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This Scots edeetion wis shapit on 23rd Juin 2005. We hae 40,083 airticles the nou.
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Featurt airticle Featurt airticle


The village o Findhorn is fund on the north-east shore o the Findhorn bay an mouth o the Findhorn river, 30 mile east frae Innerness.

Watson (1926) kens the name is frae Fionn Èire, meanin white Ireland an it "doubtless refers tae the white sands o the estuary". The dative Èireann gied rise tae the uiss o the Inglis erne in ither local names sic as Invererne, Cullerne an Earnhill.

Its it mair likely that the name is frae the Pictish spoken in the area. The Pict-Scot union o 843 brought in Gaelic, Maxwell (1896) kens the Fin is frae the Pictish Pit, as in Pitlochery. The orn is simply 'river', frae the Scots Gaelic abhainn, an Auld Welsh afon. The Gaelic influence wis soon cowped by the sons o Malcolm Canmore who brocht in an ancestor o moderen Scots tung frae the Northumbrian bylied. Ken the lack o places stairtin wi Fin- an Pit- in the Gaelic speakin regions o the wast coast.

Fowk hae bed aroond Findhorn frae mair nor three thousan year. In 1986 biggin work kythed a clay burial urn containin the remains o a quine o twenty five year an her bairn.

Featurt Pictur Featurt pictur

A reid deer

A reid deer (Cervus elaphus) stag in Glen Torridon, Scotland

Eemage: Mehmet Karatay

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