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Middle School Design

NVUSD Middle School Vision

The vision of Napa Valley Unified School District Middle Schools is to provide an inclusive, equitable, responsive, restorative, and rigorous education, where students have a sense of belonging.  Students are encouraged to discover who they are and learn to advocate and contribute within a high quality educational environment.


The purpose of the NVUSD Middle School Design Team is to support the design of high quality comprehensive middle schools and the strengthening of the dual language immersion pathway through a new middle school language academy.  The design team will work in partnership with Design for Emergence to co-design a cohesive vision for the comprehensive middle schools, as well as a key set of design principles and agreements that bring coherence and alignment across the middle schools.  The production of a vision and design principles will support the NVUSD Board Priority success indicators: articulation of consistent course offerings, services and programs across the three middle school campuses with clearly articulated programming at the new language academy through a collaborative approach.  

Middle School Design Committee Updates

Napa Valley Unified School District is proud to support middle schools that are inclusive, equitable, responsive, restorative, and rigorous places of learning.  We want all students to find a place to belong in middle school; an environment where they can discover who they are, learn to advocate, and contribute to their school and community.  

We are excited to announce the core elements of NVUSD Middle Schools:

  • All students will have time built into the schedule for a period that is focused on building community, social emotional development, and connection to adults and peers.
  • All students will have integrated and designated social emotional learning.
  • All students will have equitable access to programming such as music, art, and other electives.
  • All sites will facilitate opportunities for small learning communities that provide a safe, inclusive, and responsive learning environment.
  • All sites will benefit from professional learning around equitable and effective grading practices.

As a part of bringing these opportunities and experiences to life, students, staff, and parents on the NVUSD Middle School Design Committee are working together to explore and design across all schools and we look forward to sharing more with you throughout the process. 

The Middle School Design Committee launched phase one of the design process in partnership with Design for Emergence on August 9th and 10th with a two-day “Design Drive.”  The Middle School Design Team participants who engaged in this work included representation from all middle schools (parents, students and staff). They will meet over the next few months as we work toward alignment among all of our middle schools. As a part of this work, we will develop programming for all middle schools including non-DLI students remaining at the River campus.

Middle School Logos


Middle School Vision and Programming Design: Fall 2021

Secondary Open Enrollment: November 1-30, 2021

Registration and Transition Events: Spring 2022

Design Team Committee

The middle school design committee is composed of NVUSD students, staff, families, site principals and district leaders who are committed to co-constructing an improved middle school experience for students and families.

Photograph of Design Team Committee
Design for Emergence Logo