016.
Vacant until the next Congress
Michigan's 10th Candice Miller
Incumbent resigned December 31, 2016, to become Macomb County Public Works Commissioner.[43]
No special election was held and the seat remained vacant until the next Congress. Miller did not run for re-election in 2016.


[Section contents: Senate, House, Joint ]


Committee Chairman Ranking Member
Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Pat Roberts (R-KS) Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
Appropriations Thad Cochran (R-MS) Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Armed Services John McCain (R-AZ) Jack Reed (D-RI)
Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Richard Shelby (R-AL) Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Budget Mike Enzi (R-WY) Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Commerce, Science and Transportation John Thune (R-SD) Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Energy and Natural Resources Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Environment and Public Works Jim Inhofe (R-OK) Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Finance Orrin Hatch (R-UT) Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Foreign Relations Bob Corker (R-TN) Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Lamar Alexander (R-TN) Patty Murray (D-WA)
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Ron Johnson (R-WI) Thomas Carper (D-DE)
Indian Affairs John Barrasso (R-WY) Jon Tester (D-MT)
Judiciary Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Rules and Administration Roy Blunt (R-MO) Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Small Business and Entrepreneurship David Vitter (R-LA) Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Veterans' Affairs Johnny Isakson (R-GA) Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)

House of Representatives[edit]

Committee Chairman Ranking Member
Agriculture Michael Conaway (R-TX) Collin Peterson (D-MN)
Appropriations Harold Rogers (R-KY) Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Armed Services Mac Thornberry (R-TX) Adam Smith (D-WA)
Budget Tom Price (R-GA) Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)
Education and the Workforce John Kline (R-MN) Bobby Scott (D-VA)
Energy and Commerce Fred Upton (R-MI) Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
Ethics Charlie Dent (R-PA) Linda Sánchez (D-CA)
Financial Services Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) Maxine Waters (D-CA)
Foreign Affairs Edward Royce (R-CA) Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Homeland Security Michael McCaul (R-TX) Bennie Thompson (D-MS)
House Administration Candice Miller (R-MI) Robert Brady (D-PA)
Judiciary Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) John Conyers (D-MI)
Natural Resources Rob Bishop (R-UT) Raul Grijalva (D-AZ)
Oversight and Government Reform Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) Elijah Cummings (D-MD)
Rules Pete Sessions (R-TX) Louise Slaughter (D-NY)
Science, Space & Technology Lamar Smith (R-TX) Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)
Small Business Steve Chabot (R-OH) Nydia Velázquez (D-NY)
Transportation and Infrastructure Bill Shuster (R-PA) Peter DeFazio (D-OR)
Veterans' Affairs Jeff Miller (R-FL) Corrine Brown (D-FL)
Ways and Means Kevin Brady (R-TX) Sander Levin (D-MI)
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Devin Nunes (R-CA) Adam Schiff (D-CA)

Joint committees[edit]

Committee Chairman Vice Chairman
Joint Economic Committee Sen. Dan Coats (R-IN) Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH)
Joint Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (Special) Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Joint Committee on the Library Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS)
Joint Committee on Printing Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS) Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO)
Joint Committee on Taxation Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)




Source: "Senate Organization Chart for the 114th Congress". Senate.gov. US Senate. Archived from the original on March 28, 2015. Retrieved January 26, 2015.

House of Representatives[edit]

Source: "Officers and Organizations of the House". House.gov. US House. Archived from the original on July 6, 2017. Retrieved January 26, 2015.

Legislative branch agency directors[edit]

See also[edit]


Membership lists[edit]


