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Lìonra sòisealta nach gabh a reic

Bu chòir na tha cudromach dhut-sa nochdadh air inbhir na dachaigh agad seach na tha corporaid dhen bheachd gum bu chòir dhut fhaicinn. Seo meadhanan sòisealta gu tur diofraichte, air ais ann an làmhan an t-sluaigh.

Cùm smachd air an loidhne-ama agad

Chan eil duine sam bith nas eòlaiche air na bu mhiann leat fhaicinn air inbhir na dachaigh agad na thu fhèin. Cha chaith algairim no sanasachd d’ ùine. Lean air duine sam bith air frithealaiche Mastodon sam bith on aon chunntas agus faigh na postaichean aca ann an òrdugh na h-ama agus cuir dreach nas pearsanta air an oisean agad-sa dhen eadar-lìon.

Barrachd fiosrachaidh

Stèidhich d’ èisteachd le misneachd

Bheir Mastodon comas sònraichte dhut gun stiùirich thu d’ èisteachd gun eadar-mheadhanaich. Ma ruitheas tu Mastodon air a’ bhun-structar agad fhèin, ’s urrainn dhut leantainn air frithealaiche Mastodon sam bith air loidhne ’s an caochladh agus cha bhi smachd aig duine sam bith air ach agad fhèin.

Barrachd fiosrachaidh

Maorsainneachd mar gu chòir

Cuiridh Mastodon na co-dhùnaidhean ’nad làmhan fhèin. Cruthaichidh gach frithealaiche na riaghailtean aige fhèin a thèid a chur an gnìomh gu h-ionadail seach on àirde mar a thachras air meadhanan sòisealta corporra agus mar sin dheth, ’s urrainnear freagairt gu sùbailte do dh’fheumalachdan choimhearsnachdan eadar-dhealaichte. Faigh ballrachd air frithealaiche far a bheil thu ag aontachadh ris na riaghailtean ann no òstaich fear agad fhèin.

Lorg frithealaiche

Cho cruthachail ’s a ghabhas

Cuiridh Mastodon taic ri postaichean le faidhlichean fuaime, videothan is dealbhan, tuairisgeulan so-ruigsinneachd, cunntasan-bheachd, rabhaidhean susbainte, avataran beòthaichte, emojis gnàthaichte, smachd air bearradh nan dealbhagan is mòran a bharrachd ach an cuir thu do bheachdan an cèill air loidhne. Ge b’ e a bheil thu a’ foillseachadh an obair-ealain, an ceòl no am pod-chraoladh agad, tha Mastodon ri làimh dhut.

Barrachd fiosrachaidh

Carson a chleachdainn Mastodon?


Tha conaltradh eadar-nàiseanta gun dàil ro chudromach ach am biodh e a’ buntainn ri aon chompanaidh a-mhàin. ’S e nì fa leth ’s neo-eisimeileach a th’ anns gach frithealaiche Mastodon le comas eadar-obrachaidh le càch airson aon lìonra sòisealta uile-choitcheann a chruthachadh.

Bun-tùs fosgailte

Tha Mastodon ’na bhathar-bog saor le bun-tùs fosgailte. Tha sinn dhen bheachd gu bheil còir agad gun cleachd thu Mastodon, gun dèan thu lethbhreac dheth, gun dèan thu sgrùdadh air is gun atharraich thu mar a thogras tu agus gheibh sinne buannachd à tabhartasan na coimhearsnachd.

Chan eil e ri reic

Tha suim againn dha do dhèanadachd. Is tu fhèin a thaghas is a chruthaicheas an t-inbhir agad. Cha spàrr sinn sanasachd no pròifilean ort idir. Is ciall dha seo gu bheil smachd agad fhèin air d’ ùine is air an dàta agad is chan eil aig duine sam bith eile.


On a tha e stèidhichte air pròtacalan-lìn fosgailte, ’s urrainn do Mhastodon conaltradh le ùrlar sam bith eile a bheir ActivityPub gu buil. Le aon chunntas a-mhàin, gheibh thu cothrom air saoghal mòr de dh’aplacaidean sòisealta – seo an co-shaoghal.

Na tha ar luchd-cleachdaidh ag ràdh

I've made so many friends on Mastodon because I can actually talk to people instead of getting buried by algorithms that reward meaningless numbers over actual interaction.

infinite love ⴳ

Mastodon does an amazing job at giving communities the autonomy necessary to thrive by giving them the keys to federate and moderate their own servers. But don't let that alone overshadow the fact that it simply does features that the major social networks try to do (e.g. image captioning, content warnings) astoundingly better.


Mastodon has changed my opinion of social media, it's a refreshing take on microblogging with a focus on privacy and safety.

I've been on federated platforms since 2008. Mastodon is the best iteration of federated platforms with a user interface that is pleasant to use and a community of folks that I consider friends.


Mastodon is a privacy-friendly way to communicate with people which are interested in my work and the work of my authority. gives us the opportunity to incubate Mastodon accounts even for other federal authorities.


Mastodon allowed us to create a non-profit, abuse-free social network based on open web standards and principles, all the while allowing our moderators and members to reinvigorate the early web values of community, camaraderie and respect using modern, accessible technologies.

Mastodon is a well-moderated fully-functional microblogging service with some great features!


It's social media with moderation that actually works.


I could have joined an existing community, but I decided to self-host Mastodon.My posts to the world are replicated from my own servers and can be traced back to their originals. Since I own it, the platform will not be terminated or removed at the platform's discretion, and I can provide a long and stable service. I finally have this. Yay!


It's good software

Great community, friendly atmosphere, and free software! What else would you possibly need?

I wanted to have a federated social network since 2013 that looked and felt great and where I can connect to like-minded people. Mastodon just gave me the last puzzle piece and I absolutely love it! Probably spend more than five hours a day on my own little space with a friendly community that truly cares.

I'm personally addicted to Mastodon, for me it's like if Facebook or Twitter had a friendly version— where I can discuss things with people around the world about every single thing they love. If there's a subreddit for everything, of course there's also a Mastodon community for everything: I've got one profile for sharing art, another one for casual conversation and another one for politics.
Illustration of elephant characters on a globe.

Neo-eisimeileach gu bràth

’S e bathar-bog saor ’s an-asgaidh a tha ’ga leasachadh le buidheann neo-phrothaideach a th’ ann am Mastodon. Cumaidh taic phoblach suas an leasachadh ’s dealbhadh.

Taic le

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Gheibh thu barrachd taic o

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