This holiday Season,

We can bring clean water to 40,000 people

And it all starts with one person: You.

Bringing clean water to people living in some of the world’s hardest-to-reach places is, well, hard. It’s a full team effort, and everyone has a role. Including — and especially — you.

Our work to end the water crisis can’t start without your support. No matter how much you choose to give, 100% will directly fund clean water for those who need it most.

1,710 / 40,000

Est. people served

how does this work?

Find out what happens when you give clean water

It’s simple: 100% of your donation goes straight to clean water, always. But the journey it takes to get there, and the people it impacts along the way? It’s so much bigger than you might think — and it starts the second you hit "give."

Shuffle to see your impact

These are just a few of the incredible people you’re working alongside from a single district in Zimbabwe. But your gift extends far and wide, equipping 15.5 million people with access to clean water and fueling a global network of 55 local partners currently working in 22 countries around the world.

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100% of your gift empowerscommunity leaders like Stanloey

Stanloey is the leader of Peter Village, a community in Zimbabwe that received clean water in 2020. In the years since, residents have taken everything they’ve learned about water, sanitation, and hygiene and used it to reinvent their community — a true team effort that was fostered by Stanloey.

Before, we weren’t drinking water. We were drinking saliva from animals. Each and every day, we witnessed cases of diarrhea. Right now, at the clinic, they are very surprised because they never see us there anymore.

We are guarding jealously our water source. We treat it like a toddler. Give it love and care. Because we want it to last forever.

Before, there were only four latrines. I was the first person to complete a latrine. The problem was the issue of bricks. When I started donating bricks to other community members, it motivated others to give when they had excess. I was leading by example.

My son wanted to build a beautiful house using corrugated iron. He had gathered the materials, but he faced some challenges in completing the project. So I asked my son to donate the materials to the community. As you can see, many of the latrines have corrugated iron roofs, donated by my son. He was very happy to be assisting his community.

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100% of your gift empowersdrilling supervisors like Talent

Talent is a geologist who specializes in geophysical surveys. He estimates that he’s worked on about 2,000 wells over the past 12 years. On the day we spoke, Talent and his team were drilling a well for a community in Chidumbwe. They arrived at 10pm, slept in tents, drilled the well the next morning, and planned to move on to a new community by day’s end. “Whenever I wake up, I wake up to drill a borehole,” he shared.

This is my passion. As you can see, water is life. When people get water, it’s an essential need in their life. Going to the villages, providing water? When those people get happy, I get so much happier.

It was so painful when they told us they have to go collect water on the other side of the mountain. If you look at the terrain that we have in this village, its so difficult to get water. Even when drilling. When we told them we were coming here, they were so happy. We are so happy that we’ve brought life to these people.

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100% of your gift empowershealth officers like Evidence

An epidemiologist by profession, Evidence works for the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of diseases in rural communities. With legendary passion (and fashion), Evidence shared how teamwork between all parties — the government, local partners, community members, and supporters like you — is required for sustainable change.

We are very content with the infrastructure that has been given to us through charity: water’s support. Now, we need to ensure that life goes on in a healthy way.

We no longer call [community members] beneficiaries. Because beneficiaries just benefit and do nothing else. These people are agents of change. We want community participation. Once they participate, they own the project. Once they own the project, they will support the project. Once they support the project, we win as a team.

We have a very good relationship with [our local partner, Welthungerhilfe] WHH. I’m one of the government stakeholders, and I’m very happy because we work in a transparent way. It's all about a real transformation coming from a reputable organization that respects ethical considerations in our vicinity. When we deal with WHH, quality is guaranteed.

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100% of your gift empowersgardeners like Editor

Editor and about 10 other women share responsibility for their community garden, a resource made possible by easy access to clean water. Before, they were spending nearly a dozen hours a week just walking for food. Now, they’re able to pour that time into their own garden — and into their own community.

We started the garden in 2021 after the rehabilitation of the water point. We’re growing tomatoes, kale, carrots, peppers, onions, and beans. We are proud of the garden. It is only the women who are working in the garden.

Before we had this garden, we had to walk 15 kilometers to get to the nearest garden. We went three times a week. Now, we have plenty of time to do household duties.

We also sat down and agreed that we would help those who can’t help themselves. We took it upon ourselves to help our community. The elderly are being taken care of. The orphans are being taken care of. We have that spirit of giving here.

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100% of your gift empowersheadmasters like Mugove

A solar-powered piped system funded by charity: water supporters serves more than 1,000 people in Shamva, including 300 students and 12 teachers at a local school where Mugove serves as headmaster. It’s a role he’s held since May 2020 — long enough to experience the school with and without clean water and see the dramatic difference it has made.