  1. ^ a b In New York's 11th district: Michael Grimm (R) resigned January 5, 2015 and Dan Donovan (R) was elected May 5, 2015.
  2. ^ a b In Mississippi's 1st district: Alan Nunnelee (R) died February 6, 2015 and Trent Kelly (R) was elected June 2, 2015.
  3. ^ a b In Illinois's 18th district: Aaron Schock (R) resigned March 31, 2015 and Darin Lahood (R) was elected September 10, 2015.
  4. ^ a b In Ohio's 8th district: John Boehner (R) resigned October 31, 2015 and Warren Davidson (R-) was elected June 7, 2016.
  5. ^ a b In Pennsylvania's 2nd district: Chaka Fattah (D) resigned June 23, 2016 and Dwight Evans (D) was elected November 8, 2016.
  6. ^ a b In Hawaii's 1st district: Mark Takai (D) died July 20, 2016 and Colleen Hanabusa (D) was elected November 8, 2016.
  7. ^ a b In Kentucky's 1st district: Ed Whitfield (R) resigned September 6, 2016 and James Comer (R) was elected November 8, 2016.
  8. ^ In California's 44th district: Janice Hahn (D) resigned December 4, 2016.
  9. ^ In Michigan's 10th district: Candice Miller (R) resigned December 31, 2016.
  10. ^ a b Senators King (ME) and Sanders (VT) had no political affiliation but caucused with the Democratic Party.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h The Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL) and the North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party (D-NPL) are the Minnesota and North Dakota affiliates of the U.S. Democratic Party and are counted as Democrats.
  12. ^ Sablan caucuses with the Democratic Party.[26]
  13. ^ Like many members of the PNP, Pedro Pierluisi affiliates with both the PNP and the Democratic Party.
  14. ^ When seated or oath administered, not necessarily when service began.


