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Aaron Mackey
staff attorney #foiafiend views are my own
eff.orgJoined March 2015

Aaron Mackey’s Tweets

We commend for her strongly worded letter condemning the mass police surveillance enabled by Fog Data Science. We hope that the will act quickly to stop the data broker industry that leads to these privacy invasions.
EFF filed a lawsuit against Sacramento and its public utility for spying on entire neighborhoods' electricity usage, violating residents' privacy and targeting Asian communities.
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The lawsuit claims Sacramento police used SMUD data to identify high electricity users, information that shaped marijuana enforcement operations.
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A must-read from my colleagues' year-long investigation into a dangerous surveillance company.
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#BREAKING A year-long investigation by EFF has uncovered Fog Data Science, a mass surveillance company that buys the geolocation of hundreds of millions of devices in the U.S. and maps them for police to search, often without a warrant.
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A win in our long-running fight to make secret law public.
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After seven years, an act of legislation, and an EFF lawsuit, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has finally declassified 7 FISA court rulings that better illuminate how mass surveillance works.
Nonprofits that share the data of supporters, clients, and visitors with third parties may be putting people in danger. This guide offers concrete steps to implement better privacy practices for your websites and email platforms.
Of course, the DOJ advocates for maximum secrecy for search warrant materials during early stages. Which can frustrate public access into docs showing surveillance, because so many warrants don't lead to indictments.
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I have no insight into DOJ, but the "pre-indictment" language isn't sly. It's describing the law around when the public's First Amendment right of access attaches to search warrant materials. It doesn't imply that an indictment is or is not coming.
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There's a sly reference, by quotation of a recent case, that this search took place in "the pre-indictment stage" of the case. See footnote 2.…
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Huge thanks to for supporting our work here!
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FILED: We are urging an appeal court to reject a radical position held by San Bernardino law enforcement that search warrant materials related to electronic surveillance should remain under seal indefinitely. Read our amicus brief in support of @EFF.
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my question about the mayor's new proposal potentially encouraging SFPD to misuse business districts' cameras to violate protesters' civil liberties has been answered: they're already doing it! latest brief was filed by ACLU NorCal and EFF 3 months ago:
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someone please explain how reversing SF’s facial recognition ban won’t be used to surveil protesters and homeless people existing…
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Early this morning, our dear friend and colleague passed away after a long illness. He lived too short a life but accomplished so much. We were honored that he chose to share his talents with us for 6 years and send our condolences to his loved ones.
NEW: The Biden Admin. is piloting a program that takes away incarcerated people's mail and replaces it with scans. The program will push people away from paper mail, and toward the more expensive options provided by the BOP's corporate partners. Read more:
Earlier this month, the city of Fullerton backed down from a "hacking" lawsuit that would have had an especially chilling effect on newsgathering and journalism online. fellow describes this as a "welcome win for data journalism."
What happens to FOIA requests that go unanswered? They get nominated for our Golden Raspberry-style "awards" for officials who stand in the way of government transparency and freedom of information. Here are the winners of this year's Foilies:
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Once a year, we *award* government secrecy. The Foilies recognize the worst in government transparency, allowing us to name-and-shame the government agencies and officials who have stood in the way of public access. View the winners:
Now would be a great time to submit your 2020 FOIA horror story so we can name and shame them during Sunshine Week.
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Know an agency that deserves recognition for hiding the public's documents? Submit your nomination for the 2021 Foilies!
Great FOIA win!!
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After 10 months - we finally got the 9th Circuit's decision in a huge FOIA case, stating that 1) requesters can indeed get statistical gun data from ATF (which has not occurred in OVER a decade) and 2) querying government databases does not amount to creation of a new record.…
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