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Roy Tanck
Freelance WordPress developer | Some of my code is in WordPress, some of my artwork in Ubuntu Linux | A little short for a stormtrooper.
Huizen, The Netherlandsroytanck.comJoined January 2009

Roy Tanck’s Tweets

Intel's 13th Core CPU generation, AMD's 7000 series and nVidia's RTX 40 series all seem to more power-hungry version of their respective predecessors. Given the current climate crisis, I'd hoped for increased efficiency, not this "throw more watts at it" approach.
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Just set up a direct 2.5 gigabit connection between my NAS and my PC. I love how these ports are becoming standard now. All I needed was a three euro cable.
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Tip: If you use #PrivacyBadger and #JitsiMeet, you may need to disable PB for the Jitsi instance. This morning, I found myself unable to mute the video. So I was forced to be the only one visible in a voice-only meeting. Awkward 😀.
Hmm, Twitter just updated me about a very clearly racist tweet I reported in July(!). The update just says they're going to look into it. Guess they'll need another three months.
наша нова машина вже на Півдні #України, де вже доставляє важливу допомогу нашим воїнам та цивільним. Попереду ще багато задач та викликів, які нам легше долати гуртуючись. P.S. Окрема подяка нашим невтомним друзям та Леннарту 3/3
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I see a lot of people comparing Meta's #Metaverse to Second Life, but I see parallels to Google Glass. * Developed by a big data company * Eyewear * Considerable initial investment for users * Major #privacy concerns * Some initial enthusiasm * Tech crowd very sceptical
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This is especially true if you create "wrapper" blocks. None of their child blocks will be preserved, unless you whitelist your custom wrapper block. Ran across this with a page where all content was in a custom block. The excerpt was empty.
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Waarom hamer ik zo op taalgebruik en correcte berichtgeving? Omdat Russische desinformatie doorsijpelt in onze media en heel veel mensen beïnvloedt, met grote gevolgen. In deze blog leg ik het uitgebreid uit: taal doet ertoe. Veel meer dan je denkt.
20 years ago today, we premiered.. Our time slot was less than shiny, we almost didn’t get a series order at all. But we kept flying, didn’t we? Thank you for making us mighty. Forever my TV family. I love them, and our Browncoats, with all my heart. ❤️ Happy anniversary!
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