  1. ^ H.J.Res. 129: "Appointing the day for the convening of the first session of the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress."
  2. ^ H.Con.Res. 104: "Providing for the sine die adjournment of the first session of the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress."
  3. ^ "House Calendars for January 3, 2017 - 115th Congress, 1st Session-Calendar of year 2017". www.govinfo.gov.
  4. ^ Walsh, Deirdre (January 6, 2015). "Boehner Overcomes Big Opposition to Remain Speaker". CNN. Retrieved January 7, 2015.
  5. ^ a b Heitshusen, Valerie; Beth, Richard S. (January 4, 2019). "Speakers of the House: Elections, 1913–2019" (PDF). CRS Report for Congress. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, the Library of Congress. Retrieved January 31, 2019.
  6. ^ Bradner, Eric (January 25, 2015). "Criticism over Netanyahu visit intensifies". CNN. Retrieved January 26, 2015.
  7. ^ Lee, Carol; Solomon, Jay (March 3, 2015). "Israel's Netanyahu Urges Congress to Block 'Bad Deal' With Iran". The Wall Street Journal. New York. Retrieved March 3, 2015.
  8. ^ Baker, Peter (March 9, 2015). "Angry White House and G.O.P. Senators Clash Over Letter to Iran". The New York Times. Retrieved March 16, 2015.
  9. ^ Riechmann, Deb (March 26, 2015) - "In U.S., Ghani Vows Afghan Self-Reliance". Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Retrieved March 27, 2015. Archived March 30, 2015.
  10. ^ a b Zengerle, Patricia (March 26, 2015). "Japan PM Abe to Address Joint Session of Congress". Reuters. Archived from the original on October 1, 2015. Retrieved March 27, 2015.
  11. ^ Mauldin, William (April 29, 2015). "Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Argues for Trade Deal in Speech to Congress". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved April 29, 2015.
  12. ^ Sherman, Jake (February 5, 2015). "Pope will address Congress in September". Politico. Retrieved April 29, 2015.
  13. ^ Steinhauer, Jennifer (September 25, 2015). "John Boehner Will Resign From Congress". The New York Times.
  14. ^ DeBonis, Mike; Kane, Paul (September 25, 2015). "House Speaker John Boehner to Resign at End of October". Washingtonpost.com. Retrieved September 25, 2015.
  15. ^ "Shock! McCarthy drops Speaker bid". The Hill. October 8, 2015. Retrieved May 15, 2016.
  16. ^ Richard Escobedo (November 1, 2015). "Who was the last House speaker younger than Paul Ryan?". CBS News.
  17. ^ Modi addresses Congress as U.S.-India ties bloom By Nicole Gaouette and Elise Labott, CNN, June 9, 2016, retrieved March 22, 2020
  18. ^ Siegel, Ben (June 23, 2016). "Congress adjourns fight for gun control to July 5th". Yahoo. Politics. Retrieved June 23, 2016.
  19. ^ 5-Year, $300 Billion "FAST Act" Will Extend Transpo Policy Status Quo to 2020 By Angie Schmitt, USA.Streetsblog.org, December 2, 2015, retrieved March 22, 2020
  20. ^ "Obama's Best Day in Office?". The Wall Street Journal (Opinion). February 24, 2016. Retrieved March 22, 2020.
  21. ^ Historic Bill Of Rights For Survivors Of Sexual Assault Is Heading To Obama's Desk by Emma O'Connor, BuzzFeed, September 7, 2016, retrieved March 22, 2020
  22. ^ With media watchdogs on the sidelines, pharma-funded advocacy groups pushed Cures Act to the finish line by Trudy Lieberman, Health News Review, retrieved March 22, 2020
  23. ^ S.Res. 3
  24. ^ a b c d e Lesniewski, Niels; Dennis, Steven (November 13, 2014). "Mitch McConnell Unanimously Elected Majority Leader by GOP". Roll Call. Archived from the original on February 2, 2015. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g Sanchez, Humberto; Lesniewski, Niels (November 13, 2014). "Harry Reid Unveils New Leadership Team, Strategy". Roll Call. Archived from the original on November 15, 2014. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  26. ^ "Caucus Memberships of Gregorio Sablan". House.gov. US House of Representatives. Retrieved January 25, 2015.
  27. ^ "Boehner Commends Grimm for Announcing Resignation" Archived January 11, 2015, at the Wayback Machine Roll Call, December 30, 2014.
  28. ^ "Welcome to New York's Sixth Special Election in Six Years" Archived January 16, 2015, at the Wayback Machine Roll Call, January 2, 2015.
  29. ^ "GOP Rep. Nunnelee of Miss. Dies After Brain Cancer, Stroke" ABC News, February 6, 2015.
  30. ^ Pender, Geoff (February 6, 2015). "Governor will set election after Nunnelee's death". The Clarion-Ledger. Retrieved February 19, 2015.
  31. ^ Cahn, Emily (May 12, 2015). "Mississippi Special Election Heads to Runoff". Roll Call.
  32. ^ Bash, Dana; Zeleny, Jeff; Jaffe, Alexandra (March 17, 2015). "Aaron Schock resigns amid scandal". CNN. Retrieved March 17, 2015.
  33. ^ DeBonis, Mike; Costa, Robert; Kane, Paul (March 17, 2015). "Rep. Aaron Schock announces resignation in wake of spending probe". The Washington Post. Retrieved March 17, 2015.
  34. ^ "Amid revolt, Boehner steps aside to avoid 'irreparable harm' to Congress". Usatoday.com. September 26, 2015. Retrieved May 15, 2016.
  35. ^ "Davidson will be sworn in today". Journal-News. June 9, 2016. Archived from the original on June 10, 2016. Retrieved June 9, 2016.
  36. ^ "Rep. Chaka Fattah resigns after conviction, effective immediately" (Press release). CBS. June 23, 2016. Retrieved June 23, 2016.
  37. ^ Brennan, Chris (July 1, 2016). "Special election for Fattah's former U.S. House seat will be Nov. 8". Philadelphia Media Network. Retrieved July 4, 2016.
  38. ^ Blair, Chad (July 20, 2016). "Tributes Pour In After Death of Congressman Mark Takai." CivilBeat.org. Retrieved September 21, 2018.
  39. ^ Dayton, Kevin (August 3, 2016). "Special-election winner will finish Takai's term". Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Retrieved August 5, 2016.
  40. ^ "Rep. Whitfield to retire amid ethics probe". TheHill. September 29, 2015.
  41. ^ Callais, Krystle (September 6, 2016). "U.S. Congressman Ed Whitfield stepping down". WPSD-TV. Archived from the original on August 16, 2017. Retrieved September 8, 2016.
  42. ^ Wire, Sarah D. (November 29, 2016). "Rep. Janice Hahn to resign seat early to be sworn in as L.A. County supervisor." Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from LATimes.com, September 21, 2018.
  43. ^ 2016 Congressional Record, Vol. 162, Page H7147
  44. ^ Shabad, Rebecca (January 5, 2015). "Budget scorekeeper awaits GOP decision". The Hill. Archived from the original on January 7, 2015. Retrieved January 26, 2015.

External links[edit]