What can I do about my two year old's constipation?

Constipation in toddlers can be caused by:

  • not eating enough fibre
  • not drinking enough fluids
  • drinking too much milk and not enough water
  • lack of exercise and activity
  • feeling stressed or worried, for example when starting school or welcoming a new sibling
  • being anxious about potty training. This can make your child afraid to do a poo, which can make constipation worse

If your toddler is constipated, it may be painful for her to do a poo. This pain means that she may hold back even more, making it more painful, creating a vicious circle.

If your little one is very constipated, she may not even be able to tell when her bowels are full, and won't feel as though she needs the toilet.

Boosting your child’s fibre intake will make her bowel movements easier. Offer foods such as wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereal, plus fruits and vegetables such as prunes, figs, apricots, plums, peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, potatoes and baked beans.

It’s a good idea to give your toddler fruit such as apples with the peel left on and leave jacket potatoes and chips in their skins. Don’t be tempted to overload your toddler with high-fibre foods in an effort to help her poo though. A healthy, balanced diet will provide everything your little one needs.

Give your child plenty of fluids to help moisten her poo. Water is best, although you can offer well-diluted fruit juice too (at least one part juice to 10 parts water). Don’t give your child fizzy, sugary or caffeinated drinks.

Constipation may make your toddler sluggish and low in energy. But being active may help to ease her constipation. Encourage her to get out and walk alongside the buggy for a short while when you’re out and about. Or play some music and get her to dance with you, or kick a football around the garden.

If your child is constipated while you’re potty training her, think about whether she is too young or too anxious to use the potty. You may need to put potty training on hold until you see the signs that she’s ready. Talk to your health visitor too, who can offer practical advice about potty training.

If your child is already toilet trained, it's a good idea to encourage her to sit on the loo regularly, even if she doesn't feel like she needs a poo. Good times to do this include 20-30 minutes after a meal, and before bed. If she hasn't gone after five or 10 minutes, accept that it's probably not going to happen.

To make it easier for your little one to poo, try to keep calm and relaxed. Keep some toys near the potty or toilet to encourage her to sit there for a few minutes.

When your toddler's trying to go, make her laugh or encourage her to blow some bubbles. Exhaling helps her push down with her stomach muscles, which can help things along. If she's using the main toilet, get her to put her feet on a box or stool, so her knees are above her hips, as this position makes it easier to poo.

If these tips don't help your child’s constipation, see your GP. She may prescribe a mild laxative, such as lactulose or macrogol (Movicol), to soften her poo.

Until your child’s constipation clears up she may be grumpy, irritable and lacking in energy. This can be hard for you and your partner to handle, but try to stay calm. She isn't doing it on purpose, and with your attention and treatment, she should eventually establish regular, easy bowel movements again.

See our main article on constipation in children to find out what causes constipation, and get even more tips on ways to make your little one more comfortable.
Polly Logan-Banks
Polly Logan-Banks is an experienced editor with a keen interest in producing evidence-based content. Polly is passionate about ensuring that every child gets the best start in life.

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