2014 Financials

In 2014, the WordPress Foundation provided support and guidance for a total of 80 WordCamps, organized by volunteers in communities all over the world. There were 43 events in the US and 37 events outside the US, with 17 of those in Europe.

The Foundation’s total revenue was $‎1,700,334, the vast majority of which related to the 69 WordCamps that used the WordPress Foundation as their financial entity:

  • $1,175,294 — Sponsorship donations to WordCamps (69% total revenue).
  • $518,838 — WordCamp ticket sales (31% total revenue).
  • $5,399 — Donations unrelated to WordCamps (>1% total revenue).
  • $803 — Royalty income (>1% total revenue).

Total Foundation’s expenditures equaled $1,846,181, as detailed below:

  • $1,682,508 (91%) related to WordCamps that used the WordPress Foundation as their financial entity
  • $91,021.21 (5%) related to WordPress.tv content production
  • $59,722.50 (3%) related to operational expenses
  • $12,919 (>1%) spent supporting local WordPress meetup groups (of which $10,200 was for Meetup.com dues)

As usual, major WordCamp expenses were concentrated in venue and food & beverage.


Percentage of total expense


Food & beverage, including after-parties and speaker events $485,228 29% $8,822
Venue rental $583,350 35% $10,606
Event tees and other swag* $229,553 14% $4,174
International WordCamp grants*** $144,090 9% N/A
Travel scholarships** $74,807 4% N/A
Printing & signage $66,412 4% $1,207
Speaker Gifts
$36,624 2% $666
Event Supplies $23,613 1% $429
 Refunds  $18,701  1%  $340
 Wireless/AV Setup  $14,417  1%  $262

* Classified as advertising and promotion on tax documents.

** The WordPress Foundation occasionally pays travel expenses for commit-level contributors who require financial assistance to travel to WordCamps and speak. In 2014, we organized an experimental travel assistance program to remove financial barriers to attending the WordPress Community Summit at WordCamp San Francisco.

*** The WordPress Foundation helped some 2014 WordCamps that didn’t use the Foundation as their financial entity by forwarding corporate sponsorship payments from companies unable to send them money directly.

The WordPress Foundation also supported the publishing of 997 videos from WordCamps held in 2014 to WordPress.tv by providing video camera kits to WordCamps. These kits include an HD camcorder, tripod, external microphone, SD cards, lavolier microphone, and a hard case for shipping.

The total expenditure of this program was $91,021:

  • Video Kit Shipping: $15,718
  • Video Kits & A/V Equipment: $9,454
  • Web services (livestream & file transfer fees): $999
  • Video Processing or Videography: $64,850

Major Foundation operational expenses included:

  • Legal and accounting fees: $3,709
  • Banking fees (which allow us to execute international wire transfers): $12,985
  • Insurance: $14,703
  • Paypal fees: $25,008