Planning a birthday party for your one year old

Baby blowing a birthday candle on a cake
Your baby's first birthday is certainly something to celebrate. However, while you may want to throw a party and buy her a special present, don’t feel pressured into going over the top. Your baby won't appreciate such extravagance!

Who to invite

At this stage, your baby is still very attached to mum and dad, so the best way you can make this a special day for your one year old is to give her lots of your undivided attention. Her social network will be small and intimate and that's how she likes it. She may be afraid of strangers and new places, so it’s wise to stick to just inviting close friends and family to your house.

If you do want to invite more people, you could ask some of your friends from your old antenatal or postnatal classes. Why not buy or make some really special invitations, as you won't need many for a small gathering.

Getting the timing right

By one year old, your baby may be used to having a nap during the day. The worst time for all the excitement of a party is when your baby is tired, so an afternoon tea party after naptime, works well.

If you are inviting other babies, check out their naptimes with their parents. Once one starts wailing, they all will! Keep the party brief because an hour or so is quite long enough at this age.

Games and activities

Loud bangs from party poppers and bursting balloons may frighten your baby, and discarded poppers and balloons are serious choking hazards, so leave them until next year. Why not have some musical fun instead, such as dancing with your baby, or putting on some nursery rhymes in the background.

She'll appreciate a few simple games, such as Row the Boat or Round and Round the Garden, with plenty of tickles, too. She'll also enjoy peek-a-boo games, finding toys hidden in a box or under a cloth and, of course, helping you to open her presents. Do brace yourself for her being much more excited by the wrapping paper than the actual gifts!

Party suppliers can also help you with suggestions and ideas. Many sell party packs and more.

Choosing a venue

Home is the place where your baby will feel most secure. She'll appreciate a few colourful decorations or, if you want to go for something more adventurous, you could buy a baby ball pool.

What food to serve

Keep food simple because most of it will probably end up on the floor anyway! Finger foods are excellent for both babies and adults, as eating them won't interrupt play or interaction. Parents may well have brought a bottle or feeder cup with the drink of choice for their baby, but have water, milk and diluted fruit juices at the ready.

If you're providing food for the adults, keep it simple and avoid peanuts and other foods that may present a choking hazard to little ones.

Some babies will have quite a few teeth and be able to bite into food, while others may still be toothless, so cater for both extremes. Bread sticks, tiny sandwiches with cheese spread, cubes of mild cheese and mini fromage frais cartons are all good ideas. Chocolate fingers are scrummy, but messy, so plain biscuits may be a better choice. Jelly tends to be more of a play material at this age than a dessert.

To be honest, your mini guests will probably eat very little food, so aim for a variety of taste, texture and colour rather than lots of it.

However, no party is complete without a birthday cake. You can either make one yourself or choose from a variety at a supermarket or bakery. Don't let your baby near the candle as she will want to grab, not blow, it.

Choosing a theme

Party themes aren't important to a one year old. You may want to aim for a colour-coordinated look, but it's more for the benefit of your photo and video records than your baby at this stage.

The party bags

Party bags are really unnecessary at this age, and the usual goodies like sweets and balloons are just dangerous. If you really want to give a party present to your little guests, opt for a small, safe soft toy each or a board book.

Choosing presents

By now, your baby will appreciate anything that makes a noise, lights up, or both, so activity centres are a good choice. It's never too early to read, and textured board books are great fun for your tactile baby. A trolley, or push-along to aid walking skills is a popular choice, and new bath toys are always welcome. You may want to consider a big, lasting present, such as a baby swing for outdoors or a rocking horse.

If you already have lots of toys, she's too young to mind if some people buy her clothes instead. Check out our other present ideas.
5 tips for your baby's first birthday party
Planning tips for how to make your baby's first birthday party a memorable day.

Top tips for a successful party

  • Keep a very watchful eye on the party area for hazards, such as forks or small, easily swallowed objects, and clear them away quickly.
  • Make sure you have a willing volunteer to take plenty of photos or videos because you'll be too busy!
  • Babies will play alongside each other, not together, so keep a variety of toys available within a large, safe floor space.
  • It's crawling, walking and climbing time, so stair gates and fireguards are essential.
  • Provide breastfeeding mums with somewhere quiet and private to feed if they wish.
  • Have somewhere clean, handy and well-equipped for nappy changing available.
  • Store away precious ornaments and breakables.
  • Keep pets well out of the way.
Jenny Leach is an editor and writer specialising in evidence-based health content.

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