Baby teeth - order of appearance: photos

Our slideshow gives you an idea of the order in which your child's teeth are likely to emerge and when it might happen.
  • Baby teeth: lower central incisors
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    Lower central incisors

    The bottom middle teeth typically emerge first, between five months and 10 months. Tooth development is hereditary, so if you got your teeth early, chances are your baby will too!
  • Baby teeth: upper central incisors
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    Upper central incisors

    The upper middle teeth come next, between six months and 12 months. Teeth usually emerge in pairs.
  • Baby teeth: upper lateral incisors
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    Upper lateral incisors

    Between nine months and 13 months, you'll see the upper teeth to the right and left of centre. This will give your child a row of four teeth across the top.
  • Baby teeth: lower lateral incisors
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    Lower lateral incisors

    The lower teeth to the right and left of centre make their debut between 10 months and 16 months. Now your baby can flash you an adorable toothy smile!
  • Toddler teeth: upper first molars
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    Upper first molars

    Your child's first molars, the bigger teeth towards the back of the mouth, will emerge between 12 months and 18 months.
  • Toddler teeth: lower first molars
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    Lower first molars

    The lower first molars will emerge at the bottom between 12 months and 18 months.
  • Toddler teeth: upper canine
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    Upper canine

    The upper canines fill the gap between the incisors and first molars between 16 months and 22 months.
  • Toddler teeth: lower canine
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    Lower canine

    The lower canines make their appearance between 16 months and 22 months. Your child's smile is probably the brightest it'll ever be, since baby teeth are whiter than permanent teeth.
  • Toddler teeth: lower second molar
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    Lower second molar

    The rear molars usually poke through on the bottom first, between 20 months and 31 months.
  • Toddler teeth: upper second molar
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    Upper second molar

    Between 25 months and 33 months, your child's final teeth, the rear molars on the top, emerge. By the age of three, most children have a full set of 20 baby teeth and can give you a brilliant grin.
  • Smiling child
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    Learn about dental care in babies and toddlers

Priya Solomon Bellani
Priya Solomon Bellani is BabyCenter India's Deputy Editor.

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