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Alex "Seasonal" Forrest 🚉🍂
#TrainTwitter - trains & train stations - passionate opinions on public transit & civic design - transit bureaucrat, but all views here are my own
Pioneer ValleyJoined March 2011

Alex "Seasonal" Forrest 🚉🍂’s Tweets

I also notice that the ice cream store in older pic also says "bus terminal" "Boston" and "Hartford" maybe on the back side of the building? doesn't look like there's any terminal space in front lol
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you will notice two major changes in the modern day pic: 1- two buildings (3 stories each) replaced by smaller buildings (1 and 2 stories, respectively) 2- awnings removed, exposing pedestrians to rain and snow
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u have no idea lol
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If Pearl Harbor happened today rightoids would support Japan for taking down the "GAE" military industrial complex and would try to justify Japan's actions by showing how they aren't woke and don't use pronouns…
The kicker is that the grant award was for (by my estimate) roughly double the RTA's annual operating expenses. If they handed out money like that for OPERATIONS instead of for greenwashing we could run THREE TIMES as much bus service: more frequency, more routes, etc
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The local RTA recently got a huge grant to buy some electric buses and supporting infrastructure. Cool, right? Except "lack of electric buses" wasn't really a problem we were having--at least, not a problem from the passenger perspective.
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28. Subordination is a skill that most Americans do not have.
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I've said this for years now but Americans have a huge competitive disadvantage when it comes to #business: They don't know how to be subordinate. They either think they should be allowed to curse at their boss's boss, or they adopt BDSM-level submissiveness. Often the former.…
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