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We're the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We defend your civil liberties in a digital world.
San Francisco, CAeff.orgNascido(a) em 1990Ingressou em agosto de 2006

Tweets de EFF

With all eyes on #COP27, and no access to Alaa, his family and civil society are calling for #ProofOfLife. We are deeply worried for his health as he continues to fight back with a hunger strike and now zero-calorie water strike. #FreeAlaa
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Congratulations to 2022 EFF Award Winner @alaa, a fierce champion of free expression, an independent judiciary, and government accountability.
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A picture of the EFF award, with text that reads: Alaa Abd El-Fattah is an Egyptian-British blogger, software developer, political activist, and perhaps the most high-profile political prisoner in Egypt if not the entire Arab world. A fierce champion of free expression, an independent judiciary, and government accountability-even at immense personal cost-he still advocates for democratic reforms, tech freedoms, and civil and human rights in Egypt and elsewhere.
"Right to repair isn’t just about 'Can we repair what we make?' It’s about—what does the world of technology look like?...If we don't capture this moment in time, we will be trapped in the world where none of us have autonomy over our devices." -
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"I was in 7th grade in science class reading Slashdot and reading a post EFF wrote about what a catastrophe the passage of the DMCA was. I remember printing that post out because I was so pissed off." -
kyle wiens on stage
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"Digital Defense Fund has made our work easier. They have made our work better. And they have guided us in avoiding would-be mistakes. The least we can do is give them this award." - EFF’s Daly Barnett, giving the 2022 award to
DDFs kate bertash on stage accepting the award
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Congratulations to 2022 EFF Award Winner Digital Defense Fund, which provides digital security evaluations, conducts staff training, maintains a library of go-to resources on reproductive justice and digital privacy, and builds software for abortion access organizations.
An image of an EFF award with the text: 2022 EFF AWARD WINNER, Defense Digital Fund. Digital Defense Fund was launched in 2017 to meet the abortion rights movement's increased need for security and technology resources after the 2016 election. The fund's staff provides digital security evaluations, conducts staff training, maintains a library of go-to resources on reproductive justice and digital privacy, and builds software for abortion access organizations.
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"Alaa was a pivotal figure in the Mubarak regime in what came to be called the Arab Spring. He was one of the engines that connected that protest to the wider world…I would love to say that this is ’s year because he is free...It is ’s year because he is not.” -
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“Peter Eckersley was a visionary in the truest sense of the word because he saw what needed to be done to save the internet - and he just started doing it. The project that became has now issued certificates to over 300 million websites.” -
yan on stage talking about peter eckersley. she is on stage with a picture of peter behind her on a beach. he is laughing. the sun is shining bright behind him.
"Elliot rallied 871 nonprofits and 10s of 1000s of individual petition signers for our savedotorg.org campaign...Elliot led us toward what was ultimately a victory with his signature compassion, humor, and humility." EFF Activism Director on
Picture of Gennie Gebhart on stage, describing former EFF activism director Elliot Harmon
"Tonight we're marking a new phase...There's no longer a sharp line between digital rights and 'rights'—and the people who need those rights are much more numerous and diverse." - EFF's Cindy Cohn, opening the first EFF Awards
A photo of Cindy Cohn on the stage, with a backdrop that says "EFF Awards"
The court is set to reinstate the hearing of open source software developer ’s trial tomorrow at 2pm Ecuador time. One afternoon is likely to be too little time to conclude a trial that has dragged on for more than 3 years. We and our allies remain vigilant.
It’s time to take a closer look at our final EFF Award Winner: Kyle Wiens is CEO and co-founder of iFixit and a godfather of the Right to Repair movement who has empowered millions of people to fix their own goods, keep jobs, and reduce waste.
La audiencia del juicio en contra el desarrollador de software se reinstala este viernes (11). Una tarde probablemente no baste para concluir un proceso que, lleno de problemas denunciados por EFF y otras ONGs que siguen el caso, se arrastra por más de 3 años.
Electronic Frontier Alliance member is hosting an art exhibit exploring modern web culture and future forecasting. It's free and located in San Francisco through November 11
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Can't make the Happy Hour Thursday night? The DISTANT EARLY WARNINGS exhibition is on view at the Gray Area Gallery, free and open to the public Tuesday through Thursday. Learn more about the exhibition + view Gray Area Gallery hours: grayarea.org/visit/gallery/
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We’re so excited about the EFF Awards winners—we’re doing a deep dive into each of them: Digital Defense Fund launched in 2017 with a vision of “a future where technology and innovation support secure, autonomous reproductive decisions, free from stigma”
Meetup tonight, join us! Our speaker will be speaking to us remotely from El Paso, so if you will be attending online, instead of watching the livestream you might prefer to attend via Zoom at the link provided on meetup.
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The EFF Awards is coming up on November 10—but first, let's take a closer look at our winners. Alaa Abd El-Fattah is a fierce champion of free expression and government accountability, and an advocate for civil and human rights in Egypt and elsewhere.
The court is set to reinstate the hearing of open source software developer ’s trial this Friday at 2pm Ecuador time. One afternoon is likely to be too little time to conclude a trial that has already dragged on for more than 3 years.
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Meet EFF's new client, Alfonso Nguyen: "I’ve joined a lawsuit against SMUD because they have given my electricity usage data to the police. This violates my right to privacy. Twice, police have come to my home and demanded to search it for no reason."
“License plate reader databases are often the least watched with the least amount of rules, so it’s very ripe for police to abuse them, and you would never even catch them,” EFF’s Dave Maass told .