Welcome to the

Open Climate


Climate change, and the resulting harm to our global biodiversity, is one of the world’s most pressing challenges. The complexity of the climate crisis requires global, national, and local actions informed by multidisciplinary research.

The goal of this multi-year campaign is to promote open access to research to accelerate progress towards solving the climate crisis and preserving global biodiversity. If we are going to solve these global challenges, the knowledge (research, data, educational resources, software) about them must be open.

open sharing of research outputs the norm in climate science:


Bring attention to the issue of access to knowledge on climate change

We will develop easily understood campaign materials that describe the importance of the campaign particularly to researchers who are producing the knowledge and informing them of tools that can open their outputs.

open access review of climate and biodiversity research

We know we want increase open access to research on climate science and biodiversity, but where are we now? We will work with bibliometric experts to determine the percent of open vs. closed climate science and biodiversity research and publish the results openly.

clear legal and policy barriers

We will create a strategic road map for breaking down and circumventing legal and policy barriers to support new open access incentives. We will also adapt existing and/or adopt new policies and incentives with governments and institutions to clear barriers to open knowledge.

Help national governments to adopt and implement strong OA policies

We will identify opportunities to engage national governments about opening publicly funded research outputs on climate and biodiversity, and help governments create, adopt and implement equitable open access policies.

Help funders to adopt and implement strong OA policies

We will identify opportunities to engage non-government funders about opening publicly funded research outputs on climate and biodiversity, and help funders create, adopt and implement new or update existing open access policies.

Help environmental organizations to adopt and implement strong OA policies

We will help the environmental organizations create, adopt and implement new or update existing open access policies. We will also work with environmental organizations to share their climate change and biodiversity content, including their educational resources, with the public.

Engage and contribute to international frameworks on climate and biodiversity

We will identify, engage, and contribute to draft frameworks (e.g., UN Convention on Biological Diversity: Global Biodiversity Framework) to include funder open access policy recommendations, and the public benefits of open access knowledge.

Obtain campaign endorsements

We will work with international organizations, funders, governments, university climate and biodiversity departments, research centers, open access advocacy groups and open access activists to endorse and communicate the campaign to lead to more open access climate and biodiversity research.

ensure inclusive outcomes throughout the campaign

 We will identify topics and challenges specific to traditionally excluded geographical regions and work to ensure this campaign both includes and privileges working these partners.

Identify and open important climate and biodiversity research

We will identify important existing climate and biodiversity research publications not already open access and unbind those seminal publications making them open access.

Publishers make their climate and biodiversity research open access

We will partner with governments, funders, global environmental organizations and publishing associations to impress upon publishers the urgency of opening up their content and to work with those publishers that are already making the transition in an open and transparent manner.

Climate change is a multifaceted issue
with many dimensions

We are mobilizing researchers, national governments, funders and environment organizations to open knowledge about climate change and biodiversity preservation by working with them and providing direct support.

The world needs
to climate science

Help us make it a reality.