Toddler health

More Toddler health

Allergies and asthma in toddlers

Allergies in children (ages one to five)

Think your toddler may have an allergy? Check her symptoms against our list, find out how you can get a diagnosis, and learn how you can treat and manage your child's reactions.

Treating asthma in children (ages one to five)

Asthma in children (ages one to five)

See all in Allergies and asthma in toddlers

Toddler illnesses and conditions

Fever in children (ages one to five)

It's hard not to worry when your child has a high temperature. Find out the common causes of fevers in children, and when it's time to call the doctor.

When to call the doctor (for parents of toddlers)

What can I do about my two year old's constipation?

My toddler has had a blocked nose for months. Could she have hayfever?

Chickenpox in children (ages one to five)

See all in Toddler illnesses and conditions

Toddler hearing and ear infections

Hearing loss in children (ages one to five)

Your toddler's speech is a good indicator of whether or not he can hear properly. Find out what other signs your toddler may show if he has a hearing problem.

Ear infections (otitis media) in toddlers

Earwax in children (ages one to five)

Swimmer's ear (otitis externa) in children ages one to five

Glue ear in children (ages one to five)

See all in Toddler hearing and ear infections

Toddler rashes and skin conditions

Nits and head lice in children (ages one to five)

Most children get headlice at some point in their childhood so it's important to know how to spot the signs your toddler has them. Find out the symptoms of nits, and how you can get rid of them.

Atopic eczema in children (ages one to five)

Scarlet fever in children (ages one to five)

Molluscum contagiosum (water warts) in children ages one to five

Treating your child's scratch or bite

See all in Toddler rashes and skin conditions

Toddler first aid videos

First aid for children: febrile seizure (Video)

Find out how to spot the signs that your baby is going into seizure, and what to do if it happens.

First aid for children: poisoning and harmful substances (Video)

First aid for children: fever (Video)

First aid for children: bleeding (Video)

How do I deal with burns and scalds? (Video)

See all in Toddler first aid videos

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