Free Software Foundation EuropeVerifizierter Account


Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.

Beigetreten April 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet

    To inspire the younger generation to , the is organising the coding competition ‘Youth Hacking 4 Freedom' () for teenagers. The winners receive a cash prize and a trip to

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  2. 7. Apr.

    We ask legislators to put the obligation of accessing software necessary to run the device through its publication as also in the list of"requirements for manufacturers to design their products in such a manner that they last longer" [5/5]

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  3. 7. Apr.

    In our feedback for the "Sustainable consumption of good" consultation, we outline the relationship between licensing of drivers, tools and interfaces and the : [4/5]

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  4. 7. Apr.

    We welcome that the demands the access to software and diagnostic tools to third-parties and consumers as a condition to perform repairs. Ultimately such an access calls for a publication of source code of drivers and tools under a license. [3/5]

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  5. 7. Apr.

    "9. [...] a proper ‘right to repair’ should provide actors in the repair industry, [...] and consumers with access to the necessary repair and maintenance information [...] including information on diagnostic tools, [...] software and updates, needed to perform repairs" [2/5]

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  6. 7. Apr.

    Congratulations to the for having passed the motion for a resolution on the with a vast majority: 509 in favor, 3 against, 13 abstain. In it is written that: [1/5]

    Screenshot of the plenary vote of the European Parliament on the resolution B9-0175/2022: The right to repair. 509 in favour, 3 against, 13 abstentions
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  7. 5. Apr.

    Dans l'infolettre d'avril, nous accueillons des développements prometteurs sur les IA dans l'UE. Nous demandons du budget pour les LL en Allemagne. Nous discutons de Plasma Mobile & du réseau maillé . Okular est éco-certifié ⭐.

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  8. 5. Apr.

    No boletim de Abril celebrámos avanços da IA na UE. Pedimos orçamento Alemão dedicado ao . Conversámos com sobre Plasma Mobile e Redes mesh com . Okular é o primeiro software a receber um certificado ecológico ⭐

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  9. 5. Apr.

    Im April-Newsletter begrüßen wir vielversprechende Entwicklungen im Bereich KI in der EU. Wir fordern Budget für in Deutschland. Wir diskutieren Plasma Mobile mit und Mesh-Netze mit .

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  10. 5. Apr.

    Nella nostra newsletter di aprile, abbiamo incoraggianti sviluppi sull'IA in UE. Richiediamo un budget per in Germania. Discutiamo di Plasma Mobile con & reti mesh con . Okular è il primo software eco-certificato. ⭐

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  11. 5. Apr.

    En el Boletín de abril, damos la bienvenida a los desarrollos prometedores en IA de la UE. Demandamos un presupuesto para el en Alemania. Hablamos sobre Plasma Mobile con y de trabajo en red tipo malla con .

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  12. 5. Apr.

    In de April-nieuwsbrief verwelkomen we belovende ontwikkelingen over KI in EU. We eisen budget voor in Duitsland. We discussiëren over Plasma Mobile met & Mesh-netwerken met . Okular wordt eco-gecertificeerd ⭐

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  13. 5. Apr.

    In our April Newsletter, we welcome promising developments on AI in EU. We demand a budget for in Germany. We discuss Plasma Mobile with & Mesh Networking with . Okular becomes the first eco-certified software ⭐

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  14. 5. Apr.
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  15. 4. Apr.

    "Bits & Bäume" is a conference and movement around digital sustainability. This year is its second edition and together with a lot of friends FSFE is part of the organising team. if you like to help us getting things done, this is our call for action:

    Screenshot stating: "Bits & Bäume The Movement for Digitalization and Sustainability " + its logo representing a leave on one side "natural" on the other side in digital bit art style
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  16. 2. Apr.

    Happy International Children's Book Day! Thanks to our volunteers, Ada & Zangemann just arrived in a public library in Zurich. We are working on an English translation. Everything is better with skates, ice-cream, and Free Software!

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  17. 30. März

    In decision-making processes led by AI, human oversight is highly critical. In this regard, the openness that offers is crucial in the development of AI technologies and their compliance with fundamental rights obligations. Read more about this here:

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  18. 👇 Check our demands on the legislative process of the , so innovation is fostered, control enhanced, and trust strengthened. We need verifiable and trustworthy AI technologies, and is crucial to achieve this.

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  19. Together with the and , the demands to include digital sovereignty in the 2022 federal budget and implement already announced initiatives for .

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  20. Gemeinsam mit der und fordert die , digitale Souveränität im Bundeshaushalt 2022 zu berücksichtigen und bereits angekündigte Initiativen für Softwarefreiheit umzusetzen.

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  21. FSFE Berliners are meeting tonight 19:30 CET online to discuss Free Software and Education. Follow the FSFE Berlin group on: Friendica or Mastodon 😉

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