Trade war averted? Macron gets Biden to ‘tweak’ his industrial subsidies

The US president conceded there were ‘glitches’ in the roll-out of America’s multi-billion-dollar package of green subsidies.

License to kill: How Europe lets Iran and Russia get away with murder

For rogue states, solving a problem by removing it often proves irresistible.

Half a year later, EU still squabbling over citizen reform project

The EU on Friday will hold its first follow-up event on the project, which aimed at getting Europeans’ input on reshaping the EU.

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Editors’ picks

Toad King vs. Pooh Bear: Jiang Zemin’s death spells trouble for Chinese ruler Xi Jinping

The risk is that a new generation of malcontents will latch on to Jiang as a symbol of opposition to Xi’s more repressive rule.

Target Crimea

Partisans are mobilizing, and Russians are trying to sell their holiday homes — as fear grows that the war is closing in on the peninsula.

Are China’s lockdown protests the beginning of the end for Xi Jinping?

Here’s what you need to know about the demonstrations that swept across China in recent days.


Europe’s anti-American itch

Europeans have only themselves to blame for their industrial and strategic failings.

US tries to break EU deadlock over Russian oil price cap

As time runs short to get a deal, Poland, Estonia and Lithuania are pushing to hit Putin’s oil revenue with a tougher cap on prices.


China’s rebellious youth has forgotten Tiananmen

The new generation are victims of forced collective amnesia — with little sense of how hard the state is willing to crush dissent.

The Kremlin’s friends in the sky: The EU satellites carrying Russian propaganda

Europe wants new sanctions and tougher oversight to stop Russian propaganda on its airwaves.

Poll of Polls

UK general election polls

Potential Scottish indyref

What’s next


Presidential election round 2
November 13

Time until election day





    • Czech Republic:
    • January 13-14, 2023
      Presidential election polls

    • Cyprus:
    • February 5, 2023
      Presidential election

    • Estonia:
    • March 2023
      General election polls

    • Finland:
    • April 2023
      General election polls

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by Matt Honeycombe-Foster


Watchdogs wanted an EU ethics cop. They might get a scolding

Without enforcement or investigation powers, a new ethics body ‘misses the point,’ experts say.

EU play puts ‘diabolical’ food industry lobbyists center stage

Europe Connexion is a cautionary tale of a corporate career in the Brussels bubble.

Snus-gate: Swedes threaten ‘Swexit’ over snus tax report

A tabloid report about snus taxes started a furor in Sweden. Brussels is doing its best to set the record straight.

German politics

Germany’s Habeck backs ‘Buy European’ response to US trade threat

Berlin’s economy minister says EU may need to enforce controversial rules to expand state subsidies.

Berlin warms to France’s ‘Buy European’ plans as global trade rules erode

Germany fears losing industrial champions because of unfair competition from state-backed US and Chinese rivals.

Germany and France join forces against Biden in subsidy battle

EU’s top economies leave behind their recent tensions to push for EU action amid trade war fears.



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