Our Services

Harvest Pediatrics offers a comprehensive range of care from infancy through adolescence to help your child maintain optimal health and wellness. You can read more on this page about specific services we offer.

Prenatal Visits

Having a baby is one of the most rewarding experiences in your life. We are committed to keeping your baby healthy. Our professional team provides the quality care your child needs and the advice and counsel you want.  We encourage all expectant parents to schedule a prenatal visit with one of our providers.  Please call one of our offices to schedule an appointment, Napa 252-1076, St. Helena, 963-0171.

Newborn Care

Our pediatricians have hospital privileges at both Queen of the Valley Medical Center and St. Helena Hospital.  We work collaboratively with your obstetrican to ensure your baby's safe delivery.  Once you have chosen Harvest Pediatrics as your child's medical home, our pediatricians will see and follow your baby in the hospital and make arrangements for your first visit to the office.  For first time parents, our committment is  to support and guide you through the first year of your baby's life through adolescence.

Our pediatricians have partnered with the pediatricians at Clinic Ole to provide our patients with 24 hour, seven days a week, hospital coverage for newborn emergencies and pediatric admissions to the Queen of the Valley Medical Center. The pediatricians at Clinic Ole include, Sonia Lee, MD, Katherine Leaning, MD and Marnie Granados, MD


Drs. Carrillo & Myers are able to perform circumcisions on your newborn boy up to the age of 2 weeks.  It is preferable to do the procedure while you and the baby are in the hospital prior to discharge.  If not possible, arrangements can be made to perform the procedure in the office.  Most insurances cover the cost of this procedure.

Well-Child Care Exams

It is important to schedule well-child-care exams regularly, beginning in infancy. Also called well-care visits or checkups, these routine examinations provide the best opportunity for the doctor/nurse practitioner to observe the progress of your child's physical and mental growth and development; to counsel and teach parents; to detect problems through screening tests; to provide immunizations, and to get to know one another. Well-care visits are strongly recommended as part of preventive pediatric care.

Well-child visits are also a good time for parents to raise questions and concerns about a child's development, behavior, nutrition, safety and overall well-being.

Harvest Pediatrics recommends this schedule for routine well-care visits:

  • 3 to 5 days
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months
  • 30 months
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • And once every year thereafter for an annual health supervision visit that includes a physical exam as well as a developmental, behavioral, and learning assessments

Back to School & Sports Physicals

No matter what grade your child is about to enter, there’s the yearly back-to-school checklist of to-dos: shopping for school supplies, filling out permission forms, and the pediatric checkup.

While it may not seem as urgent, a yearly physical exam by your family’s pediatrician or nurse practitioner is an important part of your child’s health care. The back-to-school season is a convenient time for putting the exam on your family’s schedule.

Back-to-school checkups are often the only visit most kids and teenagers have with their doctor every year. The annual physical gives the pediatrician a chance to give the child a thorough physical exam. It’s also a good chance to address important questions, especially with teenagers, including adolescent issues of drinking, smoking, drugs, sexual activity, and depression. If your child is participating in sport activities, it is a good practice to have them undergo a complete physical exam and a general assessment of their health.


Today, most children in the United States lead much healthier lives and parents live with much less anxiety and worry over infections during childhood. Immunizations are one of the success stories of modern medicine.

The immunization of US children is so widespread and successful that the serious diseases that once caused severe illnesses and lasting disabilities have, in some cases, disappeared.

We offer the full complement of childhood immunizations and follow the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics.  We strongly believe that immunizing your child is the right thing to do and the smart thing to do.  See our page on vaccinations and our office policy.

To view the most up-to-date immunization schedules, click here.

Routine Care

You should always feel free to call our office and speak to one of our medical assistants or nurse, even if it's for routine things like medicines, minor illnesses, injuries, behavior, or even parenting advice. Keep in mind, though, we may not be able to answer your questions without seeing your child first.   Our medical assistants and nurse are educated in providing the answers and advice for basic pediatric care.  They will assist you in scheduling an appointment if you need to see a medical provider for further assessment.

Urgent Sick Child

Our office provides same day appointments for urgent care.  Sometimes it's hard to tell how sick your child is. However, urgent care or a trip to the hospital is usually not needed for a simple cold or cough, mild diarrhea, constipation, temper tantrums, or sleep problems. If your child has any of the following, call to find out if he needs to be seen:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea that last for more than a few hours in a child of any age
  • Rash, especially if there is also a fever
  • Any cough or cold that does not get better in several days, or a cold that gets worse and is accompanied by a fever
  • Cuts that might need stitches
  • Limping or is not able to move an arm or leg
  • Ear pain with fever, is unable to sleep or drink, is vomiting, has diarrhea, or is acting ill
  • Drainage from an ear
  • Severe sore throat or problems swallowing
  • Sharp or persistent pains in the abdomen or stomach
  • Pain that gets worse or does not go away after several hours
  • A rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher in a baby younger than 2 months
  • Fever and repeated vomiting at the same time
  • Blood in the urine
  • Bloody diarrhea or diarrhea that will not go away
  • Not drinking for more than 12 hours

Emergency Care

We do not provide emergency care, as it is rare for children to become seriously ill with no warning. Depending on your child's symptoms, you usually should contact us for advice. Early recognition and treatment of symptoms can prevent an illness or injury from getting worse or turning into an emergency.

Call 911 for help if you are concerned that your child's life may be in danger or that your child is seriously ill or injured.

If you believe that an injury or illness is threatening your child's health or may cause permanent harm, call for an ambulance. If your child is seriously ill or injured, it is safer for your child to be transported to the emergency department by ambulance.

Call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 at once if your child has swallowed a suspected poison or another person's medication, even if your child has no signs or symptoms.

Developmental & Mental Health

We collaborate with ALDEA Childrens ProGRAM IN OFFERING COUNSELING AND SUPPORTVE Children with Special Health Care NeedsnORTH  bAY rEGIONl Cengef

Referrals for Pediatric Speciality Care

California Pacific Medical Center/Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, San Francisco
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, San Francisco
Oakland Children's Hospital & Research Center, Oakland
Santa Rosa Memorial Medical Center, Santa Rosa

Visiting Patients

Questions or Comments?

At Harvest Pediatrics, we encourage you to contact us whenever you have a concern or question related to your care.
You can reach us at:

Napa: (707) 252-1076
St. Helena: (707) 963-0171

Our Location

Find us on the map

Hours of Operation

Closed daily between 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM for lunch.

Napa Office


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm



St. Helena Office


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm



