Save your payment information with Link the first time you check out. We’ll autofill your saved card details and shipping addresses for all future purchases on Link-supported sites. You’ll get a chance to review your order before clicking to confirm your purchase.
When you make a payment with Link, we encrypt your data to keep it secure. We never share your card details with businesses that use Link.
To verify it’s you, we’ll text you a one-time code when you use Link on a new site or new device.
We’re a certified PCI Service Provider Level 1, which means we meet the highest level of certification available in the payments industry.
Millions of companies around the world use Stripe to process payments and manage their businesses online. Stripe created Link to provide an easy and secure way to pay in one click.
Link is available on tens of thousands of sites that use Stripe to process payments, with more added every day. If you’d like to try Link, contribute any amount to Stripe’s climate fund.
We share your email, shipping and billing addresses, and card expiration date with businesses to process your orders. Link does not share your full card number, CVV code, or phone number with the business.
Log in to your account at any time to manage your saved cards and addresses, or to close your Link account entirely.