فتح صورة الملف الشخصيّ
Alaa Abd El Fattah
زمان كنت بدهن الهوا دوكو، دلوقتي برش الكشك فليت.
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تغريدات Alaa Abd El Fattah

تغريدة مُثبَّتة
أنا السم أنا الترياق أنا الدواء انا أصل الداء أنا شبح الربيع اللي فات
١٠٫٨ ألف
I've just subscribed to and created my personalised syllabi. Can't remember the last time I was this excited to receive a newsletter. 🤓
اقتباس التغريدة
I kid you not: a serious article on the role of golf in diplomacy academic.oup.com/ips/advance-ar via @syllabus_tweets
"لنتقبل فقط أن ما ينمو عند موضع الإصابة قد لا يطابق القديم، قد يبدو شائهًا. لكن -تمعن قليلًا سترى جمال المشوه، فالمسخ وحده يحمل تاريخ الحلم والأمل وواقع الهزيمة والألم معًا. المسخ وحده لا ينسى جراحه القديمة ولا يخشى جراحًا جديدة." ~ علاء عبد الفتاح، خمس استعارات عن التعافي
This amazing twaddle echoes the opportunism of diehard secularists (of whom Tatchell is one) who don't care about women's rights except as propaganda--but argue that torture, dictatorship, military rule, & murder are all forgivable if the divorce laws are reformed. #statefeminism
اقتباس التغريدة
Chinese communist revolution 1949 led to greatest emancipation of women in world history, ending foot binding, concubines & forced marriage & beginning the mass education of girls & opening up all-male occupations to women - decades ahead of the West. @CCriadoPerez @lynne_segal
In Hong Kong right now, feminists and many others are risking their lives to resist the drive to Maoist state centralization and authoritarianism. If Tatchell ever listened to any Hong Kongers, he might think this an inopportune time to parrot the regime's legitimating rhetoric.
اقتباس التغريدة
Chinese communist revolution 1949 led to greatest emancipation of women in world history, ending foot binding, concubines & forced marriage & beginning the mass education of girls & opening up all-male occupations to women - decades ahead of the West. @CCriadoPerez @lynne_segal
A full roundup of today’s news updated here by Mada Masr
اقتباس التغريدة
Thousands of pro-Sisi demonstrators were mobilized in Nasr City, while some small-scale anti-government protests took place in Warraq and Helwan amid heavy security presence. Our round-up of the day's events so far: tinyurl.com/y2fsfa7o
اقتباس التغريدة
From #Egypt state radio: جميع المسائل تمام التمام وكل الكلام دا مجرّد كلام فصبراً جميلاً ولا تقلقوش وشغل الضغاين أنا ما اقبلوش ما فيش أي حاجه عليّ الطلاق والعتاق بالتلاته ما فيه أي حاجه وقدر كمان ان فيه أي حاجه ما فيش أي حاجه
اقتباس التغريدة
We have been waiting now for more than a hour at a large highly orchestrated pro-Sissi rally. Police have taken our press cards saying they need permission to let us do reporting. They are treating us well. We’ll let you know if this changes. Here’s more video of the crowds here.
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