Constipation in children (ages one to five)

How can I tell if my child is constipated?

When it comes to a child's bowel movements, there's no "normal" number or schedule – just what's normal for your child. He may poo after every meal, or there may be one or two days (or more!) between bowel movements. By about four years old, most children go somewhere between three times per day and three times per week (NICE 2015).

Looking at your child's poos will help to work out if he's constipated. Signs include:

  • Hard, large poos that are uncomfortable to pass (NHS 2017a, NICE 2015b).
  • Small dry poos that look similar to rabbit droppings (NHS 2017a, NICE 2015b).
  • Very runny poo (NHS 2017a, NICE 2015b). When your child's bowels are blocked, liquid stools can slip past the blockage and end up in your child's nappy, or in his underwear if he's already potty trained. If you see this, don't assume it's diarrhoea – it may be evidence of constipation. (NHS 2017a, NICE 2015b)

Your little one's behaviour can also give you a clue. Children who are constipated are more likely to:

  • poo less than three times a week
  • show signs of holding poo in: standing on tiptoes, arching his back or overstraightening his legs
  • complain of a sore or upset tummy
  • be irritable and out of sorts
  • be lacking in energy
  • have very smelly wind and bowel movements
  • have a poor appetite
  • soil underwear in between poos.
    (NHS 2017a, b, NHS 2018)

It can be frustrating looking after your little one when he's constipated, but stay as calm as possible. Stress can make constipation worse (NHS 2017a).

Why is my child getting constipated?

It's quite common for children to become constipated every now and then, especially around the time of potty training (NHS 2017a) or starting school (NHS 2017b).

The most common causes of constipation in young children are:

  • not getting enough fibre or water
  • issues with potty training
  • general stress or anxiety
    (NHS 2017a)

How can I treat my child's constipation?

If you're concerned your child could be constipated, make an appointment with your GP (NHS 2017b, NICE 2015). While you're waiting for your appointment, there are plenty of things you can try to relieve your child's constipation:

  • Boost your child's fibre intake. Fruit, vegetables, beans and wholegrain bread and cereals are all good sources of fibre (NICE 2015). In particular, fruits such as apples, grapes, pears and strawberries are great for helping to get things going (NHS 2015a).
  • To help keep your child's stools soft and his bowels healthy, encourage him to drink at least six to eight glasses of fluids each day (ERIC 2014). Water or milk is the best bet, but you can also offer well-diluted fruit juice (one part juice to 10 parts water) (NHS 2015b).
  • Physical activity can help to get things moving. Encourage your child to walk, climb and run around every day (NICE 2015a).
  • Massage your child's tummy in clockwise circles (ERIC 2017).
  • Don't pressure your child to toilet train before he's ready (NHS 2015b). Pushing him to use the potty can make him afraid or anxious, and he could end up withholding bowel movements (ERIC 2014). If you notice your child doing this, put training on hold, and wait to try again until you've spotted the signs he's really ready (ERIC 2014).
  • Children who are constipated don't always know when they need to do a poo. Encourage your child to spend five to 10 minutes on the potty or toilet after meals, or before bed, to see if he needs to go (NHS 2015a). Being relaxed can help, so have a stash of books, toys and games by the toilet or potty (ERIC 2014).
  • If your child goes to nursery or preschool, check to see if he's using the potty or toilet there regularly. Some children are reluctant to use potties or toilets away from home (NHS 2017a).
  • If your child is "holding on", a reward chart for when he poos may be useful (NICE 2015). Stickers make a great reward (ERIC 2014), but avoid using sweets (NHS 2015b), as this can be a hard habit to break!
  • If your child is using a toilet, keep a box or stool nearby for him to put his feet on, so that his knees are above his hips (ERIC 2017).

While these tips may all help your child, it's still important to see your GP. The longer your little one is constipated, the longer it can take to get his bowel movements back to normal (NHS 2017b).

Your GP will probably prescribe a mild laxative to help get your child's bowels moving again. If this doesn't work after about a week, she may also consider trying a stronger laxative. It can sometimes take weeks or even months for your child's poos to get back to normal (NHS 2017a).

In the meantime, try to stay calm and relaxed about your child's poos. Constipation can be hard to deal with, particularly if your child ends up soiling regularly. But he's not doing it on purpose, and telling him off won't help (NHS 2017b). Instead, try to offer sympathy, and be sure to always have plenty of spare clothes at hand. With the right treatment, your child's bowel movements should eventually get back to normal.

Read more on toddler care:


ERIC. 2014. ERIC's guide to potty training. Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence. [Accessed May 2018]

ERIC. 2017. ERIC's guide to children's bowel problems. Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence. [Accessed May 2018]

NHS. 2015a. Drinks and cups for babies and toddlers. NHS Choices, Health A-Z. [Accessed May 2018]

NHS. 2015b. How to potty train. NHS Choices, Health A-Z. [Accessed May 2018]

NHS. 2017a. Constipation in young children. NHS Choices, Health A-Z. [Accessed May 2018]

NHS. 2017b. Constipation. NHS Choices, Health A-Z. [Accessed May 2018]

NHS. 2018. Constipation. NHS Inform. [Accessed July 2018]

Polly Logan-Banks
Polly Logan-Banks is an experienced editor with a keen interest in producing evidence-based content. Polly is passionate about ensuring that every child gets the best start in life.

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