It was a really hard time. In terms of water, in terms of toilets, it was bad. Students couldn’t even wash their hands. We had a school garden, but we had to stop that project because we didn’t have the water. At the end of the day, teachers would not stay long at places with sanitary issues. Whenever an opportunity arose, they would transfer.

We are supposed to have 12 teachers here. We now have 12 teachers. Before, the number kept on changing. It’d be eight, seven, it could even be five in a given term. This is the first time we’ve been fully staffed since I’ve been here.

The first day, when the pipes were being laid down, I could not imagine getting water from them. It was like a dream. When water started coming out of the tap, I was the first person to start taking pictures.

After such a long time, we started to get water easily. You’d be looking back at the challenges we had, and then suddenly, it changed. We are very grateful. We have run out of words to give our thanks.

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100% of your gift empowersstudents like Kenias

15-year-old Kenias* is a huge soccer fan. When he’s not cheering for Man City, he’s working on science experiments. It’s an ideal focus for Kenias, who dreams of becoming a doctor one day. And now, with access to water, sanitation, and hygiene, there’s nothing standing in his way.

*Kenias’ name has been changed in accordance with our Child Protection Policy.

It is a wonderful thing that you did for us. Before you supplied us with facilities, we had many problems. During lunch time we walked for a long distance, looking for water for drinking. Life was so complicated.

After your assistance, our lives flow smoothly. We are able to practice our agriculture lessons. We make flower beds that make our school beautiful. Now, all students wash hands with flowing water. You have truly changed our lives.

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100% of your gift empowersWASH team leaders like SQ

SQ has been working with Welthungerhilfe (WHH), our local partner in Zimbabwe, since 2008. Her homebase is 500km (over 300 miles) away, which means she rarely gets to see her family. When asked how she manages, she said, “I have passion. I like this job. If you miss home too much, the work suffers. So you have to be strong."

Thanks to SQ’s work as a team leader, communities are equipped with water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) resources that improve everyone’s lives, especially girls and women.

You know, there’s a load that women traveling long distances for water have to bear. There is gender-based violence here when women take too long to collect water. A girl child can’t go to school because she has to collect water. A girl might be gone for one, two, three, four days… and after that, she drops out.

If WASH is good, the standard of living improves. Women are the primary users of water. They suffer when there is no water. When you have the resources you need, you are free.

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100% of your gift empowersWASH field managers like Tamuka

After earning his degree in public health, Tamuka started his career at Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health before taking a role with our local partner Welthungerhilfe (WHH) to focus on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). His passion for this work is deep, and it comes from experience.

I grew up in a rural community. We didn’t have safe water. We didn’t have toilets. I know what these families are going through. I grew up in the same difficult conditions.

The passion keeps me going. If you have the passion to work with communities and to try to improve communities' lives through clean water and sanitation, that will drive you to want to do more.

The most important thing is that we have the funding. Our teams are so dedicated. They are so professional. They are so target-oriented. As long as we have the funds, we can get the work done. If we have the funds, the sky is the limit.

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100% of your gift empowershealth leaders like Fungai

When it came time to select a health club leader for Peter Village, Fungai ran uncontested. Her education and charisma made her the clear choice for leading the community’s efforts to adopt healthy habits. She calls her work “spreading the gospel of sanitation and hygiene.” And as the reigning champion of the annual sanitation and hygiene competition, it’s clear that she practices what she preaches.

I worked my way through school. I did odd jobs. I worked in gardens. I wanted to be self-sufficient and educated. The elders used to say that young girls shouldn’t get an education. I wanted to prove them wrong. I wanted to see how far I could go.

Unfortunately, I could not do that because I lost my parents. But I feel there are blessings that come from doing the work I’m doing. I feel the work I’ve done will encourage others to educate their children.

I take pride in the fact that the practices are being accepted. If people all around come to this community, they know that something different is happening here. Whenever people gather, we say, “This is the awesome activity happening in our community.” We spread the gospel of sanitation and hygiene.

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100% of your gift empowerschili farmers like Margret

Margret, a farmer, became an instant legend when she told us, “I don’t like peppers. I like money.” We respect it. She was having a latrine built for her family on the day we visited, and now, with access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, we can only imagine how much her business will flourish.

We sat down as a family and reviewed the resources we’d need [for a latrine]. We needed 1,500 bricks and five bags of cement. We also needed barbed wire for casting the structure. We decided to go ahead with it. But what really motivated us was better health practices. We’ve struggled with diseases. In our family, we haven’t. But I’ve seen the impact on my community.

There is unity here. We all adopted these practices. We were of one mind. The men are working even before getting paid out of love for the community.

