Content Editor Application

NOTE: The hiring manager for this role is on parental leave. We are still excited to receive incoming applications, and encourage you to apply! If we think your application is promising, we'll reach out to discuss next steps, but will likely delay subsequent steps of the application process until January 2023. You're welcome to wait to apply until later in the year if that's preferable for you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Thanks for your interest in our work!

The first stage of the application process consists of the three-step process outlined below:

  1. Fill out the application form.
  2. Upload your resume.
  3. Complete a set of conversation notes.

1. Fill out the application form

2. Upload your resume

3. Complete a set of conversation notes

On May 6, 2009, Holden Karnofsky spoke with Jessica Gottlieb, former Center for Global Development Program Coordinator and staff member for the Millions Saved project. Please follow the detailed instructions for writing a summary of this conversation.