
You can use this website to see course
equivalencies from CUNY to CUNY,
in any direction, from any college
to any other college.

To learn about how and why to use Transfer Explorer (T-Rex)

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View Course Equivalencies

Click here to view course equivalencies across CUNY.

How does this course transfer

View how a specific course transfers across CUNY.

CUNY Course Catalog

View course catalog information across CUNY.

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CUNY Student, Faculty or Staff?

If you are a current CUNY student, we encourage you to use the Transfer What If tool in DegreeWorks to see how all of your credits for courses you have taken and are currently taking will transfer and apply to (i.e. satisfy) the requirements for your particular degree.

About Us

Transfer Explorer makes important information about college transfer public and easy to understand, so that students and others know what to expect before they enroll in a new college. In particular, Transfer Explorer focuses on how previously earned college credits are treated and count toward degree requirements when students transfer between CUNY colleges. Transfer Explorer is a product of the Articulation of Credit Transfer project, a collaboration between CUNY, Lehman College, and Ithaka S+R. Transfer Explorer was created with funding from the Heckscher Foundation for Children, and has received additional support from the Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation, the Ichigo Ichie Foundation, CUNY, and Robin Hood. Transfer Explorer builds on the pioneering work of Queens College professor emeritus Christopher Vickery.

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250 Bedford Park Boulevard West,
Bronx, NY 10468


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