On February the 24th Code for Romania has ceased its regular activity to focus its entire capacity on building the digital infrastructure necessary to support the civil society and authorities to manage the emergency situations. Find out more about this and support our effort with a donation.

Together, we build

tech tools for a stronger society

We are a community of 2700+ volunteers who create open source digital tools for solving societal challenges. Our mission is to innovate through open data, transparency and civic tech. At Code for Romania, we believe that technology can enable citizens to more meaningfully engage in the public sphere and have a positive impact on their communities.

Ilustratie 1192x930 01

hours of pro bono work
million Euros - value of our volunteers' contribution
prototyped solutions
launched solutions
in development

You can be a part of our effort to build a better Romania. Donate 4 Euros monthly for Code for Romania by sending a text message with the word

PUTEM to 8864

Our programs


For building solutions to societal problems

For helping civil society and the government

Be a volunteer

Your talent, along with a few hours every month can transform Romania for the better, Whether you are a programmer, a UX designer or a graphic designer, we can digitize Romania together.


You can also choose to invest in a better Romania by making a contribution to help us develop new digital solutions and also to maintain the existing ones.

Solution of the month


The information and support platform for refugees who request help in Romania. All information about entering the country and accessing services are available here for those seeking shelter in Romania as a result of the war in Ukraine. The information is validated by the Government of Romania, DSU, CNRR, and the UN agencies in Romania and is available in Ukrainian, Romanian, English and Russian. 

Check it out here
Dopomoha Cetrebuiesafac