WordPress.org API's is a set of API's on WordPress.org web site.
Secret key generator for wp-config.php.
Stats about the systems websites are running WordPress on.
WordPress Version Checker.
Check if a version of WordPress is latest
, outdated
, or insecure
Details about the various individuals who contribute to the WordPress code base. Used in Credits Screen. Available since WordPress 3.2, Locale may optionally be specified.
Available translations.
Fallbacks are also supported, for example:
v1.0 will return its content in PHP serialized form, v1.1 as a JSON object.
The arguments outlined for each endpoint should be passed in the $request parameter.
Returns a list of themes with their associated information, as well as meta information about the request. It provides multiple filters to search: text string, feature tags, author, and provides some capability for sorting (popular, featured, updated, new).
Example query: api.wordpress.org/themes/info/1.1/?action=query_themes&request[tag]=sticky-post&request[tag]=two-columns&request[search]=food&request[page]=2
Returns information about a specific theme.
Returns a list of the most popular theme tags.
Returns a list of valid theme tags.
1.1 & 1.2
The main difference is that 1.1 uses JSON by default, where as 1.0 used PHP Serialized by default. The 1.2 Info endpoints only accepts GET requests, and includes a different set of default fields - as used by WordPress 5.0+.
Note: Some docs on this api can be found here: http://dd32.id.au/projects/wordpressorg-plugin-information-api-docs/
Basic Example of getting total download count of a plugin - http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/plugins/communicating-with-the-wordpress-org-plugin-api/
A blog post about how to use the WordPress.org API to search for plugins and themes - https://orbisius.com/blog/use-wordpress-org-api-search-plugins-themes-p4477
Patterns from the Block Pattern Directory. Also used in Gutenberg's Inserter control.
List of popular import plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory used by Tools → Import Screen.
Returns a JSON encoded array of file MD5 checksums for a given WordPress release / locale. Although english is the default, it's suggested to pass it for 100% compatibility with core.
Note that MD5 hashes are not cryptographically secure and should not be relied on to detect malicious changes to WordPress files.
Used by the theme and plugin editor to get a reference to documentation generated with phpDocumentor.
Upcoming WordCamps and meetup events, filterable by location.
The date
and end_date
fields in the response are in the event's local timezone, not UTC.