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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)

A014613 as a simple table

n a(n)
1 16
2 24
3 36
4 40
5 54
6 56
7 60
8 81
9 84
10 88
11 90
12 100
13 104
14 126
15 132
16 135
17 136
18 140
19 150
20 152
21 156
22 184
23 189
24 196
25 198
26 204
27 210
28 220
29 225
30 228
31 232
32 234
33 248
34 250
35 260
36 276
37 294
38 296
39 297
40 306
41 308
42 315
43 328
44 330
45 340
46 342
47 344
48 348
49 350
50 351
51 364
52 372
53 375
54 376


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Last modified June 17 14:57 EDT 2023. Contains 363349 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)