The Moment That Changed My Life: Poet Rupi Kaur Opens Up About Her Depression Battle

Poet Rupi Kaur, whose world tour begins May 2, can only marvel at her meteoric rise in the publishing world. In 2014, she self-published her first collection of poems, “milk and honey” – after which, she thought she’d apply to law school. Instead, she went on to publish two more books, including her latest, “home body,” and grow an audience of 4.5 million fans on Instagram.

“It was like I got on a high speed train and never got off of it,” Kaur said. “When I did, I got extremely depressed.”

We caught up with Kaur, whose Calm Sleep Story "into the stars" debuted last month, about the moments that changed her life and how she's planning to protect her mental health in the future.