We have a happy and joyful life. We live well with one another. The only thing we were lacking was hygiene. The diseases we’d been dealing with, we believe that challenge will be in the past. We’ve now taken measures to prevent that.

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100% of your gift empowersbuilders like Maita

Maita was already a professional builder before he went through a 14-day training (funded by supporters like you!) to learn how to construct latrines. Now, his family and community are benefiting from his enhanced skills — and he’s met a team he hopes to work with for years to come.

I’m the head builder here. We’re a group of five. We live here. Our parents live here, too. They were our target to complete the construction in three months. We realized that our parents do not have enough money to hire builders. The only person to help our parents is us.

We cannot talk about health without talking about toilets. Toilets are where health starts. Next, we’ll build washing facilities and refuse pits. We are not very focused on payment. We charge a subsidized price, and we also allow people to pay in kind from crop harvests.

We are a strong team. We are always happy. When I see my other builders building in happiness, it makes me happy, too. I am very, very happy about the way we have started to work together. Even after this, we will still work together. We make a good team.

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100% of your gift empowersteachers like Cleopatra

Cleopatra’s willingness to go above and beyond is so clear in her decision to volunteer as the school’s health club leader in addition to her responsibilities as a science teacher. With pure enthusiasm, an impeccable sense of humor, obvious belief in every student’s potential — and now, clean water — she has everything she needs to equip her classes with everything they’ll need.

The school has changed a lot. The first year I came here, we didn’t have water. We were using a borehole [water point] that was two kilometers from here. The students didn’t have water for washing their hands, for cleaning the toilets, or even for drinking.

On Fridays, we’d have 50% of our pupils at school. They would stay home to collect water and do laundry. Now, today is a Friday, and almost 100% of the students are here. Most of the girls would just stay home when they were on their periods. And now, most of them are here.

During the pandemic, we did not have an outbreak here because we had water to wash our hands. Our health club helped us spread news to the whole school that we have to wash our hands and wear our masks. It also helped us teach students about personal hygiene. We now have pupils coming to school without any disturbances.

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100% of your gift empowerssecurity guards like Chahwa

Born and raised in Nyamaropa, Chahwa has a long-standing connection to his community. Chosen by his neighbors to serve as the security guard, he watches over the solar panels that power the community’s water point. His preferred tool of the trade? A slingshot, which he wields with laser accuracy — and a good bit of humor. “It’s useful for scaring small birds like pigeons,” he told us with a laugh.

Previously, I used to assist with herding cattle in the village. There was a meeting and the people selected me to be in charge of security for the solar panels. I love the fact that I get some income from this job. I’m grateful that at the end of the month, I have money to support my family.

Things are better now. We’re getting water that is clean. It’s easy to access. It’s almost like we’re living in Harare!

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Travel* to Zimbabwe

*Virtually. Here’s how:

  1. Click the button below to go to Instagram.
  2. Send @charitywater a direct message that says “let’s go” — that’s your password.
  3. Enjoy your journey to Zimbabwe with charity: water’s creative director Tyler Riewer!

Go to Instagram

Help more people get clean water

Right now, 1 in 10 people worldwide are trying to figure out how to make it through the day without access to clean and safe water. Dirty water makes existing challenges harder than they need to be, creating cycles of poverty, sickness, and lack of opportunity that ruthlessly repeat for generations.

The water crisis takes and takes and takes. But this community gives.

And it all starts with you.

All of the goodness you’ve seen on this page — the impact of your donation, the teamwork that transforms communities, the students and farmers and teachers and mothers who are free to pursue their own dreams — none of it happens without clean water, and clean water doesn’t happen without you.

No matter how much you give, 100% of your gift directly funds clean water, bringing life’s most basic need to people living in some of the most remote locations on Earth.

Give Clean Water

Bring clean water to an entire community

By sponsoring a water project, you’ll transform the future for a community, health clinic, or school with clean water.

On average, water projects start at $10,000 and can cost up to $25,000 or more, depending on the location and project type. Our team will match your gift with the most appropriate water project(s) and share progress reports along the way.

Sponsor a Project

Other ways to give

Join The Spring

Making a monthly donation (of any amount!) and change lives every month.

Honor someone special

Honor or remember someone special by making a gift in their name.

Legacy Giving

Join us in shaping the future and making clean water a part of your lasting legacy.

Give by check or stock

We also accept donations by check, stock, money order, and wire transfer.

Donate with cryptocurrency

We currently accept bitcoin, ether, litecoin, bitcoin cash, Zcash, filecoin, and dogecoin.

Give to the Bitcoin Water Trust

Our exponential growth fund will hold all donated bitcoins until at least 2025.