شبكة اجتماعية ليست للبيع.
يجب أن يُملأ محتوى خيطك بما يهمك أكثر، وليس بما تعتقد شركة ما أنه يجب أن تراه. وسيلة تواصل اجتماعي مختلفة بشكل جذري ويتحكّم فيها مستخدموها.
تحكَّم في خيطك الزمني
You know best what you want to see on your home feed. No algorithms or ads to waste your time. Follow anyone across any Mastodon server from a single account and receive their posts in chronological order, and make your corner of the internet a little more like you.
تَعَرَّف عَلَى المَزِيداِبني جُمهُورَكَ بِثِقَة
Mastodon provides you with a unique possibility of managing your audience without middlemen. Mastodon deployed on your own infrastructure allows you to follow and be followed from any other Mastodon server online and is under no one's control but yours.
تَعَرَّف عَلَى المَزِيدالإشرَافُ بالطريقَة التي يَنبغي أن تكون
Mastodon puts decision making back in your hands. Each server creates their own rules and regulations, which are enforced locally and not top-down like corporate social media, making it the most flexible in responding to the needs of different groups of people. Join a server with the rules you agree with, or host your own.
العثور على خادمإبداعٌ لَا مَثِيلَ لَه
Mastodon supports audio, video and picture posts, accessibility descriptions, polls, content warnings, animated avatars, custom emojis, thumbnail crop control, and more, to help you express yourself online. Whether you're publishing your art, your music, or your podcast, Mastodon is there for you.
تَعَرَّف عَلَى المَزِيدلماذا ماستدون؟
ما يقوله مستخدمونا
مستقل دائما
ماستدون برنامَج حر ومفتوح المصدر طورته منظمة غير ربحية. يدعم الجُمهور تنمية المشروع وتطويره بشكل مباشر.
بدعم من
بِدَعمٍ إضَافِيٍّ مِن
